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Everything posted by philburger1

  1. Repeat Post: The IRA Does not blow up things and kill people in other countries. Or try to export their hatred thru the internet, Jihad Camps, state-control hate speech, etc...
  2. yeah, but they don't export that havoc to other countries.....
  3. How do you figure? I recall two friggin weeks after 9/11, the good people in of Indonesia marching by the thousands in the streets, yelling death to america, and burning our flages. And we had't done anything yet but pull bodies out of the rumble. And when they got hit, we sent a aircraft carrier and hundreds of millions of dollars. Nice. I had a brother who lived there for aw hile, and told me how they tourched towns in East Timor, just because they were Christians. They are one of the most hatefull group on the planet, if you are not muslim. Very nice. I will feel sorry for people in India and Japan if they are effected.
  4. The first Ring may not have been scary to every one. But most people and critics agree it was well done. Stylish, well-acted, and had more on its mind than just being scary. There is shot in that matches "Rear Window" that is both a nod to that movie, and a not so subtle comment on how families are now hooked on tv and don't do much else.
  5. No, I didn't post the story so we could "feel real good" in comparsion. I asked a question, what the hell is wrong with people who would do such a thing. Oh, and Michael Jackson is a freak and a menance. Lock him up. You must be one of his fans who still breaks out his pleather red jacket and shiny glove on friday nights, and dances around your parents basement.
  6. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ring_two/ 26%, not good.
  7. Please save your money and don't see Ring 2. Worst Sequel Ever. On the plus side, somebody had a remote control "fart machine" in the theater. Friggin Funny. I would have been pissed if I was into the movie, but since it sucked it helped pass the time.
  8. I will get him a JP one as soon as they come out in his size!
  9. That he is. And a Bills fan as well: http://homepage.mac.com/pdh1/.Pictures/Pho...237209D11D9.jpg
  10. My female German Sheperd does the same thing once in while. She has for 6 years. I don't think it is a big deal. Kinda of like when we cough after drinking a class of water to fast.
  11. Yes. In Dunn, North Carolina. About 45 minutes from were we live. They have ads for white sheperds in Field and Stream. I heard they are considered there own seperate breed now. I heard there are also breeders who sell pure black and dark red German Sheperds as well.
  12. They are pretty rare. Her mom and dad were pure white as well. She was a birthday gift from my wife. You really don't see to many of them at shelters. THey are to rare. The black and tan one came from an animal rescue group. His owner had terminal cancer and was looking for a good home for him before he died. His dog lucked out with this house let me tell you.
  13. As long as we are showing pictures: Freya: http://homepage.mac.com/pdh1/.Pictures/Pho...A6236B011D9.jpg Recon: http://homepage.mac.com/pdh1/.Pictures/Pho...68C36B011D9.jpg
  14. I can't watch that show. I get too pissed off. The only thing worse would be a show that videotapes abused kids getting taken out of their homes.
  15. The White one is a female and is about 90 pounds. The boy one is black and tan, is longer, but leaner at 83. Their buddy down the street is a male who was 125. A beast. There are shaggy hair ones from Germany that get even bigger. They are great with kids and family, but I wouldn't want to be the schmuck who tries to abduct our son or break in our house. Say goodnight everybody!
  16. I have two German Shepherds. Smart as some people. My 8 month old son was in his wind-up swing. It stopped swinging after a while, and he started crying. Before I could get over there, my white German Shepard was there, pushing the swing from behind with her nose, to get it moving again. That's pretty friggin smart.
  17. I heard the three smart dogs were: 1. Poodles 2. Border Collies 3. German Shepards
  18. no way. Freddy Blassy "Pencil Neek Geeks" rules all.
  19. I said "people", because, I hate to say, I reading more and more stories like this the past few months.
  20. Dog Survives Having Nails Driven Into Skull SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- A hound mix named Trucker has survived having two long nails driven into his skull by his owner, according to Kansas City TV station KMBC. The nails were driven into his head with a hammer, according to KYTV in Springfield. The nails just missed the dog's brain and major nerves. Veterinarians were able to remove the nails, but Trucker will be blind in one eye and deaf. Dr. Robin Toner, an emergency veterinarian, said it is the worst case of animal abuse that the workers have seen. One nail was allegedly driven into the dog's skull, and another was hammered into his cheekbone, KYTV reported. "It's an amazing thing that he could forgive people for what they have done to him because he is the sweetest, friendliest loving dog. He kisses your face and wags his tail when he sees you. For him to be that forgiving, I don't (know) of any person who could be that forgiving. We could really learn something from him," said Melissa Sartin of the Castaway Animal Rescue Effort (C.A.R.E) shelter. http://www.wral.com/family/4294938/detail.html
  21. Yeah, sure you will. I just have personal horror stories with HP, so I used that example. Horrible tech support. They are rated dead last. It is no fun to have to your notebook screen die after three months, then call tech support, be on hold for an hour, and then get someone you don't understand. And any one that doesn't see the relationship between outsourcing and the decline of the american tech worker is a fool. It was really funny to hear Bill Gates at a lecture begging students to take computer classes in college. Why waste all that money if there are no jobs? We (GSK) outsourced all of our internal software creation to an Indian firm, and have nothing to show for it after 2 years. Just junk.
  22. Move to New Dehli, India. Put a towel on your head. Learn to live off of $300 a month. Plenty of I.T. jobs over there. Just ask HP and Dell.
  23. I understand the Bills brain-trust being so enamored with Jason Peter's freakish athletic ability, but why move him around to all these positions? The Bills are not exactly loaded at Tight End. Why not use that freakish athletic ability to create miss matches in a position that can GET YARDS AND SCORE POINTS? Hell, he played tight end for 4 years at a fairly big football school. That's his natural position. Why try to mold him to what is arguably the most difficult position in football, the left tackle? I want to see the big man dance in the endzone! And maybe mow over some Dolphin DBs on his way i
  24. Not really, just thought it was gay. I do think the Islamic Ipod would be better though.
  25. You touch my things, I kill you!
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