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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. None of this changes the fact that you and PhonyP are anti-cop and pro-cop beating. Also PhonyP apparently has experimented with eating human male members, because he’s telling other people to do so. And you guys wonder why people think you’re weird. You support people who beat cops. Just a reminder.
  2. Hoax. You’re pro-cop beating. Otherwise you’d be against J6.
  3. Where’ PhonyP now that someone in MAGA has tried to change the subject? Probably thinking of new ways to beat people in the name of Trump. Or thinking of kewl ways to tell someone to eat human junk. And he wonders why people think he’s weird.
  4. Hoax. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It’s weird. But they’re weird.
  5. Yet Trump does nothing for the J6 cops who were assaulted while saving democracy.
  6. Hoax. The title is what the title is. You believe in beating cops, so long as it’s in the name of Trump and the cops don’t die. It’s all in black and white. I would be embarrased of those views, but you just double down. I bet your family is proud of you. Hoax. Secretly they’re ashamed of you. And you should be ashamed of yourself.
  7. Hoax. The topic considers the celebration of J6 terrorists. You tried to change the subject to point out that the terrorists on J6 were so incompetent that they didn’t manage to kill any cops on J6. I pointed out that your position reflects that you take no issue with the beating of cops, so long as it’s for a purpose that suits Trump and so long as the beating does not result in the death of the officer. It’s unfortunate that you’re anti-law enforcement. I think it’s rather sick that you support the beating of cops. But that’s MAGA for you. You also say couch, dolphin, sperm cup, and ill-applied orange makeup. That’s why you’re weird. And it also doesn’t change the fact the J6 insurrectionists were and are terrorists.
  8. I didn’t say otherwise. I pointed out that you’re OK with the attacking of police officers so long as the officers don’t die and so long as the attack is in the name of Trump. Maybe you should float that one at the next PBA picnic and see how it goes over.
  9. Hoax. MAGA has the screw loose. They bang couches, bang dolphins, carry sperm cups, and support the attack and beating of cops. More than weird. Sick.
  10. How many officers were attacked on J6? And how many were injured? According to PhonyP here, it’s OK to attack cops so long as it’s in the name of Trump and so long as they don’t die. That’s the bottom line.
  11. Whining about prices. Commie. Get a job. I bet you get all the chicks with hilarious nicknames like that one. Hoax.
  12. Hoax. I’ll be just fine if I’m not there to watch the weird cheeseburger addict and the guy who likes to eat dogs. It just gets weirder and weirder for these guys. One of them is obsessed with the 1980s, Joe Biden, and McDonalds. Another likes to barbecue dogs and drop off dead bears in Central Park. And the third has this thing about couches and dolphins and eyeliner. Weird all around. I can’t wait to see the clips of the Don whacking down dozens of cheeseburgers and passing the ketchup to RFK while he hammers down a grilled labradoodle. These people are sick and weird.
  13. Flipping him for a WR wouldn’t be the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s a creative idea. I’m not in favor of moving on. But if we had to, I had also wondered about the idea of using him as a vehicle to move some bad money off of the roster. I was specifically thinking of Bass, but with the acceleration of cap dollars that would flow from a trade I just don’t think that would work.
  14. Cool story about RFK. He lost. Same thing about Trump. A jury of his peers convicted him. That’s what happens with rule of law. Also, for future reference, an effective method of not being convicted of a crime is not to do crime in the first instance. Maybe you can bring that up at the next MAGA pow wow at mar a lago after everyone gets done trading JD Vance sperm cups, getting down to the best of the 80s, and mocking suckers, losers, basement dwellers.
  15. Last I checked a likely mentally ill Republican took a shot at Trump. Not a Democrat. RFK has this little problem called rule of law. As it happens, he didn't follow said law and he's not going to be on the NYS ballot. As far as the war crimes issue goes, float that one down at the VFW and ask how many of those vets agree. Was it a stupid, needless war? I guess. I have no idea why we fought the second Iraq war, and I completely understand--maybe, better put, I acknowledge and respect, because I wasn't there--the anger flowing from that decision. But if there were "actual war crimes" then some rank and file vets are complicit. I'm not going there. Nobody should. Those guys sacrificed enough for us.
  16. The fact that he got through that Ty Dunne article the way that he did really impressed me. To survive that, and 13 seconds, and to navigate the Diggs drama, tells me he is a leader of men.
  17. Who is "they?" Even if all of this is true, it's not a reason to support or tot vote for a guy who has no regard for the very document that protects your rights to live a counterculture life.
  18. You take this internet thing pretty seriously. It’s almost like we have a rule #2 situation upon us again. Maybe you should relax, sit on a couch, pet a dolphin, and chill.
  19. What hypocritical take is that? Hoax. Also, if you're going to question one's cognitive powers, it's best to use the proper form of its. FYI.
  20. You too. But not with upholstery. That's just weird.
  21. This got me thinking - should dolphins take HCQ? Maybe we can blend two MAGA wrongs and make a right here. I don't answer to people who support people who bang couches and want to bang dolphins. Weird. Also, I bet that couch in the background is nervous about what's to come later.
  22. It’s the internet. Nothing to get upset about.
  23. That’s what MAGA does. Child tax credit? Adios. Tariffs? Raises taxes on everyday consumers. Middle class? MAGA gives the rich a dollar and you a dime. tommy eyerolls here really should be a Bernie bro - or a Democrat - instead of MAGA.
  24. Now he knows how Mike Pence felt on January 6. It’s the party of hoax. Truth is this fleeting thing, dictated largely by convenience. At one point it’s weird to carry around JD Vance sperm cups. Now they think it’s cool. Sometimes Biden is president, sometimes Obama is president, sometimes it’s Trump. It’s gotta be tough for them to keep all of these lies and stories straight.
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