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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. He’s the perfect guy to run this scam. He has a bunch of deluded boneheaded followers who will buy anything he sells, irrespective whether it has value. I’m surprised it took him this long to think of it.
  2. Looks like MAGA learned how to dial international.
  3. Kind of sad, but also telling, that this is the kind of scrap that dudes in MAGA pull these days. Don Jr. has that Elvira-chick that he apparently is casting aside (in the name of family values, of course!) and the Don apparently has the third wife on the side (more family values!) for this side and now main piece crazy skank. You can’t make this stuff up.
  4. Look at this! Rudy G. Did talk about affidavits at that fateful, sweaty presser outside the landscape company near the crematorium and with the sex offender! https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/rudy-giuliani-trump-campaign-philadelphia-press-conference-november-7 Weird. MAGA is just weird.
  5. Didn’t Rudy G. Have a bunch of affidavits with him when he was sweating out Just for Men at the Four Seasons?
  6. I just finished the game. They don’t scare me. Stroud can really hurt you when he breaks contain, and Nico Collins is a beast. But they couldn’t put away a team with absolutely inept quarterbacking. Let’s see how things play out this year, but right now I’m of the mind that they should worry more about us than us about them.
  7. How do you know that there are 20,000 illegals there?
  8. Last I checked MAGA is running a washed up hulk hogan out at its convention. So there’s that. Trump U doesn’t count.
  9. No it was a 5% across the board tax cut. Rich folks love that kind of approach. And, cutting government spending and cutting taxes isn’t going to get those sticky price increases you’re complaining about down. You’re a racist. Or a moron. Maybe both.
  10. Hoax. Back in 2018 Trump didn't want to cut welfare benefits because it would hurt his constituents. You know, trailer MAGA.
  11. Your big problem is that, like MAGA and Trump, you don't have a solution for inflation. Still no response to my point yesterday about the moronic idea to give an across-the-board 5% tax cut to everyone (Terry Pegula, for example, and yourself alike, notwithstanding the fact that Terry is going to get way, way, way more of a break than will you). MAGA likes the phrase "useful idiots." An idea like that, to the rich folks, makes you a useful idiot. That's not what the good people of Springfield say. These folks show up on time, work hard, and do a good job every day. American success stories. Unlike certain trash who were born into this country by luck or fate who've never worked for anything and still want a handout (looking at you, trailer MAGA).
  12. You’re wrong. Flat wrong. Cutting taxes increases, at least in theory, purchasing power. It’s not necessarily going to help with inflation because a consumer with more money to spend/waste is going to do exactly that and sustain higher prices. The best way to beat inflation, to the extent there is one, is to raise interest rates (and to incentivize saving given the higher cost of borrowing money), to facilitate supply (both of overhead items like fuel and of goods themselves), and to penalize gouging. All this idiotic idea of a 5% across the board cut you have for all taxpayers is give Terry Pegula (for example) 5% of a lot and you and most other people who read this 5% of comparatively little. Rich folks love you for stupid ideas like that one.
  13. But you still have no specifics. And you still can’t deal with the problem of more money available to be spent in the system. So I ask again - what is this approach going to do to ease inflation? (The answer is that it won’t.)
  14. There you go. You don’t know what it is. And, it’s one thing to say “tax cuts.” It’s another to be specific about it. What types? For whom? When? Also, how is it that tax cuts will reduce inflation? Seems like injecting more money into the economy will have the opposite effect. So I’m not sure how that interacts with the concerns about inflation.
  15. The next distraction is that trump is banging that racist skank. At some point those evangelical phonies and the “conservatives” will have had enough. Maybe that will do it.
  16. What is the MAGA policy to reduce inflation? (Aside from, like, downplaying a pandemic, which led to pent up demand, and then printing free money (didn’t trump sign some of those checks) at the same time. That had nothing to do with inflation at all! Hoax.)
  17. It was a familiar sight to see 21 turning after taking a bad angle to chase a ball carrier down a sideline. Great player when he was here, but I’m glad he’s chasing in teal this year.
  18. Don’t forget high. They’re also high. Lots of meth in that crowd. And, even if they weren’t high, lazy, or obese, they’d probably be too busy with their used catalytic converter “business” to help you.
  19. Yea or nay on her as the new Mrs. Trump? Some people are saying that she and the Don are an item. Which is problematic for Melania because she might get deported by her ex if he wins and they get divorced. But that said, am I the only one who can believe that this weird stuff earned an award? Maybe if the prize was crappiest painting ever. But wow is this bad art: Apologies to all who viewed this thread before I edited the title. Apparently I misspelled the name of this racist skank when I started the thread.
  20. Agreed at the end of last year. Remember the block in the Pittsburgh game? I thought it was stupid, sitting in the stadium, to even attempt that kick because his prior efforts hit that day were also very low. And, especially kicking in that direction(into the wind) and from distance, it was bound to come out low.
  21. Me too. It was an ugly miss. He did miss one just like that in the return of the blue and red, though. A similarly ugly pull.
  22. I guess they gotta go back to using meth and stealing catalytic converters at the mall.
  23. Chalk it up to complimentary football and minimizing the exposure of Allen to risk of injury to the left hand.
  24. D line really is the key to the season (and Josh staying healthy, of course). This pass rush could be nasty if Oliver plays at last year’s level and last week is the Groot we get all year.
  25. The tables have been turned! I’m sorry about the Haitian, but relieved about the feline.
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