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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Hoax. I think you're actually part of the liberal, lamestream media and are just trying to confuse everyone. You're a "terrible" poster and you're "never going to make it."
  2. “I gave up on Deranged Rhino (a really nice guy) long ago, as have many others. People are dropping off like flies!”
  3. Sounds like a lot of keyboard psychology to me. Fake analysis and fake logic from another source of fake news. Sad!
  4. Honest question: is that a domestic or international statistic?
  5. There you go again. More fake logic. This is what you said: "Your understanding of freedom, liberty, and what it cost to secure them is woefully shallow. You’re a victim of fear, and deeply programmed by those who wish to keep you subservient and dumb." You never explained how my understanding is deficient, why I am a victim of fear, and how I am deeply programmed. If you have non-fake logic, or non-fake news in this respect, please let me know.
  6. How would that be a lie? You are a gun owner, right? So tell the police you have a weapon. I don't see the lie. And, at least in NYS, burglary of a dwelling is a violent crime. So, weapon or not, it would seem that the risk inherent in rushing to the scene would be warranted.
  7. Who said anything about non-criminal in the context of a burglary? Weapons aren't in the home only at the time a crime is committed. If one doesn't need a firearm to protect from crime and can instead accomplish that purpose with a pellet gun or a dummy weapon, then the latter options would be preferable because the risk of an accident involving the firearm in a non-criminal situation would be abated. Fake news. Hoax. No specifics.
  8. Educate me, Deranged Rhino man. "Dude. My burglar alarm went off at 2pm one day. They asked if I wanted the cops to show (I was at work). I said yes. They showed up 14 hours later. Saw them on my security cam and heard one say 'nothing looks disheveled'. Never even knocked on the door. Now do you think every burglar I Oakland knows they have plenty of time to ransack before the police show? Here’s a hint. They do." -Chef Jim, approximately 10 hours ago.
  9. We were pretty hard up for prosecutors in NYS recently, too. That's always out there. So why not tell them you have a weapon all of the time? I mean, that's one way to get rid of that 14-hour wait time in situations like this one.
  10. So basically you're on the "all criminals will freeze and wait patiently, perhaps for up to 14 hours, when the gun is brandished" team. Got it.
  11. I'm pretty impatient. I can't imagine hanging around for 14 hours pointing a gun at somebody waiting for the cops to come on somebody. Kudos to those with that kind of commitment.
  12. Well, I guess based on my last post your odds are probably slightly better of waiting the guy out with a gun than without. But it's going to be an awfully long standoff if police response is as bad as you say it is in Oakland. You'd probably be better off with a fake gun in that instance as well. Or a pellet gun. Eliminate the risk of accidental shooting in non-criminal situation.
  13. But Chef Jim said the odds are better that the intruder will go to jail with Chef Jim's possession of the gun than without. So the "play" is that the intruder will freeze upon sight of the weapon? And wait for the police to come? Who, according to Chef Jim, also sometimes take 14 hours or thereabouts to respond to burglaries in Oakland? I just don't follow.
  14. How do you plan to hold this guy to get him to prison if he turns to run?
  15. Autos are illegal, right? Semis can make autos with a bump stock, correct? I'll spare everyone the aggravation of the stats. The odds are low. Undoubtedly. I'll note that you've chosen a wide berth w/r/t to "assault weapons" that embraces far more firearms than were affected by the Federal Assault Weapons ban of the 90s. So your plan probably is to get me to say that it's a good idea for gun control to embrace semi-autos, and then you'll come back and try to characterize me as a having an all or nothing view on gun control. I'll cut right to the chase and say that I suppose reinstitution of the federal assault weapons ban that was allowed to expire, that I acknowledge that the ban will not defeat all mass shootings (particularly given the broad definition of the phrase that you have chosen), and that I maintain that the specifics of the ban will, however, limit carnage in instances of multiple casualties. That is, I think it's a good idea. See? I just saved us a whole lot of back and forth today.
  16. Not sure what the justification law is in Cali. But I take it that in the scenario in which the intruder tries to turn and run you're going to put some lead in his back, right?
  17. I know where you’re going with this, but it’s a hard question to answer directly because you haven’t defined assault weapon. Or mass shooting, for that matter.
  18. Tell that to all of the folks who complain about the constitutional protections for abortion. The penumbra apparently applies to the 2A, but not elsewhere.
  19. Well-armed militia. I got this one. And to the framers, well-armed militia meant the possession of muskets and like instruments. Enjoy your textualist approach to the Constitution.
  20. But for customers of many, and dare I say most, small businesses in this country, virus is at or near the top of the list of risks. More fake logic on your end.
  21. Fake logic. If we reopen prematurely we run the very real risk of killing off the business so there's no job in a couple of months.
  22. Hoax. Your many unemployed friends probably do need to go back to work. But surely there are others who want to go back to work and who want to reopen the economy for different reasons. More fake logic from fake news SoCal Deek.
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