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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Civics primers from the pro-J6 Phony P. Great stuff.
  2. So far I'm at zero. Both pets are safe. I checked this morning, and was relieved to find them both alive. I hope your pets are safe as well. Please feel free to leave here any information about pets that have been eaten by illegal immigrants so that we know where to be most vigilant in this respect.
  3. How anyone could think Trump won that debate, or how anyone who wasn't voting for Trump before that debate could now intend to vote for him, is beyond me. He got destroyed, and he knows it.
  4. I'm not one for poetry. Maybe this is Whitman, or Yeats, or just some guy in a bar decades ago. But this is my philosophy on the movement of bowels: Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time.
  5. What’s interesting about this is that we probably have a bunch of lazy MAGA slobs who haven’t had a vegetable in weeks complaining about Haitians who found a way to leave probably the poorest country in earth, to get to this country, and then to travel across this country, for the opportunity to bust their butts in a factory. It should be the quintessential American success story. But MAGA is mostly overweight, underachieving, unintelligent, and lazy. So it’s jealous of inspirational stories of success.
  6. Hoax. You got smoked again by a guy wasting time while snapping a deuce and you’ll feverishly respond to whatever I type. Because you’re a J6 supporting cop hater. now, after you’ve read that, find a dolphin, give it some love, and relax!
  7. Hoax. I didn’t say he should be beaten. I said it’s too bad this wanna be white supremacist wasn’t hit or beaten with one of the fire extinguishers weaponized on J6. Also, contrary to your initial point, this involves the interaction of but one person with a fire extinguisher. You said that I’ve called for people—multiple persons—to be struck with such an object. That, of course, is factually incorrect. So, again, it’s another one of your hoaxes. Section C3, 1; Phony P, big fat zero. They’re a commie. For sure. Lots of projecting and self-loathing on the part of that one. Right after they fend off the Antifa Air Force!
  8. That is a terrifying threat. Hoax. I’d just have to find something new to do while I poop.
  9. Especially for women. I bet it’s awesome not having bodily freedom. And brown people, who face new suspicion in many places in the south. And the rich, who got great tax breaks. And the scum bags in Charlottesville, who feel emboldened. And the J6 cops, who were beaten for attempting to enforce the law. And union laborers, whose protections were diluted by the Supreme Court. And veterans, whose leader thought those honored on Memorial Day are suckers and losers. catchy phrase you have, but not the substance to back it up. Phony p is back to attempt to explain away the beating of cops on J6. The floor is yours, Phony P.
  10. Have a green vegetable. It will help with the hips.
  11. Had to keep up with the nonsense cartoons with which you grace the internet. Says the guy addicted to NewsMax.
  12. Perfect for you. A cartoon that says gibberish. Totally on brand for the B Man.
  13. Hoax. It’s not disgusting, it’s funny. Also very weird. Gotta get me some of those. Hoax. But I bet some people here will. Phony P might get the one with the cops getting beaten on J6. B Man will probably get the one with the Don dressed as the savior, false idols be damned. And that Bills In NC guy probably has the one of Trump and Kim Jong Un on his shopping list so he can put the picture of those smiling fatsos next to his anti-commie buttons.
  14. Now you’re a PETA guy, eh? Also, is Trump going to shoot at RFK Jr. in that cartoon? Because RFK Jr. snacks on dogs, so if we’re going to get the rifles out for kittens I imagine the same protections will be afforded dogs. Unless, which is possible, MAGA is a collection of dog-hating, dog-eating weirdos. How do you know the immigration status of the Haitians alleged to have eaten the duckies in the park? Please do share. Weird.
  15. Good point on the couch. I almost forgot about that. Tell JD to take it easy on the upholstery at your next meeting. The difference is the couch thing obviously is a joke, and this new bit about barnyard animals or whatever is not a joke. If you can’t understand the difference then … you need a little work in the social cues department, and you’re probably weird.
  16. Or the person who wants to goad him into a healthy settlement knowing the financial risks in his side following that performance. The reality is that counsels probably talked about this one for a bit, P shows D the complaint before it was filed, D said to litigate it, and P put it in the news after a mediocre performance to give him another reason to sweat.
  17. I’m with you. I’d rather it be wasted there than on, say, the nine snaps that Mike Williams got last night at $10m/year.
  18. I can tell you with a great deal of confidence that everyone in the building really likes and respects Epenesa. Total class act. They want guys like him around.
  19. The running QB thing is where I’m at in the performance of the ends last week. They were really disciplined. No need to see bend or speed or dips from miller (or anyone else) last week.
  20. We saw last year how putting a tackle on roller skates can affect a throw. But for Frank Clark we’re up by 3 or 4 heading into the waning moments of the KC playoff game.
  21. It was wrong then, it’s wrong now, and it made things very difficult for the vast, vast majority of LEOs, who are good, kind, caring people.
  22. Nobody got triggered. This is coming from a guy who was outraged about George Floyd. Nobody deserves a vigilante death penalty for passing a fake bill. I think we can all agree on that. But so too is it that police have one of the most difficult and dangerous jobs in our society. I am grateful for the every day. What if the officer couldn’t see inside the car when (to my understanding) Hill rolls up the window? Is there a gun or other weapon? Is officer safety certain? I don’t know the answer to any of those questions, but I will not fault these officers for anything they did to promote personal and public safety. Not one thing.
  23. Maybe he wouldn’t have been so late if he planned better and didn’t act like a jerk.
  24. Meanwhile this officer is worried about getting home to his own family and not having the incident go sideways. Hill is a jerk. For what it’s worth, I have it on good authority that Hill is not the only star receiver who played in the AFC East last year who has got himself in trouble like this by being a difficult jerk in a traffic stop situation.
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