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buffy bill

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  1. I second KnightRider on the Gloucester Duck Tour. And you can take your car up there and drive around the town's coast line. You basically keep driving and you'll end up where you started. If you like informal, there's a shack at the park to one end of the Boulevard (there's a boardwalk you can walk along and peer out to the harbor). Lived there two years and still don't know the name. They've got great fried clams if you're into that. Anyway, I'm now in Seattle so everything's a blur there. Have fun!
  2. Check out this pic: Keith Richard's lovechild maybe?Keith Richard's Love Child?
  3. QUOTE lets trade travis henry for it Just got off after 15 hours at work...thanks man, I needed that! sniff
  4. Sorry to hear about that man... I have some experience in this, but from the other side and it's usually something really concrete (like you said you had a degree and the background check came back that you did not) but even so we give the candidate a chance to explain and work with them. We had a young guy last year just graduated and we hired him. His BC came back and it said he hadn't graduated so we asked him and it turned out his college required internship credit before he could graduate. So we turned him into an intern until he satisfied the requirement, get his degree, then turned him to regular status. If it's a reference thing, then it sounds like this firm is hardcore and not even willing to work with you on it. Good luck man.
  5. At which point of the show did Jimbo show up? I'm on the west coast and is watching it right now and it's 40 minutes into the show. Hope I haven't missed it.
  6. QUOTE(gmac17 @ Jan 22 2005, 03:03 PM) someone should bring one of those to get autographed and see what he says.... "I want him to autograph the last one on the top, second page! " Do as I say and not as I do... Now we know the reason why he likes to retreat to Montana after a tough season. Huntin' and fishin', drinkin' and...
  7. HAHAHA! How did I find this gem? A friend of mine is a biker so I was looking up biker bashes and whaddya know - this came up: URL I was always sick of the whole uptight goody-goody parenting with deignity [hurl chunks] that this was a surprise to see the sense of humor and they sure look having a grand ol' time.
  8. Check out the last pic "a real fan". A Real Fan
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