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Everything posted by rednecksbasketball

  1. that gay ass bubbles? That's it? I wasted 15 seconds of my life for that.
  2. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the Bills finish 11-5 and second in the AFC east behind the Pats. I think the Bills offense will be just good enough and their D will actually end up pretty solid. I also think both Miami and the Jets struggle a lot this year.
  3. I don't know how accurate this site is, but thought you all might like to have a look see. http://www.nepatriotsdraft.com/2009/04/200...nings-list.html
  4. Not a sexy move, but probably a good move as it does fill a hole.
  5. I've never seen him live, but I have found a bunch of his stuff off the internet and he is one funny SOB. I love dirty comedy and this guy is right down filthy.
  6. Yes this team was close to being 9-7, but it was also very close to being 5-11 if they hadn't gotten those wins vs Jacksonville and Oakland. But I do see your point. For all the negitivity surrounding this team, there are a lot of positives to look forward too. I think it's key that the Bills stay healthy. A healthy Bills team could potentially challenge for a playoff spot. This is a team which has gotten the best from a lot of lesser talent in the past and made a good run at the post season.
  7. I'd always go with the two points. You never know what is going to happen in a game, and we've all seen many bizzare things. Those two points could ultimately be the difference between winning by 1 and losing by 1.
  8. I'm a Utah fan and remember watching him do this stuff for four years, and I'd love to have him on the Bills. He can play D, he can catch, he can kick return, hell he can even punt and pass. He is a really versitile player and would be a fantastic addition to the Bills.
  9. THe D needs to stop letting up these huge plays on the first play of every Miami drive.
  10. Nice drive to start the second half. TD Bills.
  11. boo!@#$ingwhoo. The parents need to shut up here. What is a 15 year old doing out that late to begining with? Also, he pointed a gun, a gun, doesn't matter if it's a BB gun or an AK47, he pointed a gun at someone in hopes of robbing them. And now these people want everyone to think the kid was the victim.
  12. Do the Bills forget that games are 60 minutes long? This is three weeks in a row where the first three quarters are pretty lackluster, than boom the 4th Edwards looks like God.
  13. Dont think I've ever gotten any comments like that. But I live in Salt Lake City and we dont have a team so I can root for whoever the hell I want. or maybe I dont get comments from people because they just feel sorry for me.
  14. Oh man, this is great.
  15. Nice run back. Now either kill the clock or get another TD.
  16. Anyone else having trouble with that link loading?
  17. Brian Mooreman. His punts kept the Seahawks into their own territory for most of the game. He also threw a touchdown and recovered a fumble.
  18. Sadly no one. The Bills will have another medicore season but no one will stand out enough.
  19. Interesting to hear this. I'm also a Jazz fan so I find this pretty cool. According to a report a few years ago when the media first found out about Bell and Cheryl Ford, Malone had no idea that either of them were his kids. apparently Malones mom knew but didn't tell him. Hopefully Bell has Malones determination and work ethic. if he does the Bills made a good pick with him.
  20. I've only met Ryan Denney, some guy with the last name Borchardt(his son use to play for the Jazz), and Tommy Manning(I think that was his name, he played like 2 games back in the 70s or something) out of those 3 I would say Dennet was the best.
  21. I dont see Lovie Smith pulling a Wade Phillips type manuever. Grossman is their guy, atleast for this year.
  22. I would like to see the Bills take Eric Weddell. He is officially a CB from Utah, but he is capible of playing nearly any spot on the feild. He's good at reading the opposing offenses play, good tackler, good pass defender, his run defense isn't great but thats more to due with him rarely being up on the line. on Offense he can throw the ball decently, great at running and catching it, I think he would be a great TE. He can also kick feild goals and punt, but those aren't spots the Bills need any help with.
  23. That kind of sucks, I was hoping they'd have a game out west because I want to go to a Bills game.
  24. No safty now? sh-- the game cast said safty.
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