Yeah, it's an awful waste to spend a fourth-round draft pick on a guy who can't come in and start in his rookie season! Please. I've become convinced that TD has to go, but it's so hard to resist the temptation to defend him when I see attacks this stupid.
I'm not ready to declare him the savior of this team, but he has shown IMO great progress since his lousy performances at the beginning of the season, enough so that I want to see what he can develop into.
This drive killed me, and in one single series Mularkey lost me. A first down ends the game, while a punt in all likelihood costs us the game the way the defense was playing at that point. I agree with your overall point, too, Easterbrook oversimplifies and doesn't highlight the real problem.
Actually I thought the INT was a nice play but I didn't think it was a game-ender, because our sluggish offense still needed a first down, and I knew Miami would move the ball if they got it back. But I never would've dreamed they'd call a run on 3rd and 9 or 10 when a first down would win the game. I was a fan of this coaching staff for quite a while, but outside of Bobby April and maybe Sam Wyche I wouldn't mind seeing them gone tomorrow.
Yeah, San Francisco's looking pretty fortunate there.
Jennings as a 3rd round pick? Great value. Paying multi-millions for Jennings as a free agent? Not so much.
True, the question is, how strong a factor will that be in whether RW keeps TD around? Before his comments I would've said he was happy to keep him around long-term, but now I'm thinking he doesn't have more than another year to get this ship righted.
My guess is it will be much more palatable for RW to swallow two years of MM's contract rather than getting rid of him before the contract's halfway done.
Actually isn't it about time to point the finger of blame back at the fans? Everyone who goes to games, watches them on TV, buys merchandise, hell, even talks about them on a web site, is providing support for this failed administration.
Do you really think that there is anyone who is happy with this season? Just because many people don't find it helpful to fixate on the negative in something they follow for entertainment purposes doesn't mean that anyone thinks this team is great. What I wonder is, are the struggles of the Buffalo Bills football team really the most important part of people's lives? If so, you are truly blessed.
If running backs around the league do well, defensive players become conditioned to play against the run. Therefore, even if a particular team's running attack is not very good, defenders will still bite on the play-action out of habit.