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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. I’m aware. And yet the margins were tight. Ran the gable in the swing states. Is the Democratic Party disconnected? Of course. And in spite of that, did MAGA win some sweeping victory or mandate? Nope. So what does that tell us about each side? People want compromise, common sense, and someone who solves kitchen table problems. MAGA-ZA is not the way to address those issues.
  2. And despite that your party won by the thinnest of margins. So keep on focusing on MAGA-ZA and crap like that and we’ll see what happens. Which will be nothing to help the little guy and a change in direction in two years.
  3. Not as long as it's gonna be for MAGA. Ukraine is still a hot war, inflation is growing, good luck paying your trailer lot fees and purchasing eggs in the same month, the tariff nonsense accomplished absolutely nothing aside from roiling the markets for a day and sliding auto stocks, and the prices of groceries and electricity have not improved while we're now distracted by MAGA-ZA and the possibility of Trump Towers Khan Younis. My only hope is that MAGA-ZA is a grand plan to get our domestic MAGA trailer folk who take no responsibility for their own shortcomings some primo beachfront property at a price even they can afford. Get those welfare queens out of here and make them someone else's problem. That's a plan we should all support. Heaven forbid that somebody want to improve it. If you're satisfied with your trailer and Trump flag because your low standing in the social order is not the lowest standing on the social order, then that's pretty sad.
  4. That's a great response. Mid-air collisions are DEI's fault, so let's cancel the FAA, characterize a pilot's concerns about mid-air collisions as vomit, parrot some line about TDS and owning the libs with plane crashes, and move on. MAGA logic.
  5. Cuban saw this guy "every" day. He probably didn't want to pay him $345 million to keep IHOP in business. I was stunned at first, but then I asked myself why the Mavs would trade that guy. There have to be bad habits behind the scenes.
  6. Consumption tax. The rich love it. Even more than the flat tax. But this is what people (not me) voted for.
  7. This. Ideally developing nations would manufacture our disposable crap at extremely low prices, and our workers would do higher end jobs (engineering, coding, etc.) that require greater intelligence and greater education, and that pay better wages. But hey, let's make ball point pens and disposable razors here, tax the stuff we have to import to make it more expensive for consumers, and see what happens.
  8. It would be pretty awkward for the kids at practice if Babich goes.
  9. That might be why it gets done now. Maybe see deferred cash in this thing too for tax reasons (if allowed by NFL). This is going to be an interesting contract.
  10. That’s what I think. 12 years $1b, with real value actually being 10 years at $800m. Sounds crazy but it’s where things are headed.
  11. I don’t understand it. I’d like to know who has precedence in that scenario. I thought it would be the guy running the chains — the line judge — rather than the down judge (who took the spot). I just don’t know. Even if it’s the other way around, why the guy who couldn’t see the ball overrules the guy who saw the ball befuddles me.
  12. I thought so too on Kincaid but I believe his left elbow hit while the ball was short. I had to watch it a bunch of times to figure it out. The spot on fourth down—and more so the process with the down judge taking the spot in spite of Allen’s back being to him—was absurd.
  13. I disagree with the last sentence. We got jobbed last night on the spot. We get that first down (on either bad spot) and we’re gonna stuff it down their throats and win that game. Otherwise agreed.
  14. I think it’s getting to be time to get a DC from outside the org. I’ll add this. They better hope Benford is OK because it looks an awful lot like they did him dirty rushing him back.
  15. The spots killed us. And the bad call in the review, which I suspect prevented McD from challenging the Kincaid spot.
  16. I think the defensive side of the ball needs work. We need someone who can heat up a quarterback. And corner is an issue. Probably need a 1T too.
  17. You give up a lot easier than I do. Never quit. Never give in. Not just here but in life. Keep on pounding away.
  18. Yeah but we have Kaiir Elam running around in the secondary. I wouldn’t do it either with that magnet patrolling a corner.
  19. F that. We’re right there. We play that game again and I feel good about winning. We play it in Buffalo and we smoke them. Keep on banging on that rock and it will break.
  20. This is gonna be fun. Nerves are how you know you’re alive. Let’s go get this. Love you all.
  21. I hope we win for reasons exactly like this. It's not going to change my life in a meaningful way if the Bills win the Super Bowl. But I really, really want to see the joy it brings to others. I'd like to share it with my father and my kids together. (My dad and I have gone to games together as STHs for about 40 years.) I spent some time in a hospital this summer--no big deal--but I saw those kids rooms that appear in TV commercials and I was so grateful that I would be out of there in a couple of days. I was so sad for the kids and the families who had to stick around and worry and wait for weeks or months, and struck by how important the solace and the distraction of those rooms (all Bills and Sabres centric) must be for them. I hope the Bills win for people like that. I hope they win for the people who are struggling around here right now (by the grace of God, I'm not there, at least at the moment). I've never felt this way before--I've always thought about how I would feel if they won. But now I don't care about that, and I want it badly for everyone else.
  22. Let's focus on Kansas City and hope this is an issue in mid-February. I don't even think ahead about stuff like this because at least two pretty difficult things must come to pass before this would become relevant.
  23. Pay the guys that have been here.
  24. Brady hires SpyTek. Go figure.
  25. The weather was a big factor yesterday. It's easy to suggest passing more. But conditions were bad, with respect to both traction and grip. The only thing I disagree with from yesterday was not going full neanderthal and running tush push on the last third and goal. But there's one other element to it - McGovern was in a lot of pain earlier. Not sure if it showed up on the broadcast. I think it was his left shoulder. Maybe that prevented the tush push there.
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