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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. I wonder if Miami checked into Kirk Cousins. If they’re not going to pay Tua, it wouldn’t have been the craziest idea to have brought in Cousins and flipped Tua (Washington, NYG, LV, Atl, Minnesota, and maybe even Dallas if they’re tired of Dak holding them hostage just off the top of my head might have been suitors). The problem for Tua is the injury history. If I’m Tua, and if I don’t have that very graphic injury history, I have no problem playing out the year, getting to FA, and either going the Cousins route for two years or getting the big deal immediately should the opportunity present itself. His medicals might be so bad, though, that nobody is going to commit $100m+ guaranteed for him. That’s the risk on his end. So, bottom line, if I’m the kid I think strongly about “holding in” at camp.
  2. Truth. Also, it’s time to destroy the drug cartels. They’re a much bigger national security threat than anything that Iraq did or didn’t do after the First Gulf War.
  3. Still no sign of the Antifa Air Force. I looked out the window this morning. Didn’t see it. Also, my city is not burning. Looks like this Antifa business was and still is a hoax.
  4. Hoax to your hoax. Your hoax is a fake hoax.
  5. Ed Oliver disagrees with that list.
  6. Do you see Israel bombing Tehran? I don’t. Like the stock market where it is? I do. Better they’re not shooting at each other.
  7. And yet Ukraine isn't overrun by the Russians, and Iran and Israel aren't at war.
  8. If you bothered to read the thread you’d understand why there’s nothing exclusive about this flag football league. I don’t see you, or anyone else for that matter, complaining about Fox News or OAN or MSNBC pushing an agenda. Or about having ads for booze and gambling and viagra smack you in the face every time you watch a sporting event (unless, of course, one of the beers features a person who you find weird or somehow threatening). So what’s the big deal here? Nothing. People are looking for a reason—likely political— to be mad about something. Maybe they should also protest sabah and challenger baseball and female-only gyms and local girls-only house hockey teams. Who friggin cares about a flag football program designed to make certain people comfortable with participating in football. The fact that this is an issue is ridiculous.
  9. Good point. Two men who love each other don’t bother me. But I’m tired of hearing about gambling, and booze, and Viagra, and vaping, and McSlob sandwiches, and Doritos, and giant pickup trucks for dudes who have never done a day of manual labor. “Gay” is pushed so much less than that other nonsense. If anyone has a problem with it, that’s in them.
  10. Exactly. Right on. Can’t say it better myself.
  11. I didn't want to point this out last night, but I feel comfortable doing so in view of this post. One of the most knowledgeable posters on this board, if not the most knowledgeable person on this board, is a gay man. So for all of you who are whining or threatened or whatever about this flag football league, get a life. Any fans of the Super Bowl teams have (likely unknowingly) cheered for a gay player. Live and let live, don't worry about who somebody else loves, and move on.
  12. Live and let live. Anybody who has an issue with thus needs to get a life.
  13. I can't believe that the Bills gave Dunne a one on one. This is pure speculation - maybe this was the price of keeping quiet on something else. (Such as keeping a lid on a still-unreported situation involving Diggs before that trade, or the tons and tons of smoke around a certain salacious situation from last year that is kind of an open secret in OP.) Or maybe, after the passage of time, McD sort of appreciated the report card and turned a very negative thing into something positive. Who knows. But it's odd.
  14. The point is that daboll got along with most everyone and said goodbye to role in person and the right way. It’s reflective of a good relationship. Josh and Diggs parted ways, apparently, with a text message. That parting speaks for itself. There was friction there.
  15. Diggs wears makeup, yes. There was a stupid dispute about whether the makeup bag could come into the locker room. Who counts and reports any votes for captain? As for the bad interactions, ask around if you have any LEO friends. The guy is a jerk. From what I understand somebody eventually put their foot down with him late in the season and that ended it. Case in point - after Daboll left for the Giants, he was back here for the summer. From what I understand, he said goodbye to a lot of the guys before camp started, including Allen, in person at his house. That was a good relationship. Other relationships end with text messages and the team paying to send a malcontent on his way.
  16. This might be true. I don’t know. But I know the other stuff to be true, and that Diggs was an enormous headache that they were tired of dealing with.
  17. That says it all. The people who saw him every day paid for him to leave.
  18. This is just a guess, but I suspect he was named a captain to try to calm him down a little bit. Now, on the other hand, I can say with near certainty that he was a major malcontent at least last year. Chronic lateness, special parking spot to help him be less late, arguments over stupid things like his makeup, bad interactions with law enforcement (he's simply a jerk; nothing violent or criminal, at least to my knowledge), stopped talking to Cook altogether at one point last year, broken relationship with Allen. And this is just what I've heard about. Best for both sides that he's gone. See above. All of that stuff is 2023.
  19. The best of what likely is a bad lot. But not one that would give me a ton of hope.
  20. That might be the explanation . There’s a difference between mischaracterizing a campaign expense and not declaring a campaign expense. I don’t know anything about the Hillary issue, though, so not fair for me to say. And, in any event, it doesn’t change that what trump did is a crime.
  21. I’ll give it you you straight. The FEC expert contention is garbage. Anyone pushing that doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Experts don’t opine on conclusions of law. Now, precluding testimony that the FEC determined not to charge Trump is a different ball of wax. That’s a discretionary call. I think it should have come in. Others may disagree. And, even if the first department agrees with me, the question will be whether the error is harmless under a nonconstituonal standard. I doubt that it is, although I didn’t sit through the trial. Venue contentions also are trash for reasons that distill to each juror either did or should have unequivocally assured impartiality. If that didn’t happen (highly unlikely) then it’s on defense counsel to object/challenge. Absence of objection there potentially is ineffective assistance of counsel but only through a 440 motion. But I’d doubt that would be raised because it seems like trump is going to do the unorthodox thing of having Blanche handle the post-trial litigation (who likely won’t contend that he was ineffective). sufficieny and weight contentions don’t have legs. Having read the final jury instructions and assuming the media reports of the *****, cohen, and hicks testimony are accurate, it’s a slam dunk on the facts. (This case is incredibly complicated on the law, but once one understands that piece, it’s pretty easy on the facts.) statute of limitations challenge similarly is junk. That contention involves only the felonies, for which the statute had not run. so there’s your nonpartisan analysis. All of these whiners about rigged trial and whatnot are clueless. Want to say that he shouldn’t have been prosecuted? I’ll listen. Maybe there’s an appellate argument laying around somewhere about unequal enforcement of this law. But the jury appears (see above re media reports) to have done the right thing on this all day long.
  22. I thought it was Lysol. Or maybe some yummy HCQ. Hoax.
  23. Isn't she the senator from Maine who supported a candidate for president who chanted "Lock Her Up" about a political opponent who had not been convicted of a crime? I'll be happy once he gets around to defining insurrection. Hoax.
  24. None. Another magat talking out of his rear.
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