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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Probably out stealing my catalytic converter when not doping or posting MAGA gibberish, too.
  2. Well said. Do I care what Taylor Swift thinks? Not in the least. Matter of fact, I think it was BS that she got an escort to the KC game while I waited in traffic and in line at the stadium. BUT, as you’ve indicated, other people care what she thinks. At the very least she’ll probably make some people who otherwise wouldn’t have paid attention to the election plug in.
  3. If by career you mean using good choices to turn some prior bad choices (surely you have made some yourself) into a billion dollar fortune and worldwide fame, then spot on.
  4. Hoax. He’s a felony convict. Let’s start there.
  5. Prosperity gospel guy. Or maybe give unto Caesar guy.
  6. Hoax. Meanwhile, MAGA is supported in significant part by a cabal of meth heads, conspiracy theorists, racists, the uneducated, and the lazy nativists who require a billionaire who largely couldn't care less about them to tell them what to do.
  7. I spy a PHUCCR in the preceding post. And that is not a hoax.
  8. Update. Pets were missing this morning. Went on blink to check the perimeter from last night. No haitians to be seen. Pets then found snuggling under a blanket and decidedly not eaten. Additional updates to follow as circumstances warrant.
  9. I doubt there will be many volunteers for that task.
  10. On brand for him.
  11. It’s nice that the meth heads took a break from stealing catalytic converters to talk to him.
  12. Deploying troops to save domesticated animals from consumption that doesn’t exist. Great stuff.
  13. Maybe you should go and start knocking on some doors to find the people whose pets have been slaughtered and eaten by the Haitians.
  14. That about sums it up for me. Add rule of law and pro cop in there, both of which she is, and for a common sense approach at the southern border, and she’s speaking my language.
  15. LOL. Or a dolphin to bang.
  16. Robux. Currency on Roblox. A game played by children and weird adults.
  17. Give me a break. They highlighted a few of his more ridiculous lies and gave him a chance to save himself or to clarify. He just did too poorly and is too much of an unprepared blowhard to have picked up on it and taken it.
  18. Josh is MAGA. For sure. And that’s OK. I don’t begrudge someone having views that are populist, a little bit nationalist, and in some respects centrist. I do begrudge supporters of Trump, proponents and supporters of J6, the Charlottesville/Topeka apologists, and the people on both sides who demonize others for their views. Too much hate and anger in the world and in politics these days. Both sides are guilty, but Trump is the guiltiest and he’s gotta get off the stage. Hopefully after that things return to normal and we can have respectful disagreements in this country again.
  19. Because I’m a sympathetic human and, to my understanding, he is recently (and very unexpectedly, hence the reference to the overdose) deceased. Also, these Haitians have been maligned enough lately and I don’t want anyone who wasn’t aware of his (surprising, to me at least) death thinking they might be cannibals in addition to dog eaters.
  20. This is actually why Trump really, really screwed up taking the bait about crowd size last night. This is what he should have talked about. I absolutely disagree that inflation is attributable to a single administration, or in most significant part to a single administration. This is what happens when pent up demand meets free money and short supply in a capitalistic economy. I also disagree that Trump—or anyone outside of the Fed—can do too much about it. Of course we can ease some supply chain issues and work with interest rates, but the reality is that people simply have to do without for awhile on certain things for prices to fall. Anyone who says otherwise and who thinks that Trump (or anyone else) is going to wave a wand and lower prices is either deluded or supportive of a command (communist) economy.
  21. While we’re on the subject of the dog-eating hoax, I’d like some advice on a situation involving DMX. Yes, I appreciate that he died of a drug overdose. But he did a lot of barking in his day. I wonder, and this is where you, gentle reader, come in, these dog-eating Haitians would have tried to have eaten DMX were he still alive? I have my own views on the subject (nobody’s trying to eat that guy while he’s rolling with the Ruff Riders), but I’m curious what you think. Dig in!
  22. She’s great. Has character and toughness. All of these fools talking about her expensive week miss the point. She’s publicly supporting Harris DESPITE potential negative financial consequences. MAGA just can’t understand people who are honest and selfless.
  23. I can’t figure these people out. RFK eats a dog, it’s high in protein and yummy. Haitian allegedly eats a dog, and now it’s bad. Also, I get why these meth heads hate the Haitians so much. It’s gotta be tough to compete with people in the employment market who show up on time, work hard, and aren’t high. It would piss me off too if those hard working goody two shoes came to my town and started not using meth and performing well at work.
  24. Midday update: neither pet has been eaten by an illegals immigrant, and both are alive. I did see a Haitian earlier today walking a dog. Brief concern on my part whether he was walking it to a grill. But then the Antifa Air Force buzzed overhead, forcing me to take cover and abandon surveillance of the possible dog-eating situation. Updates will follow as time allows.
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