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Posts posted by MRW

  1. I agree with Campy. Let Willis go out and have a monster year, then consider it. 12 games don't justify a new fat contract. Scott Mitchell ring a bell ? Probably not ,with many of the young hot pockets here.  :P


    Plus Willis got a lot of $$ year 1 for contibuting NOTHING and just rehabbing. Let him earn his $$ now and reward him later.


    Yeah, I don't understand the outcry to renegotiate a contract for a guy with 3 years left on his deal. And if we renegotiated and he had a good year, he'd probably hold out for an even better deal anyway. :lol:

  2. i'm not argueing whether departed players that have left the bills deserved the contract they got......i'm talking about negotiating style and how that will effect nate and willis.......


    Maybe you should argue that, because it seems like a rather strong argument against your position if players who leave are getting overpaid. Why exactly is it a knock against TD if he lets a guy go and get a ridiculous contract from another team? Shouldn't he "lowball" him (offer what he thinks the guy's worth)? The point is precisely that guys like Price, Jennings, etc. really are not worth their market value to the Bills.

  3. Totally unrelated to the discussion here, but then again I don't see what this was doing in the article either...


    "According to an Associated Press report Monday, Calico was cited May 12 for public indecency, a misdemeanor, for having sex with an 18-year-old woman in his sport-utility vehicle."


    Anyone notice that in the middle of the article? WTH does that have to do with anything?

  4. Your comment on Sam Aiken not dropping passes left and right like Reed last year, is not quite accurate. Aiken had his share of drops too, maybe not as much as Reed, but pretty close. One glaring thing I remember from Aiken last season was during the Pittsburgh game at the end of the 1st half when the Bills were attempting a crucial drive with under 1 minute to go. Aiken caught a pass and instead of getting out of bounds to conserve the clock, he stayed in and gained 3 or 4 more yards allowing more time to run off.

    Reed has his problems but I think he is better than Aiken, and I am willing to give Reed one more chance. If the coaches decide he has had enough opportunities, then so be it.


    Good points. I wasn't really trying to build Aiken up; he's been basically a non-descript player in my view, he just hasn't made as many eye-catching blunders as Reed. They're both players on the bubble, though, so one of them is going to be gone I think.

  5. ..and that's all I'm hoping. If he can produce a few plays a game, he's done his job. Very small but the speed can be used in situations.


    And maybe it'll light a fire under Reed's butt and he'll actually produce! As long as we're being optimistic.

  6. I certainly haven't seen anything from Reed in the past two years that makes me think he's particularly worthy of a slot on this team.


    If you look at the depth chart, you've got three locks (Moulds, Evans, Parrish) plus one who will most likely be kept because of ST (Fast Freddie). So if the Bills keep 5 WRs it comes down to Reed vs. Aiken, neither of whom has done anything all that impressive. Aiken didn't drop passes left and right like Reed last year either, though.


    So barring a real standout performance in camp/preseason, Reed has a good chance of being cut unless the team keeps 6 WRs, and even then someone younger may emerge and take that spot. A real shame too, I thought he was going to be a good one after his rookie year.

  7. Editor's note: Blue chip indicates an elite talent – a difference maker who consistently makes big plays. Red chip indicates an impact player with starter-type production who can improve in at least one area.  Purple indicates a solid starter you can win with and who usually gets the job done. Orange indicates backup production. Green indicates a player with upside but who can be a liability to put on the field. A plus or minus indicates that a player is on the verge of fitting into another category.



    So there are no players they're willing to call busts? What does it mean to have upside but be a liability on the field?

  8. I'm still trying to figure out exactly why it's such a great thing to have a lot of second-day picks starting for you. I mean, you could have an entire squad of undrafted FAs starting for you, that doesn't mean your team is good.


    Why do I have the feeling that if we did have a ton of second-day picks as starters, the argument would be that Donahoe picks busts in the early rounds?

  9. Poor management.  Perhaps part of a set-up for the franchise move... <_<


    So it's all a Major League-esque setup for a move. Gotcha!


    This was yet another draft by the Bills not to build a competitive club but a draft to get the Madden-esque fans into the stands.


    And as part of that plan, we're going to get fans into the stands!


    Are you actually interested in advancing any kind of serious argument here?

  10. If Clements wants more than what Winfield got, he will be gone next year unless he takes his game up a level this year.  He is not as good as Spikes, thus I don't see him getting more than TKO's deal.


    The supply of good CBs versus good LBs is also relevant here. The best linebackers do not command the salary the best cornerbacks do, so Spikes' salary really doesn't have anything to do with Clements.

  11. I was thinking last week that if this happened, for not taking Kenyatta Walker, we will have gotten Nate Clements, Travis Henry, Brandon Spoon and Kenyatta Walker. :D


    But since we'd have to give up Henry for Walker I think you have to leave him out. Still not a bad deal though.

  12. except for the fact that even if a player is cut by the owner, the player still keeps every dime of the signing bonus.......the owner takes a risk by paying out a signing bonus and they should get a return on that risk (i.e. locking the player in for a specified time)......just like the player takes a risk by signing a long-term deal.........


    funny how you never seem to see players offering back signing bonus dollars despite bad play.......but they don't have a problem asking for more money when they exceed expectations.......


    Well, we'll have to agree to disagree here. Since NFL "contracts" are such jokes, I can't hold it against players when they seek to get everything they can.

  13. How many Franchise and trade scenerios have been pulled off in the NFL, outside of the Peerless Price situation ? Can someone look that up for me ? People here speak like it happens several times a year.


    Didn't the Raiders just Franchise Woodsen and now owe him 10 Mil this year ? Where are all the trade offers ? 10 Mil for a CB ?


    Joey Galloway was franchised and traded to Dallas after the 1999 season. But you're right, it doesn't happen frequently.

  14. I'd be angrier about player holdouts if the owners were forced to pay out the contracts they sign players to. Then there would be a case to be made for saying "You signed the contract, now live with it." As it stands, I see no reason to side with ownership since they feel no obligation to live up to the terms of the contract either.


    TO is a big talker, but you know, he backs it up. I agree with the earlier poster who said the Eagles would be left with crap at the WR position if they get rid of him.

  15. I don't understand the ridicule for Henry.  I would think that Bills' fans would appreciate a player who busted his ass for the team.  Has he taken his demotion well? No. So what? That's the business end of the NFL, that many young men aren't prepared for properly.


    Feelings of anger, dissapointment, rejection and betrayal are normal reactions to a wounded ego. 


    Here, fellow posters lament their loss of employment, girlfriends, and hockey seasons to all.  To be honest, I could give two craps for all of the whining on this board.


    When someone here posts how they had two consecutive thousand yard seasons in the NFL, made the Pro Bowl and then was made trade-bait, I'll listen to that gripe.  :devil:


    In fairness to VABills, he was bashing Henry when Henry-bashing wasn't cool. He didn't just jump on the bandwagon this past season.

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