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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Or JD which his favorite piece of furniture is! Cartoon man is back! Weird.
  2. Hoax. Put down the furniture catalog and figure out what likely voters means.
  3. Probably a bunch of cartoons and several years of furniture catalogs now that JD had made it cool to make sweet love to living room sets.
  4. Except that it’s working. In a big way. In large part because it’s true. look, I genuinely feel for Vance’s kids. This has to be tough. It’s not right. But when one lies with dogs who play this way, they get fleas. The whole thing is sad really. Weird. Also, making sweet love to a couch is weird. Unless you forgot about that. Or don’t care.
  5. Hoax. The only one banging furniture here is your boy JD. Stay on topic. And please remember that it is weird to bang inanimate objects in your living room.
  6. Oh yeah they’re nuts. They don’t get that they’re the joke. In doses it can be great fun. But then you realize that these people really are crazy. And that they’re totally f’n weird.
  7. Sock accounts. Sounds like you’re thinking of that weirdo JD on the couch. If only JD’s couch could have said those words. Weird.
  8. It’s a hoax, but at least he’s off the couch. I bet the guys who clean the couches on AF2 are praying that JD stays far away from that plane. Weird.
  9. Just like JD at Raymour and Flanagan. Hoax. Also, weird. I hope you didn’t type that from the couch.
  10. I agree that, in normal times, the “weird” business would be disgraceful. But these aren’t normal times, and MAGA tried to control narrative not through policy initiatives or the purveyance of hope, but through name-calling and belittlement just like this. If you ascribe to the commie/pedo/demorat, etc, narratives, then you’re fair game for the “weird” bit. JD signed up for all of this, and so it is that his sexual proclivities involving comfort furniture are fair game.
  11. Hoax. He’s a weirdo who likes to smash his couch cushions.
  12. I hope that my life never degrades to the point where I seek out stupid cartoons for the benefit of internet randos. I’m sorry you’re there. Also, you still haven’t answered my question about your couch.
  13. Weird. Maybe you should be more concerned about the sexual habits of those who are trying to make sweet love to upholstery. Think about that before you get back to your symposium of right wing internet drivel. At least I graduated from something! Unlike my MAGA friends, who were apparently too busy eating red meat and dry humping bus seats to get through high school.
  14. I actually agree with a lot of this. Except democrats do care about such things. They just don’t message it well. I don’t really care where or how someone takes a piss. But I do care whether they can find a good paying job and afford to eat a piece of chicken at night. Did you type that from your couch?
  15. What, no cartoons yet today? If you’re not too paralyzed by fear of the Antifa Air Force, then maybe you can get off the couch and get on that. Unless you’re one of those weirdos who “likes” the couch!
  16. You’re welcome. Also, don’t sit on the couch at JD Vance’s house. Free, unsolicited, but likely sage advice.
  17. I am glad trump is OK. We as a country are better than that. An unintended side effect of his survival is the comedic gold that is JD’s weird habit of making sweet love to furniture. Think, for a moment, of all of the humor that would have been lost had that bullet connected. Trump and his colleague in weird have brought plenty of chuckles to this corner of the world recently. The image of the two of them double teaming a couch in the Oval Office? Frightening, but also hilarious. Fortunately America is done with the weirdos and we don’t have to worry about JD’s Oval Office couch fantasy becoming a reality.
  18. You’re pretty obsessed with this stuff. You’re also pretty weird. But you know what’s extra weird? Banging couches. I can’t imagine JD as VP. Trump is gonna have the Russian ambassador in the Oval Office for Big Macs and espionage again and JD is going to be distracting everyone by dry humping the couch. It’s just weird.
  19. Weird. Not as weird as banging couches. But still weird.
  20. Extremely weird.
  21. Catalytic converter thieves. That’s great. So well said. What a bunch of weird people. The VP candidate apparently likes to bang furniture, the top of the ticket likes ketchup on his steaks and has a Hillary Clinton obsession, and the followers look like they didn’t make the cut for extras on trailer park boys. It’s hilarious. And so weird. Cartoon man thinks someone else is weird. This is great stuff. Maybe when you’re not busy looking at cartoons you and JD can go raw dog some upholstery.
  22. I wonder how NE handled the position during their years of 12-heavy personnel. Maybe that’s the model.
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