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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Don’t forget high. They’re also high. Lots of meth in that crowd. And, even if they weren’t high, lazy, or obese, they’d probably be too busy with their used catalytic converter “business” to help you.
  2. Yea or nay on her as the new Mrs. Trump? Some people are saying that she and the Don are an item. Which is problematic for Melania because she might get deported by her ex if he wins and they get divorced. But that said, am I the only one who can believe that this weird stuff earned an award? Maybe if the prize was crappiest painting ever. But wow is this bad art: Apologies to all who viewed this thread before I edited the title. Apparently I misspelled the name of this racist skank when I started the thread.
  3. Agreed at the end of last year. Remember the block in the Pittsburgh game? I thought it was stupid, sitting in the stadium, to even attempt that kick because his prior efforts hit that day were also very low. And, especially kicking in that direction(into the wind) and from distance, it was bound to come out low.
  4. Me too. It was an ugly miss. He did miss one just like that in the return of the blue and red, though. A similarly ugly pull.
  5. I guess they gotta go back to using meth and stealing catalytic converters at the mall.
  6. Chalk it up to complimentary football and minimizing the exposure of Allen to risk of injury to the left hand.
  7. D line really is the key to the season (and Josh staying healthy, of course). This pass rush could be nasty if Oliver plays at last year’s level and last week is the Groot we get all year.
  8. The tables have been turned! I’m sorry about the Haitian, but relieved about the feline.
  9. Probably out stealing my catalytic converter when not doping or posting MAGA gibberish, too.
  10. Well said. Do I care what Taylor Swift thinks? Not in the least. Matter of fact, I think it was BS that she got an escort to the KC game while I waited in traffic and in line at the stadium. BUT, as you’ve indicated, other people care what she thinks. At the very least she’ll probably make some people who otherwise wouldn’t have paid attention to the election plug in.
  11. If by career you mean using good choices to turn some prior bad choices (surely you have made some yourself) into a billion dollar fortune and worldwide fame, then spot on.
  12. Hoax. He’s a felony convict. Let’s start there.
  13. Prosperity gospel guy. Or maybe give unto Caesar guy.
  14. Hoax. Meanwhile, MAGA is supported in significant part by a cabal of meth heads, conspiracy theorists, racists, the uneducated, and the lazy nativists who require a billionaire who largely couldn't care less about them to tell them what to do.
  15. I spy a PHUCCR in the preceding post. And that is not a hoax.
  16. Update. Pets were missing this morning. Went on blink to check the perimeter from last night. No haitians to be seen. Pets then found snuggling under a blanket and decidedly not eaten. Additional updates to follow as circumstances warrant.
  17. I doubt there will be many volunteers for that task.
  18. On brand for him.
  19. It’s nice that the meth heads took a break from stealing catalytic converters to talk to him.
  20. Deploying troops to save domesticated animals from consumption that doesn’t exist. Great stuff.
  21. Maybe you should go and start knocking on some doors to find the people whose pets have been slaughtered and eaten by the Haitians.
  22. That about sums it up for me. Add rule of law and pro cop in there, both of which she is, and for a common sense approach at the southern border, and she’s speaking my language.
  23. LOL. Or a dolphin to bang.
  24. Robux. Currency on Roblox. A game played by children and weird adults.
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