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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. There is a certain irony in someone from MAGA posting this.
  2. Nobody, including and especially me, expected this type of information when dolphins became able to communicate with humans.
  3. I tease you a lot but good work on the kids, man. Congratulations.
  4. Apparently simple things amuse simple people.
  5. He never has one. Incomprehensible gibberish through which he attempts to blame “the left” for what most likely are his self-inflicted problems.
  6. There we go. It’s the government’s fault someone is an undesirable loser. What a crock. Get out and get to work. Quit blaming other people for your lack of confidence, ability, or success.
  7. Hoax. You said that you "do not support or condone the violence that occurred that day." Failing or refusing to support something is different from condemning it inasmuch your position leaves open the possibility that you are neutral on the issue. I condemn violence, be it in the context of the 2020 protests of which you spoke or in the much more serious and transcendent insurrection of January 6. It's easy. You could do it, too, but you won't. Your omission causes me to believe that you are indifferent to that violence. You might not support it, but you don't mind it. And, to invoke the Bush Doctrine here, you're either for or against cops. Inasmuch as you won't condemn the violence against them on J6, you can't be for them, which necessarily means that you're against them and at best indifferent to the assaults upon them on during the insurrection. Weird and shameful, for sure. Hoax. You don't and won't condemn the trespasses, the violence, and the assaults upon the Constitution, our government, and our police officers on January 6. You could condemn it, too, but you won't. Sick and weird.
  8. You could just, you know, condemn it. It's easy. Try it. But you can't bring yourself to do it because, deep down, you don't condemn it and you support what happened that day. Sick, weird, and shameful.
  9. I don't disagree that it's unhealthy. And I certainly agree that it's an issue. I have to say, though, I'm tired of their projection and whining. Maybe they should put down the sausage, lay off the booze, practice a little fiscal and self discipline, and see where it takes them. They're just as bad as all of these whiners here. "Libtard" this, government's fault that, left did this, and that's why I'm a loser, they say. It's a all a crutch. They're losers because they took the easy way out time and time again, watched other people get ahead of them, and now look for someone else to blame. (Mexicans, liberals, China, immigrants, women, whatever.) Guys like me outhustled and outworked and out-"disciplined" these MAGA losers, and I feel not one ounce of sympathy or concern for these unaccountable losers.
  10. Same old show with you guys. Still waiting for my "democrat-run" city to burn, and still checking the skies looking for the Antifa Air Force. You guys should go back to banging upholstery and dolphins and keep your weird stuff to yourselves.
  11. Hoax on both counts. Watch this. Want to peacefully protest? Go for it. It's the American way. Want to commit crimes, or trespass, or damage property, or assault others? Unacceptable in any context, and to be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Anyone who has done that is wrong, plain and simple. Now try that about your January 6 colleagues. Still can't bring yourself to condemn it or to condemn the violence against police that occurred that day, Phony P. Sad, sick, and weird.
  12. There's nothing false about it. You support J6. J6 involved the beating of cops. Therefore, you support beating cops. Your logic and sick and weird position, not mine. I hope you feel shame.
  13. Hoax. Also, from what I gather in reading your posts, you are, shall we say, well versed in the art of incompetence.
  14. JD is such a whiner. Maybe he should go raw dog a living room set to help him calm down. Weird.
  15. Hoax. Going to a MAGA rally must really bring out the waterworks in you. It's a uniquely toxic brew of heart disease, diabetes, dumb, and weird all in one location.
  16. Aren't you the guy who a few days ago said he doesn't care about what other people do? Why so worried about controlling women and limited bodily freedom? And you call other people commies. Weird. MAGA is a toxic stew of selfish, dumb, and weird. No doubt about it. I bet if Westside gets out of mom's basement, slaps a little duct tape on that 2011 Maxima, and gets that moderately functional pile of s to Mar-a-Lago he will be welcomed with open arms. Don Jr. might even take a break from shooting zoo animals to escort Westside to meet "45" by the pool, where they can munch fast food, text Kim Jong Un, and dance the night away to the best the 80s have to offer.
  17. Last I checked she's not the one who tried to overthrow the government and the Constitution on January 6. I have no idea what this weird gibberish means. Hoax.
  18. Phony P is back! Weird, actually, is supporting the bashing of cops with fire extinguishers on January 6. That's weird. That's a lot of hoax in one paragraph. You have a vivid imagination. Not a lot of smarts, but an active imagination.
  19. Hoax. It was ineffective and It gave people a false sense of security. See above.
  20. You must be pretty mad at yourself about all of that bum HCQ advice.
  21. Good point. This isn't about assigning blame, but accepting responsibility. Rational people wonder what they could have done better when they have or may have involvement in a situation such as this one. Maybe leaving that hard deadline for someone else wasn't a great plan. And maybe there's a little bit of responsibility to be accepted there. And maybe, just maybe, if a rational actor had been president from 2016-2020, that person would not now exploit that situation given the possibility that they should accept some responsibility for what occurred. I don't know who is responsible for what in this scenario. But if I might have played even a small role in the deaths of 13 service members, there's no way I would be politicking in front of one of their tombstones. Not a chance. And that's the difference between rational people and the weirdos like Trump.
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