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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. He’ll fix it with tariffs, which he apparently envisions as equivalent to a flat tax. It’s so stupid it almost defies comprehension.
  2. They gotta pay the bill for overconsumption. And they don’t want to. So they blame everyone but themselves. And join MAGA. I own several homes. It’s been great. Huge gains. The market is now Trump measures the economy. Credit card defaults are high in significant part because people overspend and lack discipline.
  3. Hoax on the first line. My friends are pissed. Like, shockingly pissed. One of maga’s beefs is that they don’t like to be called morons. Personally I think a lot of them are morons but, cheap dig aside, it’s a very fair point, and maybe explains their passion for a guy who doesn’t call them morons in public. Puerto Ricans are having the same visceral reaction right now and, much as I won’t argue with maga about how MAGA should feel, I’m not going to question the emotions about the “garbage” comment here.
  4. Yes I am. Higher wages, falling prices, falling crime rate, smoking stock market. Abso-friggin-lutely.
  5. Actually there's a third. The whole 2-6 thing is a big issue for them. And maybe a fourth. Not sure what their cap looks like, but being locked into a couple of graybeards when they're already underperforming is not a good plan. I suggested earlier exploring the option of trading Rodgers. Maybe they should do the same with Adams. They are the epitome of a train wreck.
  6. We'll find out in a week or so. In the meantime, I suspect that you would feel differently if you knew what "cocotazo" means. The people that do . . . are angry, and they're coming out to vote.
  7. If all of the smart people leave this country, then for whom shall you dig ditches?
  8. They stepped in it bad with this one. It's MAGA's "deplorable" moment.
  9. He runs the inside zone like it’s art.
  10. Yup. Nothing against AJ Klein. He did the best he could. But having a healthy TB would have made a big difference last year. And we were still one missed field goal from potential OT, and Chris Jones bull rush away from being up by 4 in the waning stages of that game.
  11. The next two are big. 2-2 thereafter, with one win coming against KC, and we’re in really good shape.
  12. You’re more understandable when you communicate through cartoons. I have no idea what the second sentence of this post means.
  13. Great topic! I’ll go Benford. But there are a lot of worthy candidates on that list. I was just thinking this morning that we reloaded pretty quickly - Shakir is a stud, Kincaid is a stud, the OL is solid and settled, Cooper adds a new dimension to the offense, and, while I’m skeptical he’s a future #1, Coleman has been excellent. And, on the other side, Rousseau looks (a little) like a Bosa, TB is phenomenal, Epenesa has been really good. Cook is probably a one-contract player here because Davis looks like the real deal. We are set up really, really well not only for this year but for the future.
  14. Hoax. Everything I said is true. Things are good. America has a choice to make - keep the good stuff going, or answer the siren song of grievances and BS. We’ll know which path is chosen in a few hundred hours.
  15. But is it comedy if it’s in front of the podium at the rally? That’s the distinction. And that’s where you guys (MAGA) hide behind this double standard. Trump didn’t say it, so in your view it can’t be attributed to Trump. And it was a joke, you say, so it can’t be taken seriously. Either it’s a campaign function or it’s not. (Hint: it is such a function.). And something either has meaning or it doesn’t. (Hint: it has meaning.). Ultimately we’ll see whether the electorate sides with the MAGA BS or sticks with falling violent crime, falling inflation, wages that outpace inflation, a smoking stock market, joy, and a period of peace.
  16. There’s nothing fake about this. He was an invited speaker at a Trump campaign rally and stood at a podium bearing a trump Vance sign. Apparently what he said is acceptable to you. It’s not to me. Shame on you.
  17. Elon makes a great car. Melania has yet to contribute anything to society. F them both.
  18. "Fascist" is thrown around way too much these days. But these guys are fascists. War tribunals over political disagreements and the threat of using American troops on American citizens? Anyone who votes for this nonsense is sick.
  19. I thought the same thing when I saw the clip yesterday. I'm flabbergasted that someone would do something like this during the closing argument of a presidential campaign. Is it markedly different from calling a lot of the Appalachian trumpers white trash? Objectively, maybe not. But neither is right, and this is the campaign speaking, rather than a civilian or commentator or the like.
  20. I liked the tighter splits. Good for loud environments. We owned the LOS today. Dominant win.
  21. They should explore trading Rodgers. Seriously. I doubt anyone wants or needs the baggage. But if there’s a big injury next week … crazier things have happened.
  22. Excellent point. Hopefully we’ll look back in 10 or 20 years and be of the mind that it is insane that this clown ever happened. The fact that he’s even close in this race says a lot about the electorate and none of it good. And maybe it says a lot about other stuff, too. Including the quality of Harris as a candidate. But her relative lack of quality still shouldn’t steer anyone toward that buffoon.
  23. Almost time for the five o’clock free crack giveaway!
  24. Solid point as usual. Also, I think he forgot to put Antifa on his bogeyman list. Or maybe he’s conceded that the Biden administration won the war against Antifa and the vaunted Antifa Air Force.
  25. If we’re going to start quoting addicts you really should break out a little Tyrone Biggums for us all.
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