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Posts posted by MRW

  1. I really don't want to see Clements go, because I think he is a really good young corner. However, I will understand it given that his demands will be huge.


    McGee, on the other hand, I will be extremely pissed if the Bills let him slip away. He's a player who seems to be coming in to his own, and I think the window of opportunity to extend him cheaply is closing.

  2. Except you assume that the game would've played out exactly the same way had Carolina kicked the XP.  The events of a football game aren't occurring in a vaccuum where you can just pluck out one event, change it around, and expect the rest to remain the same.  Different score means different circumstances means different play means different results.  You can't anticipate what will happen.


    That's exactly why you kick the XP early and go for two later. You have no idea how the scoring is going to shake out as the game progresses. Maybe you have opportunities to kick a couple of field goals, or score another TD, or maybe you even get a safety.


    The only possible exception I could think of would be if you're getting blown out, but in that situation who cares?

  3. Mularkey needs to realize that McGahee is more important to this team than he is. Mularkey is a middle of the road (at best) head coach, who is easily replaceable. Not a great motivator, not too brilliant with the things he says to the press, and simply a puppet for TD. Willis, on the other hand, is a premier back in this league, who, if not made happy (as sh------- as that sounds) can EASILY be seen holding out next year.


    For once, the HC needs to shut up, start coaching as if he had half a brain, and appease his star player (ie, get him the frigging ball!)


    Interesting. I see it completely differently. It looks to me like Mularkey is continuing to grow into his role as a head coach. He was not insulting to WM on a personal level, he criticized his play. That's his job, and I'm pleased to see he's doing it. He's establishing that he, not the players, not the owner, not the GM, is in charge of how the team plays.

  4. Many watchers seem to make the mistake that just because it is true that there are things a QB can learn ONLY from playing the game that it must be true that he can learn nothing by sitting.


    This is simply wrong.


    As Kyle Boller remarked in the 2004 draft that when he got hirt and was forced to sut during his rookie season he was surprised that there was a lot of stuff he could see better from the sideline than he could on the field and that even better without the need to prepare himself just in case he was called onto the field.


    I wouldn't be so eager to use Kyle Boller as an example of good QB development if I were you.

  5. What the point in deriding McGahee?  So, he's not perfect -- he's got some maturing to do.  As I recall, we signed him to run anyhow.  You can't take one play and lay the whole game on it.  Lots of things didn't go well.  McGahee will learn from his mistakes and so will the others.  This team is still developing its confidence.  They need to be less timid on offense and not let the opponent dictate what they do on offense.


    There's more to playing RB than just running.

  6. Granted I didn't spend the whole game concentrating on mcgee, but I think your #3 point was covered up by #4.  I saw Vincent giving a good amount of help to terrence mcgee.  Vincent looks like the real deal at fs, and seems fully comfortable. Him and Milloy will make an awesome safety tandem


    Not only did he have the two picks, but he had a really nice hit to break up a deep pass after McGee was beaten. That would've been a big play for the Texans.

  7. winfield......when he wasn't resigned many on this board offered the premise "we can't pay two CB's that kind of money and nate needs to be paid soon".........well, here we are and now people are ready to let nate walk based on the premise "we can't pay him that money because we need to sign the big 3 soon"........the stances of some have changed as nate looks less and less likely to be signed long-term.......i just want to see good young players rewarded and kept around......they are the core of the team.........


    But are the same people making those arguments?

  8. Historically, the Bills have had 2nd round failures (LOTS under Butler and Polian), but the difference is the ability to cut players.  I think either MM or TD refuses to cut ties with the draft picks. 


    And you're basing this on... what, exactly? There have been 5 secound round draft picks since Donahoe came here. Of those, one is no longer with the team, two are starters on the D-line, and one is a D-line reserve who sees a fair amount of playing time. That leaves Reed, who has been a disappointment, but is it honestly that hard for people to believe that maybe the coaches want him on this team for his play?


    I understand questioning some of the decisions that are made at OBD, I do myself, but I don't understand anyone who thinks that TD would keep a crappy player just to inflate his ego. First off, if he cuts Josh Reed, who will care? You'd look pretty ridiculous criticizing TD for having a second round pick bust. Second, I just don't think he's dumb enough to hurt the team's chances of winning in order to save face.

  9. Drew is not my cousin.  He's a guy who played 48 straight games for this

    team and got up off the ground every time he took a lick and took the next

    snap without pointing the finger at anybody.


    For this he gets insulted and derided daily by a group of guys who think

    it's great sport to type things about a guy they'd never have the guts to

    say to his face.


    You need to dial down your sensitivity. This thread was hardly about Drew at all until you came in here defending him for some weird reason.

  10. THANK YOU!!!!  How bad could JP be?  Certainly not worse than Drew.


    People say this all the time, and it just isn't true. I'm not sorry to see Bledsoe gone, but he has had a 12-year career in the NFL. I certainly can envision worse performances than he gave last year - can't you?


    The good thing is that if Losman does approach play as bad as or worse than Bledsoe's, we have Holcomb to give us another option.

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