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    West Seneca, NY

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  1. You're a fool, and there is no hope in educating a fool. Just do your research first next time.
  2. I'm only 24 years old but I have enjoyed politics for as long as I can remember. Yesterday's State of the Union address was the best one that I ever remember watching. I am so glad that we have a President that represents the entire United States of America not just the vocal minorities. I understand why he is so easy to hate since he is so strong in his beliefs. However, that is the reason I love W. sh-- I got thrown out of a liberal bar two weeks ago because I put all these Bush-bashing libs in their place with intelligent agruments. All they could conjure up is Bush is a moron, Bush wants oil. But that's why they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I watched the Democratic response and what a joke that party is. Did those two democratic "leaders" -- and I use that word loosely -- listen to a word the President said. They had a pre-canned response that complete made no sense at time. I wish I tivo-ed it because I could have a field day with what they said. Anyway, it seems a lot of people - including those on my side -- don't want to see Social Security as a disaster waiting to happen. But sh-- -- I have too. The system cannot support me when I retire unless it isn't changed radically for the younger generation. p.s. Is it me or those Kerry always look like a jackass even when he just sits there.
  3. Sorry, I made that statement before I heard she flip-flopped her stances last week. She is now moderately Pro-Life.
  4. It was great to see this wacko on again. I wish I could call in when she was on air... "Hey Susan, I'm wondering if you still think Kerry will pull out this Presidential Election victory." How crazy she was on Election day, extremely dillusional, somehow thinking Kerry could pass Bush who was up 115,000+ voters in Ohio with 99% reporting. She's on the Clinton bandwagon now, calling her the "hero of the democratic party." I hope she's right, cause that means four more years for us righties!
  5. Obviously a sign you shouldn't mess with God and the Church. An extreme Pro-Choice politician going to speak at a Catholic school, bad things were bound to happen.
  6. wow. they are going to get their asses kicked this year.
  7. Quick & stupid question: What happens if you are over the cap?
  8. I have listened to all your argument, however, personally, I feel LOTR (Books + Films) along with everything else Tolkien created about Middle-Earth is the best piece of art ever. But those are my feelings. The books are second to none and that's why his Trilogy has been the second most read book in the 20th century, right after the bible. I do need to re-read them because I was really young when I first did and I don't think I remember reading the Hobbit. As for the films, someone said they were not emotional. I must have been watching a different movie. Am I wrong or is the entire Trilogy based on the emotions of good versus the will of evil? Everyone has their thoughts on what their greatest movie or book is, few have mentioned any specifics, but of those mentioned, none are even close to the LOTR in my opinion.
  9. I guess I should have said the books and the world of Middle-Earth that Tolkien created was the greatest work of art ever. The film did the trilogy justice and that rarely happens. All and all, from the books to the films, I can't see it getting any better ... except as I mentioned, a Bills Super Bowl.
  10. Well, I just watched the LOTR Trilogy over the past three days. There is much I forgot going a year in between each masterpiece. To call LOTR the greatest movie of all time does it no justice. I don't think you can ever consider it a movie. It transends that level into one that has never been reached. It is an epic that I don't think will ever be bettered. Peter Jackson did a tremendous job turn what I consider the greatest piece of literature into a film. For those of you who never saw the epic or those who thought, ewww, that looks corny, give it a chance, you won't regret it. It will be the greatest thing you'll ever watch -- at least until the Bills win a Super Bowl. The characters, the music, the battles, the struggles of good and evil, and so much more. I get shivers watching this movie, you feel as though you are in it.
  11. Maybe that's why you guys threw the white flags up when the Frankfurt Police Department invaded France decades ago.
  12. That's very SHOCKING coming from someone from France.
  13. Few Points: 1. For every whacked out conservative group, there are 10 whacked out liberal groups. 2. I've always said -- and this isn't just the United States -- that we are becoming too tolerant of homosexuals. It's come to the point that it is encouraged. I don't hate gay people, I don't treat them differently from anyone else, but when it comes to my future children, I don't want them growing up in a world where they think being gay is an option and normal. Whether you believe in God or the Big Bang, Men and Women are created for each other. If it was intended any other way then there would only have been one gender.
  14. Of course it is ... you can't say anything anymore without it being considered slander or racism. I think my post is racist as well. I mean, look at all the white space around this message. I don't see any black, yellow or red.
  15. Brian said it himself ... Walt is f-ed up and strange things happen around him. Walt got pissed that he had to study Australian birds and next thing you know, one of those Aussie birds dies. You can tell Walt was pissed at his mom in Australia and she dies within a week. Walt is definitely affecting a lot on the island. Was he the one that brought the plane down? I don't know. Maybe he didn't want to leave with his real dad.
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