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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Nice work upgrading from cartoons to videos. Hoax. It’s still weird.
  2. He should. It’s spot on. Donold has gone soft. Which is good news for couches and dolphins. But bad for his campaign, because he’s tired, old, lazy, and incoherent. The “yelling at clouds from Mar a Lago” act isn’t going to work this time. To be fair, you guys also think it’s normal to bang couches and dolphins. So your judgment is, shall we say, a little weird.
  3. Weird. Nobody. Except weirdos, knows or cares about NPCs.
  4. Probably not. He’s demented, the other guy likes to watch videos of dolphins trying to run train on swimmers. These people are just weird. What about me, hoax man? I feel left out. Sort of like the dolphin that JD doesn’t try to smash at the aquarium. That sounds like the B-Man! Yesterday banging upholstery wasn’t cool. Now that JD does it, it’s acceptable to spill seed in household items. Today I’m sure we’ll hear about how it’s totally normal to want to watch dolphins dry hump humans. Gotta ban books like To Kill a Mockingbird, but libraries should be full of devices that allow students to watch attempted marine mammal / human intercourse.
  5. Weird. Oh yeah. True, not true, who cares. These people are habitual, unrepentant liars. Turning the tables a bit is great fun, especially when it comes to JD’s amorous tendencies with household items. Today it’s making sweet love to his couch. Tomorrow it’s doing a little cuckolding with marine mammals. Who knows, maybe by next week this guy’s running a cheese grater on his family jewels.
  6. Not really. It’s funny. Just getting warmed up for all of the dolphin fun on the way!
  7. Weird. You guys and your obsession with barnyard animals is just weird.
  8. That’s a weird post. This is all humor after all, right? We make fun of each other a little bit and go about our day. It’s a nice distraction sometimes. Fake news. All joking aside, that is really weird.
  9. Do tell about this dolphin situation. I’m eager to learn about this information.
  10. Likely created by none other than Vladimir Futon! Maybe JD should move to a colder climate. He could have a side piece there, like a snowman, to smash when the couch gets boring.
  11. He’s not. If it’s not a cartoon he doesn’t get it. Don’t bother. Nope. Had to do a couch check to see if that weirdo JD was there.
  12. I get that. But in this either or scenario that I’m taking about, I don’t have a choice. I have to take one. And I’d prioritize taste in those circumstances. So which of those two is yummier?
  13. So which one is yummier? Not that I want to take horse medicine or the fish tank cleaner. But in case I’m in a tricky spot where it’s an either or deal I figured I’d ask.
  14. Don’t kid yourself. You think it’s just as yummy as HCQ.
  15. He’s going to take a break from Vladimir Futon! I bet this won’t be the least bit weird. Hoax.
  16. Agreed. Do stuff people want. Don’t alienate them. Don’t be a jerk. All things MAGA could learn from. America wants normal. MAGA weirdos can’t or won’t give it to them. Instead we have a hetero-sectional nominee. It’s just weird.
  17. Hoax. Hetereo-sectional JD is a joke. Still haven’t heard from you in the hetero-sectional thread. Is it acceptable—and not weird—for MAGA to have someone spill a little seed on a couch during alone time with said couch?
  18. Maybe cartoon man can enlighten us soon. If the equine erection issue isn’t consuming all of his time.
  19. Non responsive. The question on the floor is whether hetero-sectionality is acceptable to MAGA and weird. It’s sweet. I agree. But I wonder whether to our MAGA colleagues is whether this is weird. I think it is. You think it is. But what does MAGA — experts on weird — think?
  20. We all know who I’m talking about. But, with all the concern in MAGA lately about who loves whom, I’m wondering if our MAGA colleagues find hetero-sectionality to be acceptable and not weird. Your thoughts are welcomed.
  21. What, no cartoons? Get off of the futon and get to work! Ivermectin man mentions horses first thing in the morning. Weird.
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