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Everything posted by Bob4Bills

  1. Music preference is as individualistic as facial features, so I give Macca critics their due, BUT , I LOVE THE BEATLES, always have, and it was the second best HT ever, behind U2, IMHO...
  2. Don't watch much football, do ya zona?
  3. Thialog, see ya tomorrow, if not tonight!
  4. Yes. only recently.
  5. Amazing! Imagine the 'testies' needed to do that, let alone repeatedly...
  6. Thanks to all of you! We're beside ourselves with joy! I wonder if this is how it feels to win a SB...
  7. 5 of 10. Does this mean half full or half empty...
  8. Season tix '87 thru '91, many singles since and a handfull of games at the Rockpile. Bills home games are the greatest thrill!
  9. My first grandchild was born yesterday here in 'Super' Jax! A darling little girl I nicknamed 'Punxsutawney Daisy'. She came out of hiding, didn't see her shadow and proclaimed "An early Spring for everyone!"
  10. As stated many x's previously, I too am a Jacksonvillian. My neighbor -a cadilac salesman- dropped by yesterday and gave me a large handful of VIP -Any Day tix to the NFL Experience. Very cool. If anyone from the wall is attending, PM me and I'll try to accomodate.
  11. IIRC, Drew has BLING from '01...
  12. and how is the most talked about azz on the board doing today? (Feb 2)
  13. Happy 'Punxatawny Phil' Day to you, cablelady and Jen. My daughter is in delivery- been there all night- with her first, a girl. I'm waiting on 'the call' to go back. I had yesterday in the baby pool, ...dammit!!
  14. I live in 'Super' Jacksonville and have been able to but Labbatt's anytime I want. Check any ABC liquor store for sure and now most grocery stores sell it as well -Molson too. I could do without the stupid bear commercials, though...
  15. Because it takes over 20 cameras to make it happen! Upskirt Cheer-cams, I love it!!
  16. Berr is beer is beer... I have a sign in my garage that read's "FREE BEER TOMORROW". All that matters is that there's enough of it and it's cold!!
  17. I was a Dansvillian for 7 years, now a Jacksonvillian
  18. That ole' northeast depressing, homicidal,suicidal,life's goin' nowhere cabin fever startin' a little early this year, eh? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  19. I agree. I'd like to see Philly win -any way possible- but they don't seem to have their head on staright..
  20. Either they fixed it or you read it wrong..
  21. Here's a little hope for those of you who aren't yet getting the NFL network. We have Comcast here- great service- and the nfl network was in the 400 channel area meaning you had to have the box. Just yesterday, they moved it to channel 57- meaning now anybody with cable can get it. My point is, just have a little patience. NFL network has hit cable bigger than when espn started and they're getting it out there to everyone. Keep calling and demanding, it'll come
  22. Be careful what you ask for.. the TRUE Bills throwbak uni would be light blue jerseys, silver pants and silver helmets with just the players number on it. I too, would love to see the '64-72 uni's replayed!!
  23. Alright, ya WNYers...what'd ya do???
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