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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. No more sarcasm here on my part. Some of them are struggling, no doubt. Some of them are bored. Some are desperate. Some don't believe the science. And some are duped by the President. There's no one-size fits all answer. And there's no perfect answer to the horrible problems that we face as a country. On my end, the smart money says that we have to hang tight for a little while longer for both the greater good and the long-term good. But I get the struggle, I honestly do, and I get the frustration of those who are watching retirement savings evaporate and debt mount. It's horrible.
  2. Hoax. Right now they're printing it and borrowing it. More fake logic from fake news SoCal Deek.
  3. There you go again. Another hoax. Who said I pointed fingers? Maybe you're a bit paranoid about being called paranoid. Not a lot of people know this, but if you're paranoid about being paranoid, then you are paranoid.
  4. More fake logic from fake news SoCal Deek. The fed unemployment benefits are designed to take care of that. And, for what it's worth, your logic has a flaw: simply reopening the economy doesn't mean that the "customers" will be there. Because, you know, like two thirds or so of them seem to think it's a bad idea and are less likely to consume at pre-pandemic levels. You'll probably come back with "but some people don't get the unemployment!" Fair enough. There are going to be some losers in this situation, and the approaches now (which, I note, have been articulated in significant part by the Trump Administration) are designed to cause the least amount of harm. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/03.16.20_coronavirus-guidance_8.5x11_315PM.pdf https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-extends-social-distancing-guidelines-april-30-predicts-great-things-n1171536
  5. Who said anything about starving to death? Grocery stores and pharmacies are open here. To my understanding there is no forced closure of grocery stores and food supply operations anywhere. There may be certain food supply issues (getting bacon or ham or whatever is made at those SD plants might be tricky for a bit). But the cheese reference is (again, I detest the term) gaslighting. Maybe I should just call it a SoCal Deek hoax.
  6. That actually is a pretty good articulation of your position and a pretty good explanation of why you don't fall into the paranoid category. Well done. There you go again. Another Chef Jim hoax. Fake news.
  7. Also, I didn't realize that he had a concrete business. My understanding is that he used to be Carl Paladino's driver. Not sure what happened b/w him and Carl. Gotta be fake newz. There's a sizable contingent here that's ready to go out and start liberating stuff without wearing masks or practicing social distancing, just like the Prez. Oh, and bets against the market are at an all-time high this morning. But of course that has nothing to do with the misguided and myopic haste in the White House.
  8. But people plead guilty for lots of different reasons! That's fake news because it wasn't on Fox or OAN! /end sarcasm.
  9. Almost as backwards as "Keep America Great." I don't know about you, but I think Depression-era unemployment, a pandemic, and a president who claims "absolute authority" but takes no responsibility for such crises is not all that great.
  10. To my Trump/Keep America Great friends: any thoughts on the protest and on Rus Thompson? Anyone planning to go? https://buffalonews.com/2020/04/19/health-experts-advise-sustained-social-distancing-ahead-of-gridlock-buffalo-protest/
  11. Nope. Don’t feel like a fool. Also, I live basically the same way. Went vegetarian recently. It’s like rocket fuel for the body. Try it. It’s great.
  12. I see a lot of back and forth about firearms, but no conversation about the benefits of broccoli. Which, by the way, I am dying for right now in the midst of the pandemic.
  13. The point is that you’re more likely to die from dietary excess than you are in a burglary. So if you’re that concerned about personal protection you should be as animated about vegetables as you are firearms.
  14. now I’m not being a smart mouth. Do house alarms help? I was broken into a couple of years ago and now the alarm is loud and on when we even go for a walk in the neighborhood. I’ve heard anecdotally that the loud alarms are helpful. We have a lot of burglaries in this part of OP.
  15. It would be healthiest to approach all threats with the same verve. Got a steak in the freezer? Get it to the trash. Replace it with a green vegetable. That’s the threat in your home tonight.
  16. Nobody is against protection. Others have pointed out that you should be equally wary of statically greater danger, like red meat or maybe sugar. Also, perhaps I’m not as familiar with the message board experience as are you, but my understating is that name calling is not a way to foster conversation. That said, I still don’t know what youre here for, so it may be that this is simply an outlet for your anger and paranoia and that name calling is a healthy exercise for you. In that case I’m happy to be here to contribute to your fight against heart disease and other silent killers. EDIT: just saw that you’re here for entertainment purposes. So the name calling isn’t a health issue for you. In that case I’d ask you to refrain from name calling. Also, just a helpful hint, maybe you could spend less time here and more time working. That might allow you to acquire more capital and move to a safer neighborhood. That, in turn, might lessen your odds of dying or experiencing physical harm in burglary.
  17. I was thinking something similar. It’s gotta be tough to go through life being so paranoid. It’s almost a crippling paranoia. It’s kind of sad. FYI home invasion is a type of burglary. Robbery conducted within a dwelling likely would be, too. And rape could fit as well, depending on the circumstances of the entry into the home. Point of fact, almost any crime could. Burglary in this context is the unlawful entry of a dwelling with the intent to commit a crime therein.
  18. Outstanding points. I wonder if Chef Jim realizes that he’s statistically much more likely to die from, say, a bad diet than from failing to have a disposable firearm at the ready to fend off an attacker.
  19. I don’t know. I have a photo of his flight suit in Hanoi. I might not agree with all his politics ... but this nation is better for him. Your stockpile is not what I referred to. I don’t see the humor here.
  20. You’re getting into trusteeship v direct representation. Maybe that’s the case here. But the best example of the will of the people is the people they elect. The proof will be in the pudding in November.
  21. yeah I can’t say I agree with any of that. #1 - you’re assuming “no one” is looking. #2 no proof for that incendiary statement. #3 the majority in Virginia apparently feels that this measure will protect and therefore benefit the population. The democratically-elected representatives exercised their power. That’s democracy in action. Elections, it has been said, have consequences.
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