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Everything posted by philburger1

  1. If you have worked for a big software company before, those things are pretty funny. But I would perfer action figures from the film "office space".
  2. It didn't get any coverage because it didn't give the U.S. a bad image, that's why.
  3. Then why don't they ask Osma and his boys for some help. Seems they are only interested in helping other Muslims when it involves blowing up infidels.
  4. Oh no! Once other teams see Mike Pucillo on that list, he is good as gone. Everyone will want to sign him! DOOOMED!
  5. And people aren't happy with the results they get from "Off shore" tech support. From PC Mags new survey: "But all is not well. The average satisfaction ratings for both tech support and repairs have dropped dramatically since last year. In other words, your machine was less likely to need support or repairs this year, but if it did, you were likely to be dissatisfied. Many readers complained about poor phone support—especially reps who didn't speak English well—and made negative comments about offshore support. I don't oppose outsourcing in general, but I do believe that PC vendors have a responsibility to provide effective technical support. In this area, they are letting us down" http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1625956,00.asp
  6. And.... The Waterboy!!! Starring some Adam Sadler guy and THE BIG SHOW!!
  8. Dude, I called Dell. Couldn't understand a word the fellow was saying. The tech support call went to India. I would pay extra for support if I could understand the fellow on the phone. Dell already charges you extra for phone support after a short time. Why pay for it all if you just get fustrated, you don't understand each other, and you don't get your problem solved? PS: I have switched to all Apple machines, and their tech support has been great so far. And no viruses and spyware! Willis and Shaud: Thunder and Lighting in 2005
  10. 27 people? That is some cahoot!
  11. "Everyone up in arms"? are you kidding? If the situation was reversed, and Whitey fired 27 black men and replace them with less qualified white men you would have: Al Sharpton leading a million man march on the town. Jesse Jackson calling for a nation wide boycott of the town. The NAACP filling lawsuits that would would seek $500 million in damages. Daily segments on Dateline, 20/20, and CNN on the subject. And maybe some folks rioting with signs that say "no justice, no peace" Instead we a small story on the CNN web site, and a mention in Buffalo Bills message board.
  12. Bledsoe supported = Bledtopians JP supports = Losmanites It the Flutie/RJ fued reborn! I can't what to read "The hypocrisy of the Bledtopians, Part 3"
  13. I agree. Now can you please tell this to the turd at the U.N. who started this conversation? Or are they too busy stealing aid money, to buy Annan's son a new pimped out 300?
  14. I wonder if Al Jazera (Terrorist News Network) is covering the US army helping out the largest MUSLIM country in the world. I what the hell is china doing to help. Their army is way bigger than ours, their economy is booming, and this happened in their backyard. Hello, China? You there? And not much coming from the oil rich muslim countries. Not many people signing up to help. Yeah, let's just go ahead and bash Bush the day after this happened. Pravda( the Russian News Wire) even thinks the US created the earthquake with a secret weapon. Maybe an asteriod will hit the earth in 2030, and then they can all blame Bush.
  15. I like Campbell as the second tight end, not the first. He always seems to get creamed. I would like to see a tight end who lowers the shoulders and delivers the blows himself. Coates used to hammer safeties.
  16. I have been getting e-mails all week from Pigsburg Squeelers Fans. F**K them. Let's Go Buffalo!!
  17. He is only 29. I think Ralph believes his team is a piece or two away from the Super Bowl. Freddie Jones would be great for a couple of years while the youngsters learn the ropes. Drew misses a dominate tight end. He used to kill the Bills with Ben Coates. Freddie Jones is lot more athletic than Bubba Franks. He is also a bigger target than the other tight ends on our roster. Other than Peters of course.
  18. How about Travis Henry to the Cards for Freddie Jones? Can be a killer tight end in the right system.
  19. The Dolphins just scored. And I was happy! What the hell is going on! Please pray for my soul!! GO BILLS!!
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