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Posts posted by MRW

  1. I've been a fan since 1973 and as loyal as anyone but this downward cycle isn't pretty. We have to be viewed as a "joke" to other franchises out there.

    Things better get stable around there or our dreams of bringing in free agents with talent are history. Find a coach with balls, give him some players, give him growing room and support him all the way.

    Hook 'Em!


    I agree with you, things are in real danger of spinning completely out of control and making the organization a complete laughingstock. The only hopeful note for me is that even perpetual cellar-dwelling franchises can rebound, as shown by the Bengals, if you find the right people to put in charge.

  2. I can't believe that he is in such hot demand...his game management skills deteriorated over the course of three years and they were substandard to begin with.  The comparisons to Belichick are laughable..Belichick has always been a great strategist, developer of talent and game coach...his last year in Cleveland was the franchise exit year--before that he had the Browns on a pretty positive path--11-5 the year before the franchise move was announced..


    I also couldn't understand how often his name was getting thrown around as a head coaching candidate, given that his failures in Buffalo had nothing to do with being a good defensive coordinator. What exactly has he shown that would lead people to believe he would have a better handle on the aspects of the game that he had trouble with?

  3. I think what you're missing is that people (at least most of them) aren't taking enjoyment from TD's losing his job.  If/when TD is fired I'm not going to sit here thinking happily about TD packing his bags, saying his goodbyes and sitting at home in a funk wishing he had done things differently.  I'm going to be happy because it means the Bills are attempting making a move to improve the team, simple as that.  There is a difference whether you wish to acknowledge it or not.


    The problem is there is a very vocal contingent of fans who seem to relish the opportunity to tear down everyone who ever leaves the team. They're well-represented by Jerry Sullivan and "Coach" Dickerson, and it makes it a lot harder to stake out a moderate position.

  4. I must be watching a different game. Rivers looks like a bad backup to me. Noodle arm and limited mobility. Chad P. Jr.


    I think SnF was saying that Rivers is not doing what RJ did, that is, coming in as a backup and looking good.

  5. shouldn't there be someone who keeps tabs on this stuff for him? in those sorts of situations, it seems terribly obvious that you should call time out to conserve a little time. once a team is inside the 10 and there's a minute left, the clock is never an enemy to them. they can only run 4 plays at most. i sometimes get the sense that a lot of coaches don't realize this.


    In fairness to Mularkey, the defense did keep committing stupid penalties to keep drives alive, so there's no way of saying for sure that the Broncos would be limited to four plays.

  6. Not only that, but after getting the kickoff and running a play, they had second and short with the clock running and a time out in their pocket. Instead of using it there they opted to run a QB sneak (!) for the first down, then call the time out. It made no sense whatsoever, and was just another in a long string of baffling clock management decisions by this team.

  7. the elite guys are understandably the hardest ones to get, however, and at this point the bills should have a few. the bills do actually have some serviceable foundation players: mcgee, kelsay, troy vincent, fletcher, even josh reed as a 3rd receiver, and gandy as a role playing lineman (the jury is still out on jason peters).  it's the lack of the studs that's hurting them, in my opinion.


    What I'm struck by on your list is that it only includes 1 D-lineman and 1.5 O-linemen. I think to fairly evaluate whether we have any elite players at skill positions we need 1 or 2 more solid players at least on each line.

  8. This post is arguing the exact wrong premise. The whole idea behind "We're just a few players away!" is that we can, in fact, add a few "elite" players to the roster and have a good team. The great teams in the league have a solid foundation in addition to their stars, and I think you'd be on much more solid ground arguing that the Bills have neglected that foundation and have instead tried for the elite players.

  9. I am !@#$ing serious you knew this was a loss when we were up by a touchdown.  We cannot score and capitalize when we get turnovers.  We are sh-- and it is really becoming impossible to like these !@#$ing losers.


    We may be the worst team in the league


    Sad but true, my non-Bills fan friend thought it was a good sign that the Bills were able to go up by a touchdown and I had to explain to him how the rest of the game would go. And I was right on too!

  10. Yeah, but we really tricked 'em, didn't we?


    I was watching the game with a friend (non-Bills fan) and he was baffled by this. He was wondering what possible benefit there is to fooling the other team on a pooch punt. Either it's a good punt and you can pin the other team deep, or it's a touchback. Why not have your punter do it? It is his job. Basically Mularkey selected the worst possible option out of the many possibilities.

  11. Two good seasons, followed by an average season, and he's FIRED!  <_<  So basically we're looking for a coach/qb/rb/<insert player here> that performs at an HOF level each and every year.  If you slip, you're fired.


    That's a great way to spin your wheels forever.


    I see your point, but my concern is that Mularkey seems to have no clue how to manage a game. It would be one thing if there were a few questionable play calls, but consistently he makes baffling decisions. For example, tonight, when Denver was driving at the end of the half and had 3rd and goal with 1:15 left, why not call a time out? Denver wants to run the clock down as much as they can, why do you let them?


    On the ensuing drive, why not use a time out rather than rushing to the line and running a QB sneak with 9 seconds left? After calling a time out, why run a draw with no time left?


    It's these sorts of decisions that I see week to week that lead me to want Mularkey out. Yes, it shouldn't be change for change's sake, but he is not performing to the basic level of competency I would expect from an NFL head coach. If the guy's the wrong guy, keeping him forever won't lead to better results.

  12. With all the talk about how desperately we need to upgrade the o-line and we better not take skill position players I'd offer this hypothetical. . .


    Would our current team be better if we had Indy's entire o-line rather than our o-line and our current skill position players. . .




    would our current team be better with Peyton Manning at QB, Edge at RB, Harrison & Wayne at WR behind our CURRENT O-line?


    Our skill players with Indy's o-line. Even Manning is not a miracle worker, although that would be a huge huge upgrade at that position.

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