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Everything posted by philburger1

  1. Dude, Roger can't sing for sh#t. He even says he can't sing and David has a way better voice. In ballads (wish you were here) or rocking songs (money) it's Glimour that does the best singing. Roger did more and more singing later one, once he took over all most all of the writing duties.
  2. David Gilmour's best moments with Floyd are on the CD "Animals" He does a great job singing and playing on "Dogs", THE best Floyd song ever!
  3. What he doesn't realize is how much the citzens of America give to charity, in addition to the government. Plus, we have 3 million illegals a year coming here we have to support. No other country in the world has that type of problem.
  4. Akbahla Akubar! Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le LeLe Le Le Le!
  5. They say in their own terrorist handbooks to lie about human and civl rights abuses. So we are supposed to believe all these stories? More importantly, how on God's Earth can Islamic Jihad cry about a Koran being torn, when their members carry out homicide bombings in pizza parlors and school buses? Disengagement might be the only option left for the rest of the world to rid themselves of the violent hypocrisy of the islamic world.... AP: The militant Islamic Jihad on Wednesday presented pictures of torn copies of the Islamic holy book, the Koran, claimed they were taken inside an Israeli prison and said soldiers were responsible for the desecration. Israel denied the charge and said the pictures were a fabrication. The Islamic Jihad transmitted the pictures by e-mail to a reporter in the West Bank. They show two Korans with torn pages. The militants said prisoners took the pictures with cellular telephones sent them electronically to militant leaders.
  6. You work in "Communications"? Is that what they are calling tele-marketing now? I thought all those jobs were in India now. You most be special... Akbahala Akubar!
  7. My bad. This should issue a statement about this guy too: BI agents arrested Shah in the New York area over the weekend. He is scheduled to appear before a federal magistrate Tuesday in Manhattan. An FBI spokeswoman said agents arrested the 50-year-old Sabir Saturday morning near Boca Raton, Florida, where he lives. He also is to appear before a magistrate Tuesday in Fort Pierce, Florida. The case originated and is being handled in the Southern District of New York and led to Sabir in Florida, said FBI spokesman Matt Bertrand. "Shah and Sabir engaged in multiple meetings and conversations with a confidential source as well as an FBI special agent, who was acting in an undercover capacity and posing as an al Qaeda operative and recruiter," the statement said. During one meeting with the undercover agent, Shah allegedly showed "how he had fashioned his prayer beads into a weapon which could be used to strangle a person," according to the statement.
  8. I wonder what C.A.R.E. (or American Hamas) was to say about this? They are probably to busy worring about tv shows that have a Muslim Terrorist in it. Yeah, that's more important.
  9. Hey, Kirk would have grudge f*#cked the borg queen and make her like it...
  10. I am sure most people would agree with you. Problem is the local news here as only been showing the clip from the point she get's zapped. So it is sure to work people up who don't know the whole story.
  11. How long before Jessie Jackson and his group get the law suites out. White Cop, Black Lady. I am so glad they got it on tape so everyone can see watch a BIOTCH she was. I wonder who her lawyer is?
  12. Hardly. Image how China would have reacted to is Muslim Citizens if it happened there. Imagine how Christians would be treated in Syria or Yemen if s amll group of them crashed a plane in the tallest building around. Think they would have commercials soon after, saying : "I am a Sryian"? Yeah, ok
  13. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5051401270.html 'Martyrs' In Iraq Mostly Saudis Web Sites Track Suicide Bombings
  14. FACT: Not one "Suicide Bomber" in Iraq was actually from Iraq. They have all come from their good neighbors: Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. This tatic of kiling your own,and blowing up mosques that belong to different sects of Islam seems to me to be a last gasp of desperation. I am sure they would rather be blowing up Western Infidels if they could. Plus, I can't believe it is winning the hearts and minds of the people over there.
  15. Yes! i recall looking at it at work and nearly falling out of my chair laughing. I liberal co-working seemed upset that those people we being made fun of. I guess you aren't supposed to poke fun at racist, bigotted, killers.
  16. That Jerk was on Hannity and Combs (spelling?) on Fox News. The first time I ever saw them both tear into a guest. Shaun looked so mad, i thought he would slug him if he could. That guy who does the site is about a 140 pounds soaking wet. Since he was a national TV,everbody knows what he looks like. I hope somebody gives him what he was coming. He looked like one of those skiiny little punks you see working at a record store who's response to everything is a wise crack.
  17. More fun from the Religion of Peace! BEIRUT, Lebanon -- A bomb blast in Lebanon has claimed the life of a prominent Lebanese journalist. Aftermath of bomb blast which killed Lebanese journalist Samir Kassir, Beirut, Lebanon Police said the explosive was pla ced in his car and went off this morning, enveloping the car in flames and killing Samir Kassir. Kassir wrote a newspaper column that frequently criticized Syria, which pulled its troops out of Lebanon just last month after decades of domination. Lebanon is now in the midst of its first post-Syrian parliamentary elections. The prime minister is among those who have gone to the scene of the bombing. He denounces those trying to bring Lebanon down, pledging to defend security and freedom. Police don't know who's responsible for the bombing. But one opposition lawmaker is blaming Damascus. In her words, "It looks like we're not done yet with Syria
  18. That gives the people every right to burn it down and kill the people who worked there, of course! Even though their mosque got bombed by Osma's Lackies. They probably even chanted "Death to America!" again. Even though the bombing was done my our #1 enemy. Akubla Akubar! Le le le le !
  19. I know, I know, I just couldn't help myself. Is this fake news story on my personal web site better? http://www.hilburger.com/news_main.php?Id=1
  20. Great stuff. Steve Hackett's classical acousic guitar playing is friggin' amazing.
  21. I always though Islamo-Facist were big in to Mexican food. They just love hot Al-Quesadas!
  22. Eddie was great. Betcha don't know who he lists as one of biggest influences on his style of playing: Steve Hackett, who used to be in Genesis. Listen to his stuff with them from 1971 and you can hear were Eddie got some ideas.
  23. Kentucky Fried Chicken, of course! But yes, dropping a koran on the floor is a lot worse, and causes massive protests! KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) -- A mob angered by an al Qaeda-linked suicide bombing in a Shiite mosque set a KFC restaurant on fire in overnight rioting, killing six employees and bringing the day's overall death toll to 12, police said Tuesday. Security in Karachi shifted into "high alert," said Rauf Siddiqi, home minister of Sindh province, of which Karachi is the capital. "These incidents are happening one after the other. We are trying to find a link between them," he told the private Geo television station. "This is a criminal and merciless attack." The bomber slipped into the mosque during a gunbattle with police that left another attacker and two officers dead, and blew himself up during evening prayers Monday, killing one worshipper and wounding at least 26. An outraged crowd of about 1,000 Shiites, many beating their chests in mourning, rampaged afterwards in this southern port city, setting fire to cars and shops and killing at least six more people.
  24. Yeah but Rolling Stone will have Joan Jett ranked higher than him.
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