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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. I don’t believe in canceling things, but I’ll make an exception for Cats and Barbara Streisand. Good riddance.
  2. Good comeback. Hoax. That was stupid. Keep listening to Cats and thinking about Lil’ Arnie.
  3. I bet MAGA didn’t realize how much it liked Cats and Barbara Streisand until watching the Don break it down to that dreck a week ago. Arnold Palmer’s man meat probably was something that MAGA wasn’t aware it was into until yesterday. And MAGA wonders why normal people think they’re weird.
  4. Hoax. But good on you from taking a break from listening to Cats and Barbara Streisand and from thinking about Arnold Palmer’s man meat to share with us.
  5. He doesn’t care. He’s too busy talking about Arnold Palmer’s ***** and getting some McDonald’s university fry pin in front of hurricane rubble. Assuming he actually goes through with it—which I doubt, even if he’s elected, because he’ll probably get distracted by things such as the aforementioned *****—the Kool Aid cult will just blame it on weather machines, or Democrats, or Ukraine, or Antifa, etc. Tommy Eyerolls apparently missed the lesson about supply and demand in high school. Tommy Eyerolls will just go to McDonalds and get some fries with the Don, of course. Let them eat fries, they say!
  6. Jingle footed McCoy? Come on.
  7. No way. Maybe with the hand on the back with the TD, but Davis will run through a MFers face and McCoy was not that.
  8. I was looking right at it in the stadium and it looked like he pinned the ball against his groin. I thought the ball was moving when I watched it live.
  9. He took his helmet off, threw it to gen ground in disgust, and a trainer picked it up and asked if he wanted it. Hopkins said no. I think he bailed on them today.
  10. On the range point, I think elevation is a big issue, too. The block against Pittsburgh in the playoffs was something you could see coming. He hit his first two that day low, and I was not the least bit surprised when they blocked the attempt from 47. I agree, though, that field position is the bigger concern on some of the longer kicks. They don’t trust him, and it’s not going to get better anytime soon.
  11. Yes, but from what I understand the whole thing got started when his friends tipped over the port o potty he was in. If what I heard is accurate it’s a sad chain of events and he’s in really bad shape.
  12. You’re wrong, and this isn’t a joke.
  13. This isn’t a joke. To my understanding he suffered a TBI in the fall and will never be normal again. It’s a waste and a shame.
  14. Off balance. Exactly. Falling into the approach. Like trying to get the hands going faster on the golf swing to get the club face through to take out the slice and the result is an ugly hook. That little lean doesn’t look like much but, as a bad golfer, it speaks of trouble to me.
  15. That's what the dip will do. Getting started earlier gets the strike zone ahead of the body. On the slice the hands are in front of the strike zone (club face), which in turn is behind the rest of the body. I know a thing or two about slicing a golf ball, and when I noticed Bass start the shoulders early the recent spate of hooks made sense.
  16. The video upthread is quite the hook. Slice is a fade. Maybe that's natural for him, but he's been hitting hooks for awhile now. The extra point, that video upthread, Blue and Red, I think a miss earlier this year. I appreciate that he missed right (a slice) from distance against the Jets. But the point remains that he's also been hitting hooks fairly recently. He's a mess.
  17. EDIT - you can see it in the video upthread. Watch his shoulders. He's still, and then he leans in and ends up hooking it. FYI - you can see something similar with Allen on sneaks. After a hard count, he dips ever so slightly before he goes. Big tell.
  18. I know not the first thing about kicking. So take this with a chunk of salt. He's been hooking it since camp. The return of the Blue and Red featured a similarly awful strike. What I notice in the stadium during pre-game and halftime warmups is somebody who is horribly inconsistent and who tends to, however slightly, lean more into the approach the longer he waits. The lean, based on my rudimentary understanding of soccer and physics, throws off the approach and probably produces more of a hook. So I wonder whether getting him to "go" earlier on the play clock would help. But the reality is that, if we're at that point, it's probably time for a new kicker.
  19. There's a difference between being for something and not being against it, and my suspicion (based on anecdotal information) is that McD was not against Diggs's departure. But I can't speak to whether he was affirmatively for such a move.
  20. Which helped us accomplish the mission that year, which was to make the playoffs. I believe he had the TD catch in the snow game, without which we don’t make the playoffs that year.
  21. This. It’s a small price to pay to take what could be a big swing. The found money from the Davis comp pick can relatively easily be packaged with the ghost of Ryan Bates to move up. 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 6. Not too shabby. Plus 11+ games of a motivated Cooper and the possibility that such motivation matures into a comp pick a year down the road.
  22. Congratulations to you and the now-bigger family!!
  23. It’s a problem, but we had Miami and Baltimore mixed in there. The bigger issue is that we’re winning because we’re playing very efficient football. Is it sustainable? Time will tell.
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