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Posts posted by NYGPopgun10

  1. The better team doesn't always win.  See Super Bowl 25, Bills vs. Giants.  :(  Seriously, the Sens are good but the Sabres finished with the same number of wins and 2 fewer points I beleive.  Plus while I though the goaltending was pretty even, Miller looked pretty bad while Emery was horrible.  7 goals on 23 shots.  There's your reason.  ;)




    That might be true but I ain't complaining. :(

  2. Didn't they have one of the highest payrolls?




    What does that have to do with it? This is the new salary cap NHL. The Rangers had a few experienced players up front including one superstar in Jagr.


    Lundqvist went into the season unproven as a rookie. Renney took a team that was picked to finish last in some publications and guided them to 100 points. And if not for a slew of injuries, they win the Atlantic and put up a better fight in the first round.



    Also, Prucha, Moore, Hollweg, Tyutin were all rookies. He also got the most out of unproven players such as Blair Betts, Jason Ward and even Marcel Hossa.


    They were a flawed team and it caught up in the end. But with what they had to work with (blueline was not what i'd call standout), Renney got the most out of them.



    All that said, I'd like to see Laviolette or Ruff win it. Laviolette had two unproven goalies and his team was also picked near the bottom. He helped change the attitude in Carolina and turned them into a very exciting attack team. Ruff did an outstanding job guiding Buffalo back to the postseason. But if you looked at their team on paper (especially up front), it was well suited for the new NHL. With speed and underrated talent such as Briere, Afinogenov, Drury, Hecht and Connolly, Buffalo was not as much of an underdog to make the playoffs. I thought they'd surprise some people and that's just what happened.


    So, if I were handing it out, it would go to Laviolette.

  3. Thanks for the "congrats"...i know you like the devils so you like defense....but we gave up an entire year of hockey so that the NHL could get fixed....and that game was the absolute epitome of the new NHL.  The whole point of the rule changes were to allow a team to come back in the last minute of a playoff game, instead of letting the team who is up by 1 trap the other team to death and win a 2-1 snoozer.  These two teams and this style of play is the future of the NHL, this is what people want to see.




    Yes and no. As a diehard Ranger fan, I liked them a lot better when they backchecked and didn't take shifts off and played disciplined hockey before the last month and a half.


    It's true I want to see exciting hockey. And if you have a 3-2 or 4-3 game with some nice goals and some clutch goaltending, you're going to get that.


    I don't like shootouts because that means no D is being played and players aren't paying the price.


    A good mixture is what it's all about.

  4. Great game but I would think real hard about starting Biron :lol: (whom I thinks the better of the two Goalies) on the next one.

    Biron is more mature and can play shutout hockey wich we need in the playoffs.

    I still don't understand why we spent so much time on Biron to give up right when the kid is ready to take the next step.


    He's a Great Goalie and deserves more respect!!!! :w00t: 

    But WHAT A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I understand your points but you don't do that now. Miller is the guy who got ya here. So you ride him. He's the man.

  5. great win for the sabres. Good luck  the rest of the series.  The sabres and ottawa are definitly gonna have to tighten up on defense.  It was painful to watch the goalies getting hung out to dry like that.  Miller came up with some big saves in the 3rd that really kept you in the game. Congrats on the offensive show down.




    Agreed Kraze. That was a crazy and entertaining game that defied logic. Give the Sabres full marks for stealing it. Was awesome to listen to. :lol:


    P.S. Speaking of "tightening up the screws," are your Devils going to in time for Game Two Monday night? :w00t:

  6. After I posed the question, I just heard Connolly on the post game interview, and he sounded like it was intentional although he didnt come right out and say it. Still, that was an incredible goal. He could turn out to be a fabulous player. He has it all, and is playing amazing now.




    Bingo. The guy has always had the talent. I just wondered if he'd ever harness it and also be able to make the kind of comeback he did from concussion symptoms.


    He has sick moves in his arsenal. I definitely felt he was intentionally trying to go backhand shortside. It was brilliant.


    This guy is turning that Peca deal around quickly. What a fun player to watch!

  7. I think the Devils were rusty and the Canes were fresh and had their legs. I agree that the Rangers didn't help the Devs prepare for this match-up while the Canes had to battle back against a speedy Habs team.


    The Rangers were too banged up and fragile at the end of the year. Sucked for me and other fans. But I knew they were treading water going in.



    I am not sure I'd put too much emphasis on this game yesterday. The Devils are experienced enough to bounce back. You got to figure Game Two will be much closer. I also believe the winner will be in the driver's seat.

  8. Apparently none of them has seen Calgary play this season.  Calgary is everything the Flyers' fans wish their team could be.  Physical, talented, great goaltending, and lots of heart.  They call it figure skating because their team simply doesn't have anywhere near the talent to do anything but hook, clutch, tackle, and obstruct.  So it looks like figure skating when any team plays them because their slow as molasses team can't skate well enough to catch anyone to hit cleanly.


    Screw them.




    You forgot to add one thing: Out in the first round sadly.

  9. "We have unbelievable fans and they're disappointed," Hitchcock said. "We have to stick together."


    You can say that again Ken!


    How long before they start eating their own?


    And what is up with those dorky faux hockey helmets that they got some drunk bastards to wear?


    :w00t:  :blink:  :huh:




    Over/Under on how many days it takes for Captain Kangaroo to be fired: 5

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