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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. And at least two were into the wind. Not sure if this is seen on tv, but the guy is methodical. He practices where to put his feet (followed by a practice "swing") like nobody I've ever seen.
  2. Everyone has a right to an opinion. Mine is that yours is either willfully or blissfully ignorant. We agree to disagree.
  3. It's interesting that you refer to sports as a safe place. I am a lawyer, and there were times in my career I would sit at an NFL game and be thrilled with the fact that for three hours nobody could bother me. So I get that side of things. I also see, however, how sports may be for change. Jackie Robinson, Mexico City Olympics, and Billie Jean King. I'm with you to the extent that you wish that we can just talk about football watch football on Sunday and not think about anything else. I guess maybe this is another one of those sports/culture convergences. And I also guess it's what I signed up for when I start living and dying with sports. Somewhere, sometime, I was going to have my Jackie Robinson, Mexico City moment etc.
  4. You and I went round and round on the "knee" topic awhile back and we have wildly contrasting views on the issue. But I strongly agree with your point about the real world being in places that people in NYC and la refer to as flyover country. This trump conversation occurs in significant part because he recognized that when nobody else did (and won an election because of it). Maybe we can agree that everyone should be heard -- people in middle America who feel that their struggle is ignored, people of color who have a different but equally trying struggle, etc. Bottom line, empathy is a good thing .... except for the broncos tomorrow. Go bills.
  5. Most parts of yesterday feel different to me. Except for the passing game. The ball doesn't come out on time, there is absolutely no rhythm, and most of the good results come from ad hockery - scramble, broken play, etc. It is not a sustainable way to run an offense. Tyrod seems to be a hard worker and a really good guy, but I can't help but wonder if peterman is a better fit even as of today.
  6. That was a scouting trip. Weeks had proposed a significant baseball card trade, and some of the subjects of that trade were playing in that game. Seriously ... Rex became a caricature. He once was a good football coach. But his ego, lack of preparation, and uncontrollable mouth destroyed all of that. I'm thrilled that he no longer is on our sideline.
  7. Outstanding. That is gold. I laughed so loudly me secretary came into the office.
  8. Interesting that he has to keep on saying this. Was at the game tonight and, once again, it seemed that the kid has the "it" factor.
  9. Yes. Home/scoreboard side of the field, lower bowl, maybe around the 20-ish yard line. Was moved around a lot in the stadium as a kid, but sat there for many big games -- including the comeback game. Sadly, those seats now are dugout suites.
  10. I wonder what Beane's mind thinks of Taylor's status.
  11. I can't believe Peterman isn't the #2 already.
  12. That made me laugh out loud. Well done!
  13. That's fine. I disagree with you, but we're both entitled to an opinion on the matter. Boyer is relevant because, last I checked, there aren't any t-shirts floating around containing an image of Boyer and a target on the image. The fact that Kaep is perceived so much differently from Boyer . . . I'll leave it to others to decide what that means. Maybe we can protest Chris Long the next time the eagles play here. We're all entitled to an opinion. Not to belabor the point, but the flag can be respected in different ways. Apparently Boyer and Kaepernick think one way to do so is to kneel, rather than to sit, during the playing of the national anthem. We're all entitled to an opinion on the matter. For what it's worth, all of this discussion is relevant to the question posed in this thread with respect to the acceptance of Kaepernick as a Bill. For some the issues make it impossible to accept him, for others the issues are secondary to the question of football skill (or lack thereof). It is an interesting discussion.
  14. Nate Boyer conceived of the taking of a knee in response to Kaep's act of sitting on the bench during the playing of the national anthem. That is, he sanctioned the act now in question. He also wrote this opinion piece in the army times: http://www.armytimes.com/opinion/2016/08/30/an-open-letter-to-colin-kaepernick-from-a-green-beret-turned-long-snapper/
  15. That might be extreme. Initally I would have agreed with you. The snide part of me might have added that for a birdbrain like Marcel dareus a small shiny object is sufficiently distracting and, given the plethora of such things, adding Kaep to the mix wouldn't have much if a negative effect. But I am coming around to the idea that the extra media attention, and the debate that would occur near.y every day, would negatively affect the workplace. In other words, while the attention might be for the "wrong" reasons, I sort of agree with shady on the distraction point.
  16. Well said. I'll add that maybe the flag means different things to different people. And that's ok. Just like it's ok to disagree about whether Kaep is done as an NFL QB.
  17. To be fair, nobody has responded to the Nate Boyer point. He's the vet (and JAG long snapper) who, if memory serves, came up with the compromise protest. I appreciate that Boyer doesn't protest himself, but he arguably created the pose. So why no animus toward him?
  18. I thought you stopped reading at porn. I guess not. For what it's worth, I know precisely where I am. Specifically, I'm in a thread where you adopted a photo of a t-shirt depicting a man with a target that has been placed on him because he has a point of view different from the creator of the t-shirt (and, apparently, yours). Whether one agrees or disagrees with Kaep is immaterial. The "target" stuff is the crap that doesn't belong. And this fact remains: you still can't dispute my points.
  19. Fair enough. No reason to read it if you can't dispute it.
  20. You need to spend more time in twobillsdrive and less time reading infowars. I do mean that in a nice way.
  21. What is porn? Brighter minds than mine have said that one "knows it when he (or she) sees it." I'll leave it to everyone else to draw the thinly-veiled analogy. There is a certain irony in champions of the second amendment imploring violence against someone exercising his first amendment rights. With respect to football, Kaep does nothing for the Bills. Surely he is better than Yates, but he also is not what he was a few years ago. If he can't win us 10 games (which he can't), then there is no sense having him here. In that context he most likely either would take reps from peterman, win enough games (assuming he plays) to worsen our draft status without getting us to the playoffs, or both. I appreciate that there is a scenario in which he could win us a handful of games in the absence of our starter that could allow us to reach the playoffs. But I'm a realist and I dont think we will be anywhere near that point. How do you feel about Nate Boyer? I'll go back to breathing through my mouth. And rooting for Tyrod, shady, lorax, Hughes, etc.
  22. I had exactly the same thoughts. It was hard on the eyes.
  23. Good point. I think it was Funchess who destroyed Darby in the PS a few years ago (could be wrong), but the bills intentionally left Darby alone that night so the beating could deflate his ego.
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