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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. probably J.D. Williams
  2. No argument here. That throw is precisely why the staff wanted to look at peterman and precisely why Taylor will don a different uniform next year.
  3. Agreed. I started a thread awhile ago on how Kirk Cousins is the key to things for us. I still think that's the case. I wouldn't be surprised to see the 49ers attempt to flip Garrapolo for Cousins (and for Washington to bite on it) this offseason, thereby freeing the 49ers to (at least attempt to) trade their top pick for a haul of draft picks that will expedite their rebuilding process. If only we stumbled into a quarterback that allowed us to use this year's bevy of picks to replenish the roster . . . .
  4. I think Mac contemplated a switch for this week during the New Orleans game. It was interesting to me that Peterman was protected by starters and threw to starters. In other words, Tyrod and (I believe) Shady were the only starters pulled from the blowout. At least one guy who has had a maintenance day recently (Incognito) was not. That suggests to me that Mac wanted as "true" a look at Peterman as possible.
  5. This. Sunday was inept.
  6. I love that McDermott made this move. It shows huge guts. Even though it's obviously the right move. The last two weeks established that we more than likely will not make the playoffs with tyrod. We may have a chance to make the playoffs with a functional passing game. Peterman at this point is the only hope for a functional passing game. Even if we miss the playoffs, there is no downside. We have roughly half the season to evaluate whether Peterman quarterback the team moving forward, or whether we should spend our bevy of draft picks next year to acquire a quarterback.
  7. As far as I recall Funchess inflicted much of the abuse in Darby that day. But Benjamin might have joined the funny beating Gilmore, too.
  8. Have you watched him play in person? Great assessment that you will only feel stronger about watching his act in pregame. Totally casual approach.
  9. This is exactly right. Why cut any of those three? Benjamin is better than anybody we would find in the third round this year. Sometimes you have to give something to get something.
  10. Love this move. We have the chance to end the drought, and the shows the team the Fanbase we are going for it. I'll get a little bit ahead of myself here. I came of age with the Super Bowl Bills, and I'll just point out that we now have an opportunistic defense, a huge Halloween trade that nobody saw coming, and a linebacker who made a play against the Raiders eerily similar to that of Spiderman against the same team and basically the same spot of the field in the 1990 AFC championship game.
  11. The draft pick has next to nothing to do with the trade. The transaction was about excising a headache from the locker room, mitigating the risk dareus suffers a catastrophic injury this year that would prevent him from being cut in a timely fashion next year, and freeing even a minimal amount of cap space. Mission accomplished. With a lottery ticket to boot.
  12. No one $10m, and a couple of guys who want to be here the balance. It's a win.
  13. This. Addition by subtraction. Hard to promote a culture of accountability when your highest-paid player is a morose, indifferent slob. Imagine a "normal" workplace in which the highest-paid worker earns a salary 30x that of the average worker and also is one of the least productive and most ineffective employees at that business. Good luck with morale in that scenario. I wish dareus the person luck and happiness as he moves forward, but I am beyond thrilled that dareus the football player is a former bill.
  14. Joe Montana was a pro bowler one, too, and he has no place in the roster. Dareus is a slob and we are better for his departure. Imagine if, at your job, the least productive worker made a yearly salary close to 30x what many of the good workers earn. After awhile it gets harder and harder to motivate the good employees when the overpaid, morale-killing sloth is around. This trade is quintessential addition by subtraction.
  15. That's the one I'm talking about. Great point. You'd think I'd remember th name given that I drive by it four times a week. But the perf ft spot to stop on the way from the airport to the stadium. Also, I believe nino's (a minute or two away from the OPH) opens at nine on game days. If pizza for breakfast is your thing, stop there.
  16. Spot coffee in orchard park (on 20A). Or the pancake place on union in op just south of Michael rd. I saw a reference to wegmans earlier in the thread. Great idea, but consider the west Seneca wegmans rather than Hamburg. The west Seneca wegmans is more direct from the airport, and is much less of a circus than the Hamburg wegs.
  17. I think at one point he had six in a row. He's hurting the team.
  18. I thought the same thing while watching the game. Not sure why that building was necessary. It seems so wasteful.
  19. Well done, This or led zep would be great. Bruno mars killed it a few years ago. Would love to see that again.
  20. Definitely not by design. The play was for Matthews coming across the formation behind the line. They used to run something similar for woods and hogan a few years ago, and I think Holmes might have scored on the same play in the opener.
  21. And at least two were into the wind. Not sure if this is seen on tv, but the guy is methodical. He practices where to put his feet (followed by a practice "swing") like nobody I've ever seen.
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