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Everything posted by MRW

  1. Mike Martz will make sure that we have a good o-line? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...excuse me.
  2. Didn't the NFL establish new rules that made these kinds of deals illegal? Just going on fuzzy memory, does anyone else remember hearing anything about this?
  3. I like Rosen and Maas, actually. Unlike the top announcing teams I think they mostly stay focused on the game in front of them, and from time to time provide some actual insight into why teams are doing what they're doing.
  4. I saw him scrambling awfully early on several plays. Still, overall, I liked his performance and look forward to seeing him build on it.
  5. It's funny, this is the first game since the start of the year where I thought Jerry Gray called a good game on defense, and yet I come here and so many people are ripping on the D. The fact is, within the limitations of the defense (namely our gaping hole at D tackle) this was a pretty good defensive game. It certainly wasn't the blitz-happy, burned for 4 touchdowns affair I was expecting. If Gray could've used some common sense and called some like this before, I would certainly be a lot happier.
  6. That makes a good soundbite, but it doesn't really tell you much about how to coach a game. Facing 4th and 13, punting is an acceptable strategy at the beginning of a game, isn't it? That's pursuing a strategy to help you win, not like you're "afraid to lose".
  7. He does have a point about punts when you have makeable first down or you're in desparation mode toward the end of a game - but JDG's examples above are the exact opposite of that. You don't go for it on 4th and more than 5 unless you absolutely have to.
  8. I think he should've waited until after the game, actually.
  9. I think there was also at least one time that he audibled out of the punt to a fake, due to a player being completely uncovered. The problem is you're not going to see that very often, and I really wouldn't want them to try more than one fake per year anyway.
  10. Witten is a no-name now? He was a second round pick, wasn't he? I know he was a name getting kicked around here at draft time a few years ago. So, shockingly, a second round pick has developed into a good player.
  11. Honestly, after the penalties, I don't know why they didn't do two kneeldowns anyway. That would've left ~30 seconds on the clock when KC got the ball back deep in their end with no timeouts. I certainly didn't like the odds of trying to run for a first down at that point.
  12. That's an awful lot to pull out of the phrase "Believe me". Isn't it more likely that Sullivan is just being a blowhard as usual?
  13. I was amazed when I realized I'd passed the 200 post mark. 1000 seems a long way off, forget about 15.
  14. I can't believe that anyone would consider it a good idea at this point to throw more draft picks and money at a QB "savior".
  15. Keep the dream alive!
  16. Dungy also has one of the worst replay records in the league, I believe. Maybe he's getting gun-shy.
  17. It only takes one off day for that perfect record to vanish. There is no particular game that I would pick Indy to lose, but being at the top of your game (and getting the lucky bounces) for an entire season is pretty tough. I would imagine they will lose one or two.
  18. Are we watching the same games?
  19. I keep reading this title as "Willis buried in Rome" and it gives me a little scare every time.
  20. I really don't want to see Clements go, because I think he is a really good young corner. However, I will understand it given that his demands will be huge. McGee, on the other hand, I will be extremely pissed if the Bills let him slip away. He's a player who seems to be coming in to his own, and I think the window of opportunity to extend him cheaply is closing.
  21. I thought he was emulating the Bills offense.
  22. Don't kid yourself. Bills players aren't pure as the driven snow.
  23. Why wasn't Barber ejected for this, when Ravens were getting thrown out for touching the brim of a ref's cap?
  24. I have never met a time traveler before. Can you tell me who wins the World Series this year?
  25. Who ever looks there?
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