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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Yeah I was that guy with no shirt and the horns invading the Capitol. Hoax.
  2. Hoax. I don’t have nut job friends. You guys are the nut jobs, worried about Antifa and dog eating Hatians and banging dolphins and whatnot. And trump IS a threat to democracy. J6 and stop the steal speak for themselves. But if the coalition of meth heads, white trash, selfish white dudes, and the disaffected win, they win. I’ll be fine either way. They, however, can reap what they sow.
  3. It was. Read the last sentence of (I think) volume 1. It’s “legalese” that there is not legally insufficient evidence to proceed with prosecution. But bill Barr, in an act of raw partisanship, killed further proceedings. Party before country with them.
  4. I take him seriously and believe him to be a doctor. Therefore, hoax.
  5. That’s where I’m at. I have a hard time with the gate from MAGA. Want to hate on me and my family because of race, etc.? Then you don’t need my ample cash.
  6. I appreciate that your brain has been poisoned by right wing conspiracy theories and nonsense, but reading the signs here tells any rational observer that Mr. Robinson wrote that stuff. Meaning of course that he’s a self loathing, wannabe nazi slaveholder, who beats it to tranny porn. It hardly gets weirder than that.
  7. Agreed. I hate trump. He’s unfit for office. If he wins, then he wins. It is what it is. Just run out the clock on him like the Republican senate does to us and move on in four years. It’s a big tent. Much different from what it was even 10 years ago. Working class white guys are leaving, but white collar ranks are growing. Those types realize that trump is bad for business, and they have shifted accordingly.
  8. She may dabble in Texas at this rate. I don’t think Florida is happening. But if it was me, I’d turn walz loose in the rest belt and have Kamala in NC and GA as much as possible.
  9. But Orlando Timmy says that unless somebody saw this scumbag type this stuff it wasn’t him! Pizza gate is true, even though nobody saw anything, and that Haitian thing is also totally true, even though there’s no evidence to support it, but the MAGA standard of proof (if it hurts MAGA it’s fake) applies to this case.
  10. Far from it, sir. Diet, mileage, no booze, limited meat. Try it sometime.
  11. Dudes like that have constructive vasectomies. Nobody wants them, so need for the snip.
  12. Well said. Also, it's because they're mostly losers. Can't get women, can't earn money, can't put down the booze and the sausage and the cigs or vapes. So they have to blame somebody else. Like Haitians. Or Democrats. Or Antifa. Always worried about this external doom that never comes when in fact the doom is largely internal and personal. Maybe if they said goodbye to Johnny Walker and 80/20 beef and got up early in the morning to work hard they wouldn't have these problems.
  13. Says the guy who supports the black Nazi.
  14. Stop whining and get a job.
  15. You want to know way too much about my junk. It’s very disturbing. Keep your hands on your lady bits and stop worrying about everyone else’s junk. It’s weird and socially unacceptable.
  16. I hope you’re right. I think mainstream Rs have that thought. I can see, however, Trump turning on the party if he loses and doing his own thing to keep the crew together. He’d have real power that way, as a sort of free agent populist, and he could play a little with each side. Objectively that would be best for the MAGA agenda, to the extent there is one.
  17. Hoax. I'm not the one grandstanding about dignity. That's you. While you and your pals vilify a bunch of brown people in Ohio. That's disgusting, and so are your politics.
  18. Yeah, I see the traditional Republicans taking back the brand and MAGA starting its own thing. The traditionalists are stuck with Trump because he'll take a large swath of MAGA Republicans with him when he goes, and they're not yet willing to pay that price. Once they are, I see MAGA leaving, doubling down in the rustbelt, etc., and a new dnymnaic emerging.
  19. Maybe I don’t talk about my junk with weirdos who ask about it. Do you talk about your lady bits with other people? Probably not. Because that would be weird. Just like it’s weird to ask others about their junk.
  20. MAGA talking about dignity. Great stuff.
  21. I have to say that it’s pretty gross that you’re so interested in the junk of an Internet rando. First you hate cops, now you’re doing junk checks on strangers. Very, very weird.
  22. I don’t have a complaint about it, either. I personally don’t care for that cuisine but, unlike Laura Loomer, I’m generally cool with people eating whatever they want. Now, if someone wants a dog roast, like RFK Jr., then it’s going to be a problem.
  23. What’s the MAGA plan to help the economy? A bunch of fluff. Nothing specific. Same playbook as last time. Big tax cuts for rich folks. Small tax cuts for workers. Great for investor class. Bad for everyone else. To be fair, Kamala is equally light on specifics. But she’s clear about her economic theory, which is to get the tax cuts to the middle class, as opposed to hoping that they might possibly trickle their way there. Also, while I tend to agree with you that the economy is probably the most important issue to me, there are a whole lot of women out there who hate the fact that, for the first time ever, a constitutional right was taken away and the government wants to get its hands in and on their bodies. To them, personal freedom trumps MAGA’s complaints about inflation (which are academic now, anyhow, in view of the fact that stickiness is now the MAGA economic complaint.) You might disagree with that perspective, but that’s where a large group of people are. We’ll see which is larger come early November.
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