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Everything posted by MRW

  1. So what you're saying is, he's a matural.
  2. Whether it's selfless or not, at the end of the day a family got some free groceries. As PR stunts go this is a pretty beneficial one, and honestly, maybe it's the kind of thing we should encourage by taking at face value.
  3. And an almost fanatical dedication to the pope.
  4. Easterbrook has a rambling style that can be entertaining (I did enjoy his columns for a while), but he seems to come up with conclusions and blanket rules first, then force everything into that framework. I can't read his columns any more because he just doesn't bring any insight, just glib generalizations.
  5. I definitely wouldn't be surprised to see a higher level of penalties continuing into the season, particularly on the defensive side of the ball. I think it's the tradeoff for a more aggressive defense - particularly offsides and maybe illegal contact. Hopefully not too many pass interference calls. Obviously you don't want the team to be dumb about them, but I think they are unavoidable to an extent. Now, personal fouls, taunting, things like that, they really need to get under control.
  6. Just to be clear, I don't really disagree with you. I'm really pleased with how Manuel's doing (and unimpressed with Kolb). I wouldn't mind it if Marrone declared Manuel the starter at this point, but I wouldn't be too hasty to cut a veteran loose.
  7. I was giving you Manuel's passing numbers from last week.
  8. Good points, and you can see a big difference in effectiveness. I still found it a bit ridiculous to point to Kolb's low passing yardage when Manuel had the same amount last week. It's all looking like a moot point, isn't it?
  9. 16/21 for 107 yards one td I'll grant you that Manuel is probably close to winning this competition, but there's not as big a difference in their stats as you are trying to suggest.
  10. The article was written by Chris Brown, so I'm not surprised that he would give Bills coaches that kind of praise.
  11. Step up your game, this board isn't going to keep more than 3 or maybe 4 jokers for the regular season.
  12. Vick still has a more impressive postseason resume than Schaub.
  13. There's no way he doesn't make the team, again, barring some major incident that really changes the way he is perceived (but that could be true for anyone in the league). Guys who have put up the numbers he has, who are 1 year into the kind of contract he has, do not get cut. If your point is a quibble in the sense that nothing in life is 100% certain, I can't argue with that but I don't think it is a meaningful point in this context.
  14. Hi! Well, maybe I shouldn't say there's no possible way, if Johnson pulls some stupid off-the-field crap involving a brush with the law or something, but I haven't seen anything to make me think that he will. Other vets? Williams & Williams, Carrington, Wood, Urbik, Spiller, Chandler. Glenn and Gilmore, depending on your definition of veteran. I'm sure there are others I'm overlooking, but there aren't many players that I consider more of a lock to be on the team this year than Johnson. Seriously, guy has 3 straight 1000-yard seasons and you think there's a chance that he's going to get cut without a major precipitating incident? Please think it through.
  15. The lack of injury puts it into a different category.
  16. I think "staged" is a bit too strong, as you've acknowledged. That would imply to me that the whole thing is a sham, maybe set up to bolster EJ's cred in the locker room. I don't think they're doing that. However, I don't think there's any question about who the coaches would like to see win this battle, and I think they are giving EJ a great deal of assistance in getting acclimated to the NFL, while Kolb basically has had to run with the big dogs from day 1. I don't really see that as unfair, though, as long as by the end of camp EJ has seen the same kind of defenses as Kolb and has shown better ability to deal with them.
  17. Graham making an issue out of someone getting frustrated at repeatedly being asked questions they have stated they are not going to answer... my irony meter just exploded.
  18. I dunno, I look at this and see the reporters making it about themselves. If they try to spin this into "Marrone is thin-skinned", then shame on us if we buy into it.
  19. He did say "honest".
  20. If that's really their job, that's a sad commentary on the current media climate.
  21. I like his response. What good does it do to keep pressing him for information if he doesn't have it? One of the problems with the 24-hour, always-on news cycle is that actual events do not necessarily unfold according to that schedule. If Williams is still being evaluated and the doctors do not yet have a diagnosis, you can ask 50,000 times but if you do, let's not pretend it's about informing anyone.
  22. Sorry, the sarcasm font stopped working on my computer a while ago and I haven't had time to take it down to the shop.
  23. No need to be such a jerk to the guy.
  24. I'm out. It's perfectly clear, but feel free to continue to play whatever little game this is, since you enjoy it so much.
  25. Show me where anyone said Ryan was the real DC in NY. Your alleged inconsistency falls apart at that stage. Saying that there is a perception of something is not saying that it is actually the case.
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