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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. He's weird. I suppose she could have burned the day playing golf while people were dying. Like this guy: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-golfed-25-times-covid-19-spread-killed-over-200000-2020-9
  2. Stay safe and may the grace of God be upon you.
  3. That's on him and other factors. But the dumb decisions on the last series . . . if that guy wasn't concussed on "the hit," then I don't know what a concussion looks like anymore.
  4. It’s probably because he was playing concussed.
  5. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
  6. He thinks it’s yummy. Meth for the folks who can’t afford it. Makes them feel good about being losers!
  7. Board, bored. It’s all the same to MAGA. The fact that you did not do meth long enough to notice the error is impressive!
  8. Woah. That’s disturbing. You mean he has his Trump bibles and Trump crypto and is still board? Looks like Kamala is right. Trump fills these MAGA with exhaustion and boredom.
  9. He’s just bored because his trump bibles and crypto haven’t arrived yet.
  10. Perfect use of hoax. Well done.
  11. If Kamala wins, then there’s a good chance that I’m going to be of the mind that the “boredom and exhaustion” line put her over the top. What a great line. That thin-skinned dope took it hook, line, and sinker.
  12. I can’t speak to the timing. All I was told is that they were taking in advance of the Bills game.
  13. Nope. Take it or leave it, this one is rock solid.
  14. That's where it is for me. I'm a moderate guy. I see both sides of things. There is no "other" side to see with respect to that issue. And, if it wasn't so damaging, or damning, maybe JD could have just answered directly and told the truth instead of offering word salad about not living in the past before immediately responding with a challenge to Walz about . . . the past. They can't stop lying, and moderates can't support them until they have a reckoning about the insurrection.
  15. I think it's dumb, too, especially given the timing. (Two weeks into the season??) But the sourcing is impeccable on this one.
  16. Belichick is talking to the jags. You heard it here first. Started talking to them before the bills game. Pretty good source on this one.
  17. I thought the same thing until J6 came up. JD still can’t say it was wrong and that trump lost. That alone is disqualifying to me.
  18. One way to avoid an issue of this nature is to not lie. He and everyone else demonizing some people who are here legally and who do nothing but work to improve their lives and the lives of their children can shove it. It’s disgraceful.
  19. During two years of full Republican control, no less.
  20. That is the perfect adjective for cartoon man.
  21. That’s because all of the trailer MAGA contribute very little to the relief that they seek.
  22. I saw him off the field recently and he had a wrap on one of his thumbs. Could have something to do with that.
  23. Hoax. There’s still 75,000 customers without power in Florida.
  24. So you’re saying it’s like trump’s COVID photo? Or his repeal and replace plan? He is. Nurses baseless grievances. Blames everyone else for all of his failings. Sad. And weird.
  25. I’ll say it again - his house in OP still has not been listed for sale. The door has not been closed.
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