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Everything posted by MRW

  1. Is there such a thing?
  2. Well, good for him, it's nice to see that someone can learn from his mistakes.
  3. This strikes me as very strange, because it's not like Leaf was a cerebral QB who failed in the NFL due to physical limitations. Who knows, maybe he's finally got his head screwed on straight.
  4. ...you fit right in around here!
  5. So you're saying he's a cut above?
  6. Were you, you know, actually reading people's replies? Because here are the points I saw various posters raise: 1. San Diego would never go for this trade 2. QB is not the primary problem with this team 3. Your plan would postpone dealing with the fundamental problems of this Bills team, namely offensive and defensive line I haven't seen anyone arguing that Losman is going to be a great player. The closest I've seen is that perhaps it's not wise to throw him away after one half-season starting on a pretty poor team. So, sorry if people disagreed with your suggestion, but c'mon. "Bring in a star QB to save the franchise" is your big idea?
  7. Who should we start with?
  8. I'm not particularly worried about the Phins next year. The competitors for this Bills team, until they prove otherwise, are the Raiders/Texans/Ravens/Jets of the NFL. I see no reason to get worked up over how they'll do against teams competing for the division title.
  9. Kudos, man. This is an awesome parody.
  10. One year in Detroit is like 5 or 6 anywhere else.
  11. People are sure acting like they did.
  12. Um... no? Unless you mean posters on message boards wishing the NFL would allow that sort of ownership structure.
  13. Close, except I think TD grabs a mailbox and tells Ralph to "save the postage".
  14. You know what, I was thinking about this today and even though I don't think Sherman is a coach who will take you all the way, I think this team needs a taste of success. If he can right the ship and get the Bills back to the playoffs I'm all for it. If the team had been a contender at any point over the last few years I'd be looking for someone different to put them over the top, but, well, here we are.
  15. But if Easterbrook wasn't able to bring up the same points in every column, it would only be about two paragraphs long. How's he supposed to support a family writing just a two paragraph column? Think of the children!
  16. Logic would indicate that I was mistaken.
  17. There's a lot to back this theory up, but I am just left wondering why? If Ralph doesn't have a problem shelling out multi-million dollar signing bonuses, why would he have an issue paying coaches the going rate?
  18. Much as I'd like to see it, I'm pretty sure that's no longer allowed.
  19. I don't think that's a minor point at all, it's ridiculous. If Wilson and Levy wanted Mularkey gone, they should've fired him. What self-respecting coach will want to come here?
  20. Watched many sitcoms lately?
  21. I agree with you, things are in real danger of spinning completely out of control and making the organization a complete laughingstock. The only hopeful note for me is that even perpetual cellar-dwelling franchises can rebound, as shown by the Bengals, if you find the right people to put in charge.
  22. Do they keep stats for most diving fair catches?
  23. I also couldn't understand how often his name was getting thrown around as a head coaching candidate, given that his failures in Buffalo had nothing to do with being a good defensive coordinator. What exactly has he shown that would lead people to believe he would have a better handle on the aspects of the game that he had trouble with?
  24. The problem is there is a very vocal contingent of fans who seem to relish the opportunity to tear down everyone who ever leaves the team. They're well-represented by Jerry Sullivan and "Coach" Dickerson, and it makes it a lot harder to stake out a moderate position.
  25. I think SnF was saying that Rivers is not doing what RJ did, that is, coming in as a backup and looking good.
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