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Everything posted by philburger1

  1. Cowboys will suck this year. Dolphins will suck this year. Now if we could just put a hex on Mew England to suck this year, it would be a perfect world.
  2. This just in: Farve is good
  3. Oh, so that explains the lack of protests in the muslim world against terrorism. thanks. “Maybe the French did it because they didn’t get the 2012 Olympics and England did,” said Aftab Ahmad, 27, a waiter who attended the Central Mosque prayer service. “Why do they always say Muslims do attacks like this?"
  4. Gee, if somebody killed a member of my family on purpose because they hated his religion or ethnic background (terrorists), it would make me a lot madder than somebody doing by accident while trying to protect people and due their job (the police),.. Both would suck, no doubt, but killing out of hate would make it a lot worse.....
  5. Question: Would there have been mass protests in Brazil against terrorism if that young man had died with others a couple weeks ago when the bombs went off on the subway. Just wondering....
  6. Did you see his photo? http://wwwimage.cbsnews.com/images/2001/12...mage322435x.jpg It think if you looked like that you might get a little extra 'attention'
  7. Please pay attention a little more: Southern California School District to 'affirm' Ebonics July 18, 2005 'It should be considered a foreign language' A school district in Southern California approved the "affirmation and recognition" of Ebonics into its curriculum as a way to help black students improve academic performance. The San Bernardino Board of Education says a pilot of the policy, known as the Students Accumulating New Knowledge Optimizing Future Accomplishment Initiative, has been implemented at two city schools, according to the daily San Bernardino Sun. Ebonics, a dialect of American English spoken by many blacks, was recognized as a separate language by the Oakland, Calif., school board in 1996. Mary Texeira, a sociology professor at Cal State San Bernardino, believes the program will be beneficial to students. "Ebonics is a different language, it's not slang as many believe,' Texeira told the Sun. "For many of these students Ebonics is their language, and it should be considered a foreign language. These students should be taught like other students who speak a foreign language." Texeira acknowledged there are African Americans who disagree with her. "They say that [black students] are lazy and that they need to learn to talk," she said. The program, which will be implemented gradually, begins this fall when teachers receive training on black culture and customs. The district curriculum will include information on the historical, cultural and social impact of blacks in society. Len Cooper, coordinator of the pilot program at the two city schools, said Ebonics won't actually be incorporated into the program, because of its "stigma." "We are affirming and recognizing Ebonics through supplemental reading books for students," he explained. Although the program is aimed at black students, other students can choose to participate, the Sun reported. Board member Danny Tillman told the paper he pushed for the policy because he hoped it would increase the number of black students going to college and participating in advanced courses. But Teresa Parra, board vice president, worries other minority groups, including Hispanics, will want their own programs. "I've always thought that we should provide students support based on their needs and not on their race," she said. Ratibu Jacocks, a member of a coalition of black activists – the Westside Action Group – said they are working with the district to ensure the policy is implemented appropriately. "This isn't a feel-good policy. This is the real thing," said Jacocks. He welcomes the idea of other ethnic groups lobbying for their own program. "When you are doing what's right, others will follow,' Jacocks said. "We have led the way before the civil-rights movement opened the door for women's rights and other movement
  8. Hey What?!
  9. Yeah they do suck. Any time you see a "band" doing Circuit City commercials with them singing about themselves, it is time to go away...
  10. Is that school board in Southern California? Then that meeting must be after the ""Expand Your Ebonics Vocabulary" seminar....
  11. How about using names then? Abdul Mohhamd El Sheika Annon would warrant a close look.
  12. We are talking about SCREENING PASSENGERS GOING ON AIRCRAFT AND TRAINS are we not? I think that was a .38 hollow tip that just smoked your ass.
  13. Don't recall any of them attacking a mass transit system.
  14. Situation for Women in Saddam's Iraq In 1979, immediately upon coming to power, Saddam Hussein silenced all political opposition in Iraq and converted his one-party state into a cult of personality. Since then, his regime has systematically executed, tortured, imprisoned, raped, terrorized, and repressed the Iraqi people. Iraq is a nation rich in culture, with a long history of intellectual and scientific achievement, especially among its women. However, Saddam Hussein's brutal regime has silenced the voices of Iraq's women, along with its men, through violence and intimidation. In Iraq under Saddam, if you are a woman, you could face: Beheading. Under the pretext of fighting prostitution, units of "Fedayeen Saddam," the paramilitary organization led by Uday Hussein, Saddam's eldest son, have beheaded in public more than 200 women throughout the country, dumping their severed heads at their families' doorsteps. Many families have been required to display the victim's head on their outside fences for several days. These barbaric acts were carried out in the total absence of any proper judicial procedures and many of the victims were not engaged in prostitution, but were targeted for political reasons. For example, Najat Mohammad Haydar, an obstetrician in Baghdad, was beheaded after criticizing the corruption within health services. (Amnesty International Report, Iraq: Systematic Torture of Political Prisoners, August 2001; Iraqi Women's League in Damascus, Syria) Rape. The Iraqi Government uses rape and sexual assault of women to achieve the following goals: to extract information and forced confessions from detained family members; to intimidate Iraqi oppositionists by sending videotapes showing the rape of female family members; and to blackmail Iraqi men into future cooperation with the regime. Some Iraqi authorities even carry personnel cards identifying their official "activity" as the "violation of women's honor." (U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices-2001, March 2002; Iraq Research and Documentation Project, Harvard University) Torture. The Iraqi Government routinely tortures and kills female dissidents and the female relatives of Iraqi oppositionists and defectors. Victims include Safiyah Hassan, the mother of two Iraqi defectors, who was killed after publicly criticizing the Iraqi Government for killing her sons after their return to Iraq. Women in Saddam's jails are subjected to the following forms of torture: brutal beatings, systematic rape, electrical shocks, and branding. (U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices-2001, March 2002; U.S. Department of State, Iraq: A Population Silenced, December 2002) Murder. In 1990, Saddam Hussein introduced Article 111 into the Iraqi Penal Code in a calculated effort to strengthen tribal support for his regime. This law exempts men who kill their female relatives in defense of their family's honor from prosecution and punishment. The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women reported that more than 4,000 women have been victims of so-called "honor killings" since Article 111 went into effect. (UN Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, January 2002)
  15. http://news.uns.purdue.edu/UNS/html4ever/2....Xu.fusion.html
  16. Right, but it they would use a lot less resources than traditional car. Check out this site: http://www.setamericafree.org/ Run by former CIA hawks for Reagan. Something conservatives and liberals can agree on: telling OPEC it kiss our butt.
  17. 250 miles per gallon? They're doing it! http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/08/15/hybrid....s.ap/index.html
  18. Not the answer unless you really want to shrink the economy a great deal. New enegery sources is what is needed. Public tranpostation doesn't work for the 70% of people that don't live in the inner cities. Beside, who wants to get mugged for thier ipod?
  19. while it would be tough short term to replace gas as fuel for cars, there is no reason home should be using oil for heating, there a bunch of other things we could us for that....
  20. there hasn't a refinery built since the 70's, but demand has increased by more than 200%.
  21. Oil charged to a record $66 a barrel Thursday as Iran's nuclear work put it at odds with the United Nation's atomic watchdog, and more U.S. refinery snags threatened gasoline supplies to the world's biggest consumer. Earlier the International Energy Agency said non-OPEC oil output growth was falling short of expectations, putting more of a burden on OPEC's stretched production capacity to meet rising demand. Light, sweet crude for September delivery ended up at 90 cents, reaching $65.80 a barrel, after hitting a record-high of $66. London Brent was up $1.39 at $65, after touching $65.66. "The presence of significant headline risk, most particularly from Iran's international relations, the Atlantic hurricane season and from tightness in refining, is continuing to support prices at higher levels," said Barclays Capital. Treasury Secretary John Snow on Thursday said the question of releasing oil from U.S. emergency stockpiles to ease lofty oil prices was "off the table." "That's really off the table for circumstances like the ones we're facing now," Snow said in an interview with CNBC. In Vienna, the board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency approved a resolution demanding that Iran suspend all nuclear activities, a diplomat said. EU diplomats said if OPEC's second biggest producer failed to comply with the resolution they would push that Iran be referred to the UN Security Council for punitive action. Refinery strain In the United States, where refinery problems have strained gasoline stocks during the peak demand season, BP shut several units at its Texas City refinery, the company said. And ConocoPhillips Wood River refinery suffered a power problem that briefly forced shut some units, the company said. The news came on the heels of U.S. stock data on Wednesday that showed another fall in gasoline inventories in the world's biggest consumer that brought inventories 3.7 percent below a year ago. Edward Meir, of Man Energy, said oil price forecasts were running the gamut. "In markets like these, it is best to let things run their course, especially given the fact that there are no resistance signposts to guide us." The International Energy Agency, adviser to 26 industrialized nations, earlier nudged up its world oil demand growth forecasts for this year and next, leaving already stretched OPEC to fill the supply void. The IEA cut non-OPEC supply growth this year by 205,000 barrels per day, with production problems in the U.S. Gulf, Mexico, Norway and Britain accounting for most of the shortfall. Russia is also pumping less than expected. "The extent to which [the IEA] felt compelled to cut its estimates of non-OPEC production is a bullish factor," said Deborah White, senior energy analyst at SG Commodities. Even with U.S. crude averaging above $53 a barrel for the year to date, in real terms prices are still below the $80 a barrel average of 1980, after the Iranian revolution.
  22. Sape=Special Teams DEMON. Whacha gonna do, when Sape runs wild on you?
  23. Right, so never use it. Prevent Mode=Prevent Winning Game. I hate i t.
  24. Couple problems here: The comparison to Europe is weak because: Size: Each country in Europe is the size of ONE of our states. Things are a little more spread out here in case you haven't noticed. A not everyone likes to live like sardines on top of each other in a dirty city. Countries like France and German are close to 20% unemployed, though their governments say its closer to 11%. So there's not as many people working there. Plus, if they are employed, the have like every other week off or only work 4 hours a day. Lazy ass slackers. I don't think most people are allowed to bring their kids to work. Where they hell do you work? Chucky Cheese? And for those who keep shouting "Mass Transit", that is only an option if you live in a place like NY City, or Chicago. ANd I bet people would smell really good if they road their bikes to work for 35 miles in 90 degree heat. MMMMmm, sweaty pits! Cars a waste of money? For most guys, they rank just behind hot chicks, football and beer as the best things in life. Ah, the sweet roar of '68 Mustang! The problem is with the fuel source, not the car or the roads which they use. All this talk about going backwards in lifestyle, and reverting back the 1920's is useless. Shrinking the economy to save oil for China is not what we should be taking about. Creating new energy sources to GROW the economy is what we should be talking about. Didn't you know most of the infrastructure that we currently use for cars (gas stations, highways) can be use to support the hydrogen economy? Some people make the point that you still have to create the hydrogen before you can store it. Well, you can create a bunch of hydrogen from nuclear power. And cold fusion maybe here sooner than you think: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/UNS/html4ever/2....Xu.fusion.html
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