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Everything posted by MRW

  1. If the Bills are out of playoff contention, then certainly you might entertain the idea of switching back to Manuel. Doing it because he's an "unknown" is a terrible reason, though. If he shows improvement in practice, then yeah, maybe give him another shot.
  2. 9-7 with Orton. If you don't think it is then I question what you could get out of following this team at this point.
  3. I think SD would still have been a loss, that was a total team beatdown, but vs. Houston I'm almost certain he would've made the difference.
  4. As long as you don't get mixed up and bash your head into Sammy's groin, do whatever you please.
  5. Yeah, I would add that there is a frequently unjustified assumption when it comes to young QBs - that playing them will automatically contribute to their development. The way Smith played last week, he wouldn't learn a thing except to doubt himself more.
  6. You've read this board before, right?
  7. Yeah, I know ESPN is still trying to push this stat, but has it actually caught on anywhere else?
  8. I think a lot of star players have trouble coaching because they are a cut above everyone else on the field, and the things that work for them will not necessarily work for less talented players.
  9. Gotta quibble with this a bit, if Orton does anything in the second half of the year close to what he did in the second quarter, there is no competition whatsoever. I hope EJ learns a lot and can turn his career around, but the difference with Orton is staggering.
  10. Controlled much of the game? Really? At what point were they in control? I'll admit to being worried the Bills were going to blow it when the Jets were only down 7 at the half, but the Jets were never close to "in control" of the game.
  11. I was making a joke. The team's approach to the QB position last year was beyond baffling. I agree with you on EJ, by the way. It seems like he's taken a good attitude and approach to the whole thing, too.
  12. I don't think I've ever seen a worse QB performance. I have no idea what he was thinking on those throws.
  13. I guess I'm challenging the notion that there's any need to be realistic. I don't know about you, but I didn't get into following football so I could hone my football analysis skills. That has happened to a degree, but the bottom line for me is I've kept watching and stayed a Bills fan because I can get irrationally hopeful that this is the year they finally turn things around. Plus, as Bills Fan in MD said above, if the Bills come out and lose this weekend, it's not going to crush me. I have stuff going on in real life that matters. Football is a fun diversion.
  14. Haha, fair enough. I really shouldn't have given you a hard time to start with, I enjoy your posts.
  15. I don't disagree, but the guy posted a thread called "Don't get your hopes up" so I'm puzzled as to why you defended him in the first place.
  16. Well... yes, that's all true, but who doesn't know that? Furthermore, isn't this exactly the kind of situation where we as fans SHOULD get our hopes up? I know I didn't become a fan in order to be grimly satisfied that my predictions of the team's mediocrity came true.
  17. Hey everyone, it turns out quarterbacks are allowed to run with the football! Someone get a memo to the Washington defensive coordinator.
  18. I hate when two people with similar user names fight. It gets confusing.
  19. There's a classy way to express your appreciation for the new owners. Keep looking.
  20. Leadership, or attempts at it, rings false when you don't have the accomplishments to back it up. EJ would have a lot more apparent leadership ability if he were making his reads and throwing the ball accurately. He can't take control of anything if he can't make the plays he needs to, and if he could make those plays, he would be seen as a leader.
  21. What if I neither read nor reply?
  22. Should we send him to the CDC in Atlanta so he can be treated in isolation?
  23. On the one hand, I can't blame them for being upset, but on the other it doesn't show much professionalism to act like this. Hopefully it won't be an issue but if they show any signs of this with Orton in there I hope he shuts them down.
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