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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Thanks. I wasn't aware of that. I'm a Democrat, and I believe strongly in reasonable gun control. But not sure I would have jammed that through now given everything else that's going on in society. I still don't agree with Trump calling for the liberation of Virginia, but at least I understand the (apparent) basis for the 2A reference.
  2. What measures re: the 2A? Is this the ACA replacement? What is Trump's plan? So how come Trump didn't suggest the liberation of Ohio?
  3. I'm late to the party, but I'm guilty there sometimes, too. And I'll admit it.
  4. I'm not familiar with the duration of the shutdown there, but I'm not doubting what you say. Point remains, though, what's the impact on the 2A? And why inject that issue into a conversation this public health crisis if you're the president? I just don't see any intent other than to inflame.
  5. Fair points. But what about Virginia? And, I'll add, what does that have to do with the 2A? You'll probably get to inability purchase guns/ammo. I think the analyses probably are separate for those two things, but assuming they're not I suspect that the shutdown probably wouldn't infringe upon the 2A because there is a legitimate government purpose underlying the closures (it's been awhile since I took Con Law in law school; not my area).
  6. This is somewhat fair. I appreciate the candor. It's OK to disagree on the merits all day long, and if someone wants to disagree with McCain on the merits, that's great. The "shot down" incident occurred long before the merits issues arose, and really should have been off limits. I appreciate the honesty in acknowledging that it was something that shouldn't have been said. And I'll add, I appreciate the disagreement on the merits here. I've hung around because I'm learning some things. And that's good. It's how America is supposed to work.
  7. You're trying way too hard this morning. By your logic, then Trump is trying to repeal the Second Amendment? I don't follow. Cliff from Cheers would say that none of those things have been in my kitchen. Not sure where you're going with this, but enlighten me.
  8. Context is important. The “liberate” tweets were made re a group of states with dem governors and meaningful pandemic restrictions that also happen to be swing states. The 2A reference is nothing more than an attempt to inflame.
  9. Cool story, bro. It’s time to shoot covid-19. You know, the virus. Read the first paragraph of what you quoted.
  10. Holy cow. Now the virus is trying to repeal the second amendment. there can be only one solution. It is time to shoot the virus.
  11. More “fake science” for those who are interested. : https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Coronavirus-can-survive-prolonged-exposure-to-high-temperatures-study-625118
  12. helping Some people is not the issue. You need some work staying on point. the question is whether the drug has delivered as the prez indicated it would. It has not. https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1241367239900778501?lang=en https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.eu/article/how-a-chance-twitter-thread-launched-trumps-favorite-coronavirus-drug/amp/
  13. I was thinking about that statement earlier tonight for reasons unrelated to arguing with idiots on the Internet. The OP Fire did a drive through of the town and we took the kids for a ride to try to see the fire trucks again after they passed our neighborhood. during the ride we stopped next to a Vietnam vet. I thought of the statement about McCain and wondered whether it opened an old wound for those who struggled in their return home from that war. “I like guys who didn’t get shot down” is the equivalent of “I like infantrymen who didn’t get shot,” or “I like marines who didn’t lose a leg to a land mine.” Independent of politics, it was just a freaking awful thing to say. I hope the guy who was in the car next to mine didn’t endure any of those pains. And if he did, I hope he knows that right-minded people of all political and cultural persuasions stand with him.
  14. How so? He’s the editor of the site, right? But if you want to call him fake news, whatevs. Not my battle. Yeah I know. Maybe the Prez should have talked to someone with the same knowledge before misleading the public about the efficacy of the treatment. Or maybe we should lower our expectations for the leader of the free world. Either or. Also, just checked out the fake news Johns Hopkins website. Can confirm that the fake news media does not believe the virus to be disappearing. Perhaps this is because it is not actually April, and the fake news media has also misreported the month.
  15. Earlier I noted that Matt Drudge is turning on Trump. Here’s a story to that effect: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/18/media/matt-drudge-trump/index.html Before anyone says, “It’s a CNN link. That’s fake news!,” let it be known that I copied the link from the Drudge Report. Unless that’s now fake news, too ...
  16. I tried. I called my primary care physician, and he said that trump had no scientific or medical basis for his claims. That guy is a lib snowflake, so that was to be expected. For the past several hours I’ve been on hold with the office of the physician who said, without even examining the 44 presidents who preceded him, that Trump is the healthiest president ever. I figure anybody who believes the Trump would throw a beat down Into Teddy Roosevelt is a sure bet to give me a script for this. is this too much winning? Asking for a friend. Solid point. I’ll have to be sure to tel the doc I’m on hold with that this being the month of April is fake news spread by the biased liberal media.
  17. Why are zinc and the AB necessary? I thought the prez said we could whack this stuff down on the sand and see what happens. Bottom line according to Doc: Brazil study is bunk part b/c zinc and AB weren't used. The prez said to guzzle this stuff without mentioning zinc and the AB. Which, by Doc's logic, makes the prez's claim on this point . . . bunk. Sigh.
  18. What about France and China? I’m not a doctor - it’s a serious question.
  19. Different topic, but you’re right about that. Sauids want to put the squeeze on our (more expensive) domestic production, too. I agree w trump on this one that prices can’t fall too low for fear of hurting domestic producers.
  20. Link? Proof? Are getting means present tense, so it has to be a contemporaneous example. Just in case Trump does the radio show and Doc or anyone else gives him a jingle, it looks like the trump miracle drug might not be effective after all: https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2020-04-17/malaria-drugs-fails-to-help-coronavirus-patients-in-controlled-studies all of the side effects without any of the benefits. In case he’s still planning on sucking some of this stuff down as a preventative measure, somebody with medical credentials that he trusts (aside from Dr. Nick Riviera; couldn’t resist adding to the Simpsons references here) should let him know.
  21. In other words, if he would act responsibly he’d solve a lot of his own problems.
  22. more whataboutism re the deblasio reference. We’ve been over this.
  23. It’s not a refusal to admit. It’s a refusal to address a point immaterial to this debate. If were going to get into Obama, we may as well explore Reagan’s response to AIDS and Woodrow Wilson’s response to the “Spanish” flu. Those points have no bearing on the efficacy of Trump’s response, and the question of Obama’s response to a different pandemic at a different time likewise is of no relevance here.
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