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Everything posted by Bob4Bills

  1. Yeah, I was alawys an Abernathy fan, but she didn't 'return' well from being preggo. PS Mead, you've finally found a home with this weather thing..
  2. If NOTHING else, hopefully MM will split time between DB/JPL. Remember '64? Kemp/Lamonica played almost equally the entire year. Result: 12 wins, 2 loses, AFL CHAMPIONSHIP!
  3. Well put Fake, though a tad wordy. NFL Network was an awesome advent this past preseason as it allowed me to replay all the games and really breakdown JP's raw talent. What I still take from that was the incredible ball handling skills the kid has, as well as innovative playcalling that wasn't seen much during the season. It seems to me the reason we didn't see any of this in the reg season was Drew doesn't/couldn't handle the ball like that (play action, slight of hand fake hand offs one way- then hand off the other way, etc). Following the Bills since the 60's championship teams, I couldn't and still don't remember that kind of talent from the QB position in Buffalo. This alone won't win a starting job for a rook, but I think he knows he can take the reigns next year by doing everything asked of him during the offseason. No one need look any further than the Chargers this year to know today's game is a WIN NOW game.
  4. Good luck with that, Midkif. Number 1 rule in marketing : Sex SELLS!!
  5. JK was hurt @ Gints in the 14th game. Reich started next week vs Fish for AFC east title. Then Gilbert in finale @ Redskins. JK returned for the full playoffs- 90 season JK was top QB in AFC, starting EVERY game, though thumped mercilessly by Redskins in bowl -91 season 92 season has been correctly related in this thread -hurt @ Houston in season finale & didn't return untill AFC championship @ Miami 93- a little foggy. Home field was sewn up so I think Reich started finale, though JK started playoffs (Raiders/Chiefs/'Boys
  6. On espn today, they were talking that the Yanks may have finally tapped their resources (Boss' money) with the Unit and probably can't compete with Beltran offers. As a lifelong Yankee fan (M&M Boys!) I'm scared. If this collection doesn't bring us our 27th, it will be a veeeeeery long time before we can try again..
  7. I can only second this Stojan.. otherwise I'm 'speechless'.....
  8. This game, you may remember, was credited as the birth of the K-Gun No-huddle.
  9. We got Lofton in mid season. At the time we had a receiver -I think named Johnson- who wore #80. He was cut the next preseason and Lofton took it. Also, Loftons first Bills trading card incorrectly had this other guy on it. I have it at home. As for Harmon, he definately wasn't the sharpest knive in the drawer but as a receiving back, he was VERY good! That's why he lasted so long after.
  10. Yes! Bring back the white helmets w/ standing red buffalo!!!
  11. Drew Bledsoe, Rian Lindell, and Coy Wire: http://www.theamericanoutdoorsman.com/usr_images/air32.jpg 195570[/snapback] CLASSIC!!! Great Set-up!
  12. I hope you're right CH, I just doubt it...
  13. me thinks it's a 'Black thing'..
  14. We've heard a lot of 'yadda yadda' from the league for a year in response to the patsies thuggery style in the playoffs. The Bills -and all teams for that matter- have been hosed by 'ghost calls' throughout the season supposedly as a result. But on the eve of the playoffs, is there anyone who truely thinks the clampdown will continue? BUCKLE YOUR CHINSTRAPS!!
  15. perhaps... for a DEAD guy!!
  16. I stated last week there would be 25k stiller fans there b/c they always buy up the tix when they're on our home schedule and single games go on sale. WNY'ers should have realized this by now- stadium opened in '73 - and do they're danmdest (sp?) to circumvent it in the future.
  17. Very well said, DC! This has been my point all along, but couldn't have said it better.
  18. I'm probably going to regret this..but just what is the criteria, from the intellectual society that holds Mike Tyson so lofty, required to be a Bills fan?!?
  19. Well said, though 2 won't matter if Da Bills don't take of of 'bidness'.
  20. I KNOW Bills Nation will be in the house! 15 sellouts in 16 games going ape-sh** for the 15-16 Bills. A lot of Bills/Steelers games have been mostly one sided, squelching opposition fans. But if this game is the knuckle bustin' smash mouther I expect, I wish there were 75 thousand Bills fans vs. 55k-20k. They will be heard from so all Bills fans in attendance MUST return home completely hoarse and in need of throat meds to overcome them. BTW, you're right. I broke my rocker on X-Mas and it's out being repaired
  21. All these topics centering on other potential outcomes raises the question of weather anybody realizes the leagues best team is taking the field Sunday against our Bills. I haven't seen one post discussing how were going to crack their front seven to keep Bledsoe erect, get to Maddox while trying to contain argueably the finest trio of receivers on any team or consistantly plug running lanes that no one else has been able to. As I stated on an earlier reply, smashing victories against lower eschelon teams has only created a belief that we can beat great teams as we haven't beaten anyone with a winning record when we played them. It seems as if everyone's either foolishly looking past them or are too afraid to talk about it. I can't see how anyone could think this one's 'in the bag' just because we've whooped a lot of crappy teams lately. With the possible exception of raidernation, Steeler fans have been buying up every last RWS tix every year we're on their schedule and are the most supported opposition fans we encounter at the stadium. That's not going to change Sunday and won't bode well for 12th man influence. IF the performance enhancement we've witnessed the last six weeks is bona fide and we can win this game- through any cicumstance- then we'll know this team is great and we'll enjoy an offseason of great expectations. Then again, depending on how all these other chips fall that everyone seems to want to talk about, we could be aboard a surreal Super Bowl bandwagon!
  22. Phagitaboutit!! Join in on the Bills strategy and focus on one game- the 14-1 NFL leading Steelers! The '04 Bills are 0-4 when playing teams with winning records (Jags were 0-0). So no other game matters if we don't knock off the leagues' finest team. The scheduling gods have given the Bills an opportunity to test TD/MM's philosophy and it has developed within the team the essential 'CAN DO" attitude that was otherwise a year away. That said, smashing victories against lower eshcelon teams only means we THINK we can beat great teams, as we haven't yet. IF -and it's a big IF- we pull off a win Sunday under any circumstance, then we will know we can be great by league standards and we'll enjoy an off season of great expectations. ...OR- depending on where other chips fall- follow our Bills on a surreal Super Bowl quest!! Go Bills!!
  23. The '77 Second Miracle'! against the Bronx in '90. Tredwell attempting a gimme FG that would ice the victory when Odoms swoops in and blocks it and Biscuit grabs it and flies down the sideline 80 yds. After the kickoff, 'Hitman' picks off Elway- taking it to the hizzy. We bury them at the 2 on the next kickoff and Elway fumbles the first snap and Biscuit recovers. Kenny Davis takes it over from there and a dredfull loss turns into a fantastic victory, propelling the Bills on their 1st SB destiny. I took a client to the game who never had such excitement. He died during the next week...
  24. If you think the 300 is sweet, you should have tried it's predecessor -the LHS. The 300 just doesn't match up. I know this belief is shared by many WNY'ers who have had them both.
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