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Everything posted by MRW

  1. We could get a shot at Kyle Williams, though!
  2. Our biggest point of disagreement probably comes down to what we think potential is worth. To me, not a whole lot, especially for a guy on his second contract, but it's an interesting thing to think about.
  3. I dunno, I just can't get behind this. Culture is a real thing. It sends a message when a guy like Dareus is your highest-paid player and not doing squat. And I think if you kept him around you'd always be waiting for the next problem to pop up.
  4. OK, but that changes the question, doesn't it? Isn't the decision to be made simply are we better off with Dareus, or with ~$5 million cap space this year, $2 million next, a 6th round pick, and no further obligation? I don't see how the dead cap number is relevant.
  5. Albert Haynesworth was a Pro Bowl DT back in the day. Did Washington make a mistake when they cut him?
  6. I thought that, even taking dead cap into account, we are getting small to modest net cap savings this year and next. Are those numbers wrong or am I misunderstanding?
  7. Yeah, sunk cost fallacy all up and down this thread.
  8. Guessing that they felt his negatives in the locker room outweighed his so-so contribution on the field to this point. I've worked with malcontents before, sometimes it's such a positive to be rid of them that the cost doesn't matter.
  9. I am stoked to see what they do next year with all those picks. They have me confident in their decision-making and they seem to know the players they want.
  10. Do you think that means it will just take longer to get players ready to play in the NFL, or do you think they're coming out with flaws in their play that can't get addressed at all?
  11. May as well try it. Nothing else has worked to this point. And if Dareus doesn't step up, I will put the blame on him. He's getting paid to be a star, he's an adult, and if he needs a professional support network he can definitely afford therapists.
  12. Telling other fans "Anything less than a super bowl title is a failure" does not equal "striving for a championship". Look, the Bills played a solid game Sunday and had a win. I'm happy because I root for the team and I like seeing them win. I say you're miserable because you're here complaining after a win.
  13. It's rare to see such a miserable outlook stated so plainly.
  14. I guess "some yards" could mean anything greater than 0, so in that sense you're correct, but McCown got 187 yards and 4.8 YPA. Let's not act like it wasn't a good all-around defensive performance.
  15. I think the Jets' defense still has some talent, so a good offensive showing would be encouraging. If they manage 450+ yards and/or 30+ points I think that would bode well.
  16. Actually, he appears to have the power to do whatever he wants right now.
  17. That's the only type of QB controversy you ever have.
  18. Good question. Makes it pretty clear, though, that Watkins' market value right now is a second-round pick.
  19. I don't see any way that the Jets would trade. But what if Kizer shows some promise for the Browns and the 49ers go out and get Cousins? Suddenly the idea of taking a couple of 1st round picks to build around that guy starts to look more attractive. I don't think it's as cut and dried as you do.
  20. Deserve's got nothing to do with it. I mean, it's not a bad question to ask, but it seems pretty clear the team has no interest in offering up an individual for outsiders to hold accountable. If you can't live with that, then you should exert the pressure that you can on the team - but I don't thinking bitching on a fan site amounts to anything.
  21. Would it make a difference if you knew McDermott or Beane was responsible for a given decision? The only entity that you can "hold responsible" is the Bills organization as a whole, by deciding whether or not to continue buying tickets and merchandise.
  22. That provision of the NFL rules doesn't mesh well with the Pegulas' reluctance to define any roles in the front office.
  23. That's the way I took it - that it was a sign that Whaley had been completely marginalized at that point, not that it was indicative of his tenure.
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