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Everything posted by bam

  1. Great great musician! I have a bunch of his old vinyl albums, my favorite being the Natch'l Blues. Incredible album. Enjoy!!
  2. My advice - Do it when you're both ready emotionally and financially. Then hire me as your videographer. www.bmdigi.com
  3. A Song of Ice & Fire book series and the HBO show A Game of Thrones. I know it's not a movie but it's the closest I can get! Both are amazing if you ask me.
  4. Go to church, pray hard for Bills win. Go home, get drunk, lose favor with God, watch Bills lose.
  5. We've come to just about every opener over the past 11 years, but a couple years back when we played Seattle is easily my favorite ever! Not because of the game play itself, though it was quite an exciting win! But mainly because I had my son with me for his first Bills game ever. He had just turned 1-year old a couple weeks prior to the game. We had pretty good seats a couple rows back from the end zone that most of the scoring was done in. He sat through nearly the ENTIRE game and when it started raining, I tried to put a poncho over him but he kept shrugging it away. At that point I realized he was a true fan! He got on the jumbo screen a couple times, was high-fiving everyone around us... it was just a priceless time. He made it all the way to the middle of the fourth quarter when he finally fell asleep on my lap.
  6. 27-20 B-LO Let's go Bills B-B-B-B-B-B-Bills!
  7. One more day for me as well. Hope to see ya around the lot again man! I'll be with my BZ buddies. Drive safe!
  8. That's certainly a promising reel right there.
  9. How about this gem? http://www.projo.com/patriots/content/proj...v2.2bc88e4.html Everyone should print that out and whipe their arses with it today. I am going to do so.
  10. The Anchor Bar for anyone that likes wings and wants the originals.
  11. I love that movie! There's some terrible cheesy acting at times but it's a decent football movie and great especially if you're a Bills fan. http://s1.cdcovers.cc/c564c1776df7cef48c75...cc%5D-front.jpg
  12. This is probably going to lead to me never watching another full game again (outside of the Bills of course). Oh well I think I have A.D.D. anyway.
  13. Just tried and it appears to be working. Make sure you scroll down to the bottom and click on the big red/orange DOWNLOAD button!
  14. BUMP one more time for anyone that may have missed this! Just over 25 hours until game time. Here's to a GREAT SEASON! GO BILLS!!
  15. Knowing the history of the channel and their fondness of Tom Brady's pelvic region... It'll probably all just be about Brady. At the very end the disclaimer voice at the end of most medicine commericals will say quickly "against-the-buffalobills"
  16. Whiskey, Beer, Funnel. Drank too heavy on Monday. Blank. Marker on face.
  17. I agree with the guy that said he'd be dead if that happened to my child. Real quick. Dead.
  19. Game starts at seven. 7:15 score grotesque. Waitress, my check please.
  20. Pats on Monday Night? New O.C., No Lynch, Trent, Dick? Man we are so screwed.
  21. I drive up for a couple games each year 6+ hours each way from here in South-Central PA. I suppose I'd do 12 hours of driving or so. Much more than that is kind of difficult.
  22. Thanks for the kind words, fellas. If anyone wants a burnt copy let me know. I've got these pretty cool VINYL CD's. I'll be at the home opener at the Billszone tailgate near Kenny's Pinto. GO BUFFALO!!
  23. Bump for anyone that might have missed this! Enjoy it fellas/fellettes and GO BILLS!!!
  24. Glad you like it! It was a lot of fun to do. I hope it gets some of you pumped up for the season!
  25. Hope to see ya there Rich. Try not to spill any RUM on my head this year OK???
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