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Everything posted by Bob4Bills

  1. Hasn't the big, expensive waterfront attraction been tried before? Why bother? There isn't enough goosedown in parka's to stand being near the waterfront from Oct thru April
  2. Not sure if they've changed the way they do 'bidness', but I know what you're contemplating doing will work. It was always depending on the billing address. More importantly, WHY would you move to WNY? I know you're from there, as am I but I moved because Florida has better climate- hurricanes notwithstanding.. For all the quality of living in WNY, egress is one way...OUT!
  3. Agreed, with Indy on top...at least I'd like to see a record breaking QB win it all..
  4. SPIKE! -She named it way before Takeo came aboard..
  5. DRu, I gotta say I love the design. It's the best I've seen with the current helmet. I'm a big fan of the White helmet, red buffalo and have wished they'd return to it. Failing that, push your design to the Bills!!
  6. With the NFL being my unquenchable favorite pastime, it's great to ahve 24/7 coverage. I think Enviro's opine is a tad harsh. True, the dialog could be better written and all the ex-players are mostly a bore, but the programming is still in it's infancy. With such widespread appeal, I believe it will continue to evolve. NFL Films is the major player here, and who doesn't love their act?! Every game is on replay throughout the week, so even blackouters (sp?) can see their teams. Rich Eisen has the greatest job but he needs to step up his performance. AND, quit having the jocks predict outcomes!! It takes up too much time, they're no better suited to it than anybody here and are as much wrong as right. Grade: C+, with major upside.
  7. Kurt -IMHO- comes closest to 'The Truth'! To quote 'Lex & Terry', "He who cares least, WINS!!" This extremely effective theology is already at play here- in reverse! As most posters have advised, get out and play around. Upon realizing that you're moving on, she'll very likely re-contact you. Be non-chalant/UNCARING. You've shown enough quality of yourself to her. Knowing that you're showing this to others typically triggers the motivation to stand up and be counted (re-counted). The best upside of this method is that you will probably find that you can become attracted to other women. It's a win/win. IMHO
  8. CLASSIC!! A Buffalo crushing a Bengal tiger!
  9. US popularity in Indonesia -with the worlds' largest Muslim population- has fallen from 61% to 15% since the invasion of Iraq. (Source NPR -today) The U.S., in a purley humanitarian effort, has agreed to de-arm our troops and have them return to the ship every day. If, in thrre months, we've done all they ask of us, we will leave. It DOES suck, as the cause transcends politics and religion, but it's their country. We can only do what they allow us to do...
  10. Just reinforces my view, weather personalities on local TV are simply not necessary.
  11. I can't believe no one has thought of: MEET THE BEATLES! Nothing, before or since, has so dramatically chsnged music
  12. If you know a Florida resident, contact them as there are GREAT savings allotted to state residents. The tix purchases would have to go through them -Fla drivers license is required, but the savings can be as much as 50%!!! I know, I live here.
  13. This game is very reminiscent of SBXXV. The high-flying, point a minute no-huddle of Da Bills vs. the lumbering, methodical G-men. Tortois and the hare. We all know how that turned out... Belichek was DC for the G-men and concocted a 2-5 defense to UNLOAD on Bills short zone receivers across the middle. My predict: unlike our heros', Mike 'the mouth' Vanderjact MAKES the 47 yarder as time expires to win.
  14. My father taught me to drop kick in the early 60's. I got very good at it -hitting it as it bounced up from the ground- even with the now standard trim ball. The rule was put in waaaaaaaaayy back- before the forward pass- and the ball was much more round, making it a viable option. Today's ball is too narrow for consistant good kicks however.
  15. Total Access -NFL network Daily Show West Wing O'Riley Fcator American Justice Hon. Men: C. Clay/M. Ali fights on espn-CL
  16. No. Given his past, if he wasn't such an athletic talent, he'd be doing time by now.
  17. Actually, once again aging myself... I believe they had to create special helmets for OJ... now he has a huge head! 199613[/snapback] I remember that too. The Bills had to have his old USC helmet sent here, cause they didn't have one that fit his melon.
  18. You are correct sir! I stand corrected. Sanders turned Biscuit inside out on one of his patented TD runs
  19. AMEN! 'It's one of those opinionated days...' 'Some thoughts collected while wondering what ever happend to..' Great stuff!
  20. I am hopeful that the good things I and we have seen from JP will really blossom this off-season. If a player drafted in the 6th round who never played in his rookie year can absorb enough to lead his team to an SB win his second year, if a rookie QB can start for Pittsburgh because of their great D and lead them to their great record this year, there is no reason why Losman cannot refuse to be denied a starting shot by his practice this off-season and his play next pre-season. 197306[/snapback] He came out of college with 'bullheaded, I-Me-Mine, cocky' monikers well researched by Bills braintrust. This mental make up, combined with a strong, accurate arm WITH touch, deft ball handing skills and exciting feet is what he's all about. He has Bills fans everywhere hopeful that this years' tutelage (sp?) will pay off next year. I BILLIEVE!
  21. Great point, Hardy. You can't ever tell. Like us, they laid out on their 1st round rook the first year, then handed him the reigns and he struggled and the team took back steps. This 'win now' world isn't an exact science but teams are realizing they can turn fortunes around quickly. Maybe go into seasons' willing to play a vet and a high priced rook evenly until one surfaces..
  22. Dead on RIGHT! Probably why we didn't see any of that slick hand stuff..
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