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Posts posted by MRW

  1. It's the Schottenheimer philosophy. Playing conservative can get you to the playoffs very reliably, but inevitably once you get there you will face situations that require you to take a chance. It's one of the things that Parcells and Belichick over the years have known how to do, when to risk going for it, and when to simply take the points. There are a lot of coaches in the league that don't seem to get it.

  2. Interesting.


    Based on what? I saw the Pats tear Manning a new a hole last week and the Steelers look like a bunch of wankers. That regular season Steeler win looks pretty weak to me, I see no way the Patriots lose this one.


    The Steelers have a real shot, if, as Mark says, they don't get stupid. Their team makeup is power running and a ferocious defense, which is the best formula to take against the Patriots. High-scoring passing offenses get frustrated by the Patriots defense, but if Pitt can get moving on the ground and their defense slows down the Pats O, this should be a close exciting game.


    Having said that, in the coaching matchup of Belichick vs. Cowher, you have to go with Belichick, so I don't know where anyone would get the confidence to say the Pats will lose.

  3. I was psyched that they beat Seattle because I think that that protects his job for another year.


    The league is much better off having Martz in it. Think about how many times his arrogance combined with his poor decision making makes you smile during the year. The guy is priceless. St. Louis fans deserve better, but without any emotional attachment I say keep the guy in the league and the good times rollin'.


    You're right. I've probably gotten too personally invested and need to step back and consider the good of the game as a whole.


    I'm still bummed that Wannstedt is gone.

  4. But more absurd, perhaps, was watching the Falcons come down to score in the last couple minutes....with Vick, Dunn, et. al still on the field with a 23 point lead.  Poor judgment by the coach, poor sportsmanship all around.


    Actually more absurd to me was watching the Rams try to mount a drive, down by 30, with a minute left, when Bulger looked half-dead. Especially when they spiked it with 15 seconds left. What possible purpose does that serve?

  5. What Brady has "done" has play QB in one of the most well-balanced, disciplined, and effective offenses on one of the most well-balanced, disciplined, and effective teams in the league the past four years.  I've never seen Brady "win" a game where not just 10 but 52 other players contributed as much.


    For all the love that Brady gets, what I noticed is the same thing that I've noticed whenever I see the Patriots offense: the receivers just do not drop the ball. Whether it's their first receiver, their fifth receiver, or the third tight end, they catch the ball. I don't know what they are doing differently, but week to week you see other teams drop passes that Patsy scrubs would catch.

  6. Plummer's better then Brian Griese. Who, by the way, I predicted would be a total flop in the NFL. Meanwhile, most members of TSW said Griese was one of the best in the league.


    I guess that's one I was right about.


    That looks to me like one neither side was right about. Griese is, after all, still playing in this league and had some ok performances for TB this year. So I don't know where you get "total flop" from.

  7. I do agree completely with this. If we had made the playoffs this year, I would have been ecstatic just to have been there after all this time. Would we win the Super Bowl this year? No way.


    So why is it different for next year?  Because we have a young, talented QB getting paid millions just sitting on the bench. Do we want to rush him in and possibly hurt his development? Not at all, but that's the kind of judgement I'll leave to the coaching staff. If Drew starts next year because JP isn't ready yet (in their minds), I can live with that. Will we win the Super Bowl? Nope.


    But if JP is even close to being ready, why put off his development another year? If we could, possibly, win the Super Bowl with JP somewhere down the line, why not get started down that road sooner rather than later, particularly if we don't think we can win the Super Bowl with our current QB?


    And I also agree with this. If JP makes strides over the offseason and is close even to Drew's current level I will be ready to see what he can do.


    My only objection is to those (not you or Mark VI based on these posts) who seem to think that we should put JP out there even if he does not show that he has settled down enough to play at the NFL level. To the posters who ask how much worse it could be than Drew, I think the answer is much, much worse. Look at QB play around the league. I don't think Drew is capable of carrying this team, but there are guys out there who are walking disasters.

  8. My opinion is no. Could we make the playoffs next year with Drew? I think there's a good chance of it. Some of this depends on what happens this offseason at other positions, but if we assume we start off next year where we left off this year, I think we'll have a good shot at a wild card. So the next question is:


    Is that good enough?


    That's the basic divide on this issue, ain't it? At this point a playoff appearance would make me damn happy after the last few years. While I agree that the ultimate goal is a Super Bowl win, I won't be too disappointed if we don't win one as long as we're in the hunt.

  9. Two chief annoyances for me:


    1. Madden would make definitive statements but then add so many qualifiers that it became meaningless. For example, he commented on how 2nd and 1 was a great down for a play-caller. He said something like "You can call any play in the playbook and be guaranteed that it will work most of the time." What does that even mean?


    2. When the Jets downed a punt at the 3 at the end of the first half and it was reviewed because there was illegal touching, for some reason Michaels got it into his head that the Chargers could just take a touchback. He wouldn't get off it. It's like he was thinking since the player could not legally touch the ball, they could pretend he wasn't there and the ball had bounced into the end zone. I don't what rulebook he was looking at.

  10. Both good points Rubes.  I can't count the number of times I've seen games where failed 2 point tries later came back to bite the team in the ass.


    For a prominent recent example, how about last year's Super Bowl. Carolina went for 2 early in the 4th (not quite what was being talked about, but I don't think you should go for 2 until halfway through the 4th) and then had to try again. If they'd just kicked, they would have been up by 3 when the Patriots made their drive at the end of the game, and who knows what might have happened.

  11. Why why why is clock management so horrible at the pro level? Guys like Parcells and Belichick stand out, quite honestly, not because they're geniuses about this stuff, but because they just make common sense decisions.


    Case in point yesterday, the Chargers driving for that tying touchdown, why didn't the Jets use their time outs and give themselves time to try for a win in regulation? I don't think you need to be a Mensa member to figure it out.

  12. Anyone else watching this guy - the announcers are all over him, and for good reason... honestly, I think he may have had a few martinis for breakfast.


    First, he was on a streak, and never ONCE,... once... looked back for the ball (Hasselbeck ended up running it himself), and then he just looked confused at the line of scrimmage a couple plays later...


    I was watching the game with a friend, and when Seattle got the ball for the first time, I guessed the play would be a pass to Jackson which he dropped. He did not disappoint and even threw in the added bonus of an interception.

  13. Unless you some kind of uber-dork (I'm not) you probably don't have a clue what WoW is.  I was wondering if there were any others (not that I'm one of them) out there?


    If you are and you're willing to admit it.......


    I'm sooooo embarassed.  :D


    Don't be embarrassed, wave that geek flag high. Hell, I'll admit it, I've been playing since a couple of days after release. Fun game.

  14. Look, I think the Bills should have gone elsewhere looking for QB options for 2004 other than resigning Bledsoe, but I really disagree with a lot of the points you make because I don't think they correspond with the reality of his performance.


    That is IMO a really excellent realistic analysis of what Drew brings to the table. I wouldn't be sorry to see the team go in another direction, but for better or worse given what our other options are Drew might be the best for next year. And I think, as others have pointed out (Simon?), TD and Mularkey are working toward a team where you can win with even an average QB.

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