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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Also not funny. And, why is MAGA so into junk checks? Weird.
  2. Commie wants his electric bill cut in half. Commie whines about his grocery bills. Get a better job. That’s the solution to your problems.
  3. Stinks of curry in the White House, right? We all know what Laura Loomer said. That’s what you were getting at, right?
  4. This is obviously weird, but it’s less obvious what any of this gibberish is supposed to mean. I appreciate a good comeback, but this isn’t even remotely understandable. When you’re not busy hating on cops and Haitians, be better!
  5. How is repeal and replace going? I bet they get to that right after they finish taking pictures by the border wall!
  6. The members vote against their own interests. Get out the vote doesn’t change how they’re going to vote. It’s not a good thing for Kamala, for sure, but it’s hardly a catastrophe or unexpected. Hoax. They’re union busters. These guys will find out the hard way if Trump wins.
  7. Phony P is back! Somebody was throwing out an old fire extinguisher the other day and I thought of you. I wonder, I thought to myself, if that Phony P guy would want that to weaponize that thang to knock around some Capitol Police the next time he’s in DC. Here’s to you, cop-hating MAGA Phony P!
  8. I have no objection to their use to preclude dumping (say, perhaps, in the steel market). But that type of precision isn’t what Trump proposes. He wants blanket tariffs, which are nothing more than taxes on the American consumer.
  9. I think it ultimately ends as a large and effective third party focused in the rust belt states and Appalachia. They’ll eventually migrate to some democratic candidates (while sticking with some JD Vance-type candidates who aren’t openly hostile to organized labor) once we get back to the usual fault lines.
  10. Hoax. Those searches are weird, irrespective of what anyone else does or doesn’t do. In fact, the whole friggin thing is weird. A black dude who wants to own slaves and be a Nazi and who hates trannies and like family values also enjoys watching trannies bang and sharing his racist (and probably self-loathing) views as well as his own disgusting story porn on a porn site. If that’s not weird I don’t know what is. How anyone could want this f’ed up, morally bankrupt, abhorrent clown show in charge of anything is beyond me. I miss the old days of rationality and normal. Some of this stuff just makes my head hurt. Mark Robinson is one sick eff and the fact that people who want to be in charge in this country don’t immediately excommunicate him from whatever group or movement they’re in is nuts. He has no business being in any place of authority. I can’t stand Trump, and my comments about moral bankruptcy apply equally to him, as do concerns about narcissism, laziness, ignorance, and early onset dementia. He’s f‘Ed up too and also belongs nowhere near a position of authority. But even he isn’t as nuts as Robinson.
  11. And yet you vote republican. Give Terry pegula the big tax break, you say! It will trickle down to me, you say! Everyone knows it’s a hoax except for you.
  12. Update. My pets are still safe. Also, I have to ask. If democrats are giving these Haitians all of this money, why are the Haitians eating pets instead of, say, steak? And if the Haitians are so hungry for pets, why is the SPCA not empty in Springfield and surrounding communities? It seems like that would be kind of like a grocery store for people interested in such foods (like RFK). And why is it that pets only are alleged to be eaten in Springfield? Wouldn’t this pet eating thing be a nonlocalized phenomenon if true? there’s just too many plot holes here, even for maga. This kind of stuff probably works for the hillbilly maga faithful. But everyone who isn’t on meth sees right through it.
  13. Comical ignorance. That’s irony. Lots of self-loathing in that group. A black, wannabe slaveowner nazi who speaks against trannies but likes to watch them bang. And this is the best MAGA can offer.
  14. The guy who communicates through cartoons calls somebody else childish. Outstanding.
  15. Probably should wait a bit on that. It hasn’t found its floor yet.
  16. I’ll add that, in addition to cities not burning and the Antifa Air Force not having disputed air traffic or security, neither of my pets has yet been eaten by an illegal immigrant.
  17. What about the dogs? Or is that cool because RFK does it? I just want to make sure I’m square on the household pets that MAGA approves of consuming. Because as far as I can tell, the only person eating a cat or a dog is RFK Jr., who happens to now be MAGA. Good point. Instead of solving problems that don’t exist, maybe MAGA could take a whack at solving a problem that actually exists. For instance, we’d have better border security if MAGA would simply vote for the agreed-upon border security bill.
  18. Tommy Eyerolls and other MAGA: those Haitians who show up to work and who are on time and who work hard and who also aren’t high are taking our jobs and eating our cats and our dogs, including Miss Sassy! And everything is too expensive! I should be able to get drunk by noon and eat steak every night and have the government pay for my diabetes medication!
  19. Don’t rate cuts help homebuyers and encourage sellers to market their houses, thereby increasing supply and reducing demand? Also, at this point, you’re not struggling with inflation. You’re struggling with sticky prices. If you can’t afford those prices, then I suggest maybe working harder, or practicing frugality and going without, or voting Democrat to support such things as unions and tax cuts for the middle class. Or you can vote MAGA, get yourself a little tax break, get Terry Pegula (for example) a big tax break, and see if those monies trickle down to you. Good luck! Trump’s economy also relied very, very heavily on deficit spending. His level of reducing intake from the rich folks and hoping that the rich folks allowed a little of their gains to trickle down was and is not sustainable.
  20. They hit Virgil’s numbers. Maybe your price point was different.
  21. Thank you very much for your post. I’m sorry that you’re not going to retain those tickets. I’m very grateful for please because the numbers provide clarity as to what other season-ticket holders can expect with respect to pricing. It also may provide opportunity for negotiation. it looks like the bills are adding 65% to the price of tickets and asking for a PSL of 2.5x the annual season ticket price.
  22. He’s the perfect guy to run this scam. He has a bunch of deluded boneheaded followers who will buy anything he sells, irrespective whether it has value. I’m surprised it took him this long to think of it.
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