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Everything posted by philburger1

  1. Not the point. Typical left-wing foolishness to claim a country singer is the height bigotry and hatred, when all he did is write a song. And all the while you have muslim terrorists blowing up catholic churches because they are "infidels". Enjoy! http://www.ogrish.com/archives/2004/septem...m-suibomb_1.jpg
  2. Thea left the show last week. Boooo! They now have Bill Romonoski in drag as the female host.
  3. What they say about the Toby Keith one is gay. They should have a Hamas Jihad one that cuts your head if you listen to non-islamic music.
  4. Maybe Gus will headbutt that gay dolphin logo in the end zone and knock himself out again.
  5. Glenn Close: http://www.crazy4cinema.com/Actress/imgs/Close.jpg Robin Williams http://www.jimpoz.com/quotes/images/speakers/williams-r.jpg
  6. Did you see Spock's Beard while Neal Morse was in the band? I 'd travel very far to see Spock's Beard and Porucpine Tree live. I heard P. Tree open for Yes a couple years ago. By the way, the new Marillion CD "Marbles" is really good. I still perfer Fish as the singer, but the music is cool.
  7. Anyone out there like the names on this list? Old School: Yes Genesis Pink Floyd King Crimson Peter Gabriel E.L.P King Crimson Kansas SuperTramp Rush Saga New School: Spock's Beard Flower Kings Porcupine Tree Marillion I.Q. Transatlantic Ayereon Magellan Hard School: Dream Theater Fates Warning Savatage Queensryche Faith No More Sound Garden
  8. Unv. of Buffalo, class of 1991 Go Bulls!
  9. Heard the same thing from my buddy who is a Colts freak. He said DeMulling was the only lineman that wasn't locked up for a long term deal. They would love to keep him, but they can't have everyone they want, because of the huge money already tied up in Peyton, Marvin, etc.. He said they will HATE to see him go. SIGN HIM TOM DAMN YOU!!!
  10. I got my German Shepard for free from an animal rescue group here in Raleigh. He was a pure-breed, house trained, and only one year old. He was smart and happy. He had a great owner, but he was dying from cancer, and wanted to make sure he had a good home for him before he passed away. So check out local animal rescue groups. They have ones for just about any type of bread you can think off: German Shepard Rescue, Yellow Lab rescue, Huskie Rescue, etc... So you can get the breed you want, do a good deed, and save money.
  11. "I'll get you my pretties! And your little dog too!"
  12. His Nickname will be the "Running Man" if they move Teague to Left Tackle.
  13. I am not sure who was on there today, but that lady looked like Bill Romanoski in drag. Yuck. Maybe she knows her sports, but so did Thea. And she was hot. That dog they have on now has a face for radio, if you know what I mean. Please bring back Thea!
  14. I agree with you on Kit. But Thea was a knock out. Loved her outfit in the opening credits: Red Dress with long black boots. Droooooool.
  15. Road Rules I believe
  16. Nice. Thea was in a Labbatt's blue commercial a couple years ago. The guy in the bear suit knocks on her door, and she came out in a tight white t-shirt and cutoff jeans....swhing!
  17. That sucks. The new girl is a good reporter, but not nearly as easy on the eyes. If anyone is wondering what Thea looks like, there is a small photo here: http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/Perso.../personid-42743
  18. Anyone know what happened to Thea Andrews, who used to be one of the hosts of ESPN's Cold Pizza? She was a babe. The show isn't that great (the 1st and 10 segments are the best part ), but I sure liked seeing a hot chick talk about sports first thing in the morning. Please come back Thea!
  19. The female cop is a hottie too. I think she played Chevy Chase's daughter in the Vegas Vacation movie.
  20. That song was solo recording by Joel Walsh
  21. Don't forget The Orphans! They were the laughing stock of all the gangs.
  22. The one problem I hear from NFL coaches regarding David Boston is that he is too big to be a WR. They want him to get rid of some of his body mass. Why not convert him to a tight end, and let him hit the weights as much as he wants. Wasn't he close to being 250? Let him add another 10 pounds of muscle, and you would have a pretty fast tight end I would think. Any one sign him yet?
  23. My second home team too! Love the Bills, Love the Panthers! ANd to think the Bills passed on John Fox for Grefg Williams.... Image were the Bills would be if they had him coaching three years ago. Panthers see their holes last year (Weak offensive line, lack of big cover corner) and go out and land the best FA's out there. FOx is the 2nd best Coach in the NFL, next to Bill Boringcheck in New England.
  24. The small guy get's in the woman's face? I guess you miss the part were she cuts infront of everyone, and then yells and spits at the guy behind the counter. And then comes over and calls the guy on the phone a white mother f#%ker? And you think it's funny he takes the victims cell phone? WTF! Just read more about this case. Turns out the big dude who attacked the little fellow on the cell phone has.........(Drum roll) A CRIMINAL RECORD!! WHAT A SHOCK!!!
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