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Everything posted by MRW

  1. Are you hammered right now?
  2. I don't see Carolina advancing as affecting the debate one way or another, except maybe being another nail in the coffin of the idea that a mediocre division winner doesn't "deserve" a playoff spot. As far as playoff expansion, I think it would be a big mistake. 12/32 teams in the playoffs is a pretty generous percentage already, and expanding more (especially to 8 per conference) would just be ridiculous.
  3. Hey man, if you think the Buffalo media is crap, I'm right there with you. I'd have a lot more respect for Marrone if he just said that and ignored them. But saying that he quit because of them is really giving them a level of influence that, frankly, they don't merit. And it really makes Marrone look weak.
  4. But if Marrone is going to stay an NFL coach, where do you think he's going to go that won't have similar people? I mean, it's fine by me if he said "Life's too short to deal with these idiots" and just retired, but if he really left Buffalo because he doesn't like dealing with the media, he's delusional.
  5. I thought Jackson looked like a promising up-and-coming coach. I do worry a bit about what seemed like a power play after Al Davis died. But if the Pegulas can clearly define a chain of command, I think he showed that he can coach.
  6. Reich has 6 seasons coaching prior to becoming an OC. That doesn't strike me as a particularly lengthy amount of time working his way up the ranks. I'm not sold on him as a real candidate given the results this year and the lack of coordinator experience so far, but his 6 years as a positional coach don't scare me.
  7. That is a really intriguing name and I hope he gets a long look.
  8. Just about any coach would've played the guy they thought would get the win in that scenario. I don't think you need to assume anything nefarious. Further, I think this idea that trotting Manuel out there after not playing most of the season would be in the best interest of the Bills or of Manuel himself is just wrong-headed.
  9. I'll be curious to see if any more info comes out about this whole thing, but it wouldn't surprise me if Hackett and the OL coach were major sticking points - either Marrone wanting extensions for them, or management demanding he replace them. Either way, if that's the case then I would back the Pegulas, As you say, it will all come down to the replacement. I think we can certainly do worse than Marrone, but there is also the possibility of doing far better.
  10. Y'know, I often think people are too hard on you, but this is a ludicrous post.
  11. I can't imagine any scenario where he is kept on as OC.
  12. A winning record is great, but does it really justify contract extensions across the board? The idea of a major commitment after a limited success just brings to mind Fitzpatrick and Jauron. And I was on board with keeping Marrone around and evaluating him at the end of his contract, but if this what he wants to do then fine by me. I hope he does go to the Jets.
  13. You two plan this out?
  14. Please note that my post didn't say anything about whether I thought the Bills fielded a playoff caliber team this year.
  15. For everyone saying the Bills aren't a playoff caliber team because they didn't make the playoffs, do you not understand the distinction? Or do you think that there is only one "championship caliber" team every year?
  16. Do you really think it's going to be enough that you can justify calling such a low-ranked defense "stout"?
  17. I'm sure you could do it on other boards too, but you've certainly managed to pull it off here.
  18. Danny Crossman is crying right now but doesn't understand why.
  19. I love following the nfl.com feed, sometimes they get things wrong in amusing ways... like they showed the blocked punt being recovered by Sheldon Richardson and returned 100 yards for a TD. But then they awarded the extra point to the Bills, so it was showing as 18-9.
  20. That's where you just lie there like a turd?
  21. Ha ha, the guy gets injured a lot, let's make fun of him!
  22. There are 2 components to delay of game - one, there is no play at all, so no result, good or bad, counts, and two, the offending team gets a five-yard penalty. It's inaccurate to say it can't be declined - it's more accurate to say that the play was aborted when the penalty was called, so nothing actually happened. In the case of the punting situation, the punting team isn't trying to run a play, so the first part of it doesn't matter.
  23. So it's not ok. What then? And, well, why exactly should my standard as a fan be high? I don't have any power over the team.
  24. I answered Orton for several reasons. Beyond the obvious, that they are still in the mix for a playoff spot and will likely continue to be, they have a big decision coming up at the end of the year as far as how much to pay to extend his contract. The only way you put Manuel back in is if the wheels really come off.
  25. I think you misread. You guys are saying the same thing.
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