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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. This. I completely agree with this. The D line on the whole has to be more disruptive for the perma-nickel to work against particularly the Ravens. Losing Smoot might be a problem with respect to that matchup. I'd say maybe look into bringing Shaq back, but for the fact that he was part of a shooting the night before the division championship game last year. That, I suspect, ended his time here.
  2. And a high pass rush win rate. He’s played well this year. He’s not an all pro anymore but, off field problems aside, I have no issues with him now.
  3. In the present tense (roughly the past year) wages outpace inflation.
  4. He was. Also three sacks to start the year.
  5. Hoax. They’re exceeding it.
  6. I’m not defending it. I’m pointing out that yesterday’s snap count may not be relevant to that point.
  7. It’s hard to believe that in an economy of full employment there are people who are in that situation who aren’t to blame for their plight. I think they speak to prescription drug reform. You know, the kind of stuff that Republicans typically are against.
  8. Don’t buy what you don’t need. Try it sometime. Fiscal conservatism 101.
  9. The only poll that matters will be completed tomorrow. The bet here is that Harris wins. America has had enough of the darkness and the BS, and the truth is that the economy is actually really, really good right now. Some people who have mismanaged their personal finanaces may disagree. But if America votes its wallet and common sense, then it’s Harris.
  10. In fairness we played a lot of smoot and toohill until they got hurt. I suspect the plan was bigger DEs to offset constant use of nickel agains two WR sets.
  11. Strongly disagree. He might be a Pro Bowl caliber corner now. I'm not sure about this. Watching it live from the other end of the stadium it looked like Elam got cooked on a wheel for what should have been a touchdown had Tua not grossly under thrown the ball.
  12. This is one of the benefits of being in the stadium. The wind was different today. It was actually backwards. It was also subtle, and it showed that the staff was paying attention and breaking from protocol to choose to head toward the scoreboard in the fourth quarter. Bass also was hitting it really well today. I wasn’t there for pregame warm-ups, but there was a marked difference between how bass looked at the half today relative to at the prior home game (those warmups were bad). He hit from 52 twice headed toward the scoreboard during the break, and with room to spare. I can’t say that I thought it was likely that he would hit the 61 yarder in the game. But I also didn’t think it preposterous that he would hit it. It was the right call all day long to attempt that kick.
  13. I’m not sure this is something that I would invest in. I appreciate that Ankou played a bunch today. But the gashing is what happens when one plays nickel against two WR sets. We chose to limit the pass and to risk getting beaten by the run. It worked.
  14. So do commercials and campaigns and Twitter and candidates. That doesn’t mean that elections are unfair. You whine about a lot of stuff, including “the media.” My suggestion is to have better ideas and maybe you’ll get a majority of people to vote for them.
  15. I actually agree with some of this. I watched the clip. Trump is a moron, he's lost the benefit of the doubt, and he shouldn't have said what he did as he did given his history of double talk, inference, and subtle direction to his follows. But he also didn't call for her execution, and tried, very inartfully and very poorly, to suggest that someone who is eager to send others to war should appreciate the risks taken by those directed to fight. The point about "honest and fair elections" is patently absurd. We have them right now. It's just that some criminals and thugs and insurrections didn't like the result last time and then stormed the Capitol. Now, and even before then, many people bought into the grievances and fantasy that "they" or the "the media" somehow make elections unfair. I don't interpret the Liz Cheney remarks differently from you. I can see how others might interpret them differently, and reasonably so. But a headline about that interpretation on Drudge or CNN or any other media outlet that you disagree with does not make an election unfair.
  16. If he's sincere about his desire to leave, then maybe he's be willing to rework his contract, give up his remaining guaranteed money (probably about $800k), and hit the road. We could use that money to sign Hyde, he could go wherever he wants, and away we go.
  17. Oh man that is so dumb. Literally the stupidest economic plan of my lifetime. And a precursor to a flat tax. Awful all around. I doubt he does time. Community service and probation are in his future.
  18. Record aid? As in flinging paper towels at them after a hurricane?
  19. Seriously. That’s where pIrv seems to be. No brokerage, no savings, no checking, no rainy day fund, but lots of whining.
  20. I have both. You apparently don’t. I also have access to money. You apparently don’t. Stop whining and work harder and maybe you won’t have these issues.
  21. It’s almost like florio reads these boards: https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/is-an-aaron-rodgers-trade-a-possibility
  22. No it’s not. We have 13 more to go.
  23. Probably should have opened a brokerage account. I can access that whenever I want. You could have, too, but you apparently didn’t plan properly.
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