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Posts posted by MRW

  1. Players are paid to do whatever it is their contract says they need to do. That certainly isn't just playing football. And no, answering 'yeah' to every question is dumb. He's just trying to circumvent the rules. The NFL requires the players to do interviews for the FANS. He should either give the fans what they want, pay his fines, or go play somewhere else where he doesn't have to give interviews.

    I'm a fan and I'd be perfectly happy leaving it up to the players if they want to participate in media sessions or not. You're not going to convince me that the FANS give a crap about a guy standing up there and spouting off a bunch of cliches.

  2. I'd love to see a clause where any team under .500 cannot advance into the playoffs. Therefore, that division does not send a team to the playoffs and the next wildcard team assumes the lowest rank while the highest wildcard team earns home field in wildcard weekend.


    I know it's only happened twice in NFL history, but I find it ridiculous a below .500 team has a legitimate shot at the title.

    If this is really an issue (which it isn't), a better solution is switching to 8-team divisions, with 4 wild cards per conference. On the other hand, your solution is unnecessarily complicated, so I could see why the NFL might go for it.

  3. And for billsfan1959?


    Here's one of he "usual D-bags" to which I refer.


    Kelly is still butthurt from PPP, and the performance of "his man", so he never shows up there anymore. Instead, he chases me around this board throwing bombs whenever he can.


    Unfortunately for him, and fortunately for me, his behavior is so transparent(= why he got smoked so often at PPP, and doesn't have the sack to go back for more, cause he knows what awaits him) it's hilarious.


    I believe doing whatever is necessary to keep the nonsense, in this case TMZ/fact-free/planted stories, to a minimum. I perform the same function here as I do elsewhere, unless I am hammered. Then unfortunately I am sometimes the source of nonsense.


    But, just like Jerry Sullivan, I reserve the right to F around whenever I damn well please. Doubly so when it annoys the Kellys of this board.

    Are you hammered right now?

  4. I don't see Carolina advancing as affecting the debate one way or another, except maybe being another nail in the coffin of the idea that a mediocre division winner doesn't "deserve" a playoff spot.


    As far as playoff expansion, I think it would be a big mistake. 12/32 teams in the playoffs is a pretty generous percentage already, and expanding more (especially to 8 per conference) would just be ridiculous.

  5. This media, is not the NYC media. Similar doesn't mean the same. They haven't earned that status. Marrone going to the Jets(and please, I don't care, so don't bother telling me about it), and dealing with that media? Yeah, those guys are the NFL of media. Buffalo has pissants pretending to be those guys.


    There is a difference, and any HC can look at the Buffalo News, which is essentially a non-profit/money-losing organization and say "Come on, who the F do you think you are, acting like you're Tony Reale? You ain't him, so spare me the antics. You don't work for the Dallas Morning News, so let's not get to big for our britches, mmkay? Those guys win awards. You ain't schit."


    I hardly think any NFL coach is going to sign up to take the, again, disproportionate crap after the first winning season in 10 years(and spare me the excuses, "you are what your record says you are" has been the standard for this board, forever) offered by this band of never-bes.

    Hey man, if you think the Buffalo media is crap, I'm right there with you. I'd have a lot more respect for Marrone if he just said that and ignored them. But saying that he quit because of them is really giving them a level of influence that, frankly, they don't merit. And it really makes Marrone look weak.

  6. How is taking anything a moron has to say "to heart" an example of anything other than idiocy? :wacko: Marrone didn't have to take anything "to heart", he could simply have scoffed at it, and made the choice to leave, because none of this is worth his time.


    Strength? Buddy, I am a consultant, which means I routinely have to listen to some moronic things from time to time. That does require strength. However, it also means that I can and have fired clients when I decided there were more trouble than they were worth, and our time is better spent elsewhere. That also requires strength.


    I can name names in the Buffalo media who have demonstrated their status as morons on multiple occasions, and are more trouble than they are worth. You want a list? I can post it.


    Walking away from morons/an untenable situation, never constitutes walking away from "a challenge". Especially when there are other "challenges" out there that either don't include dealing with morons, or, let's be realisitic here, mean dealing with significantly less morons.

    But if Marrone is going to stay an NFL coach, where do you think he's going to go that won't have similar people? I mean, it's fine by me if he said "Life's too short to deal with these idiots" and just retired, but if he really left Buffalo because he doesn't like dealing with the media, he's delusional.

  7. Reich has labored for several years as a positional coach. You have to ask yourself why? He isn't a young up & comer, he's a guy who's been coaching for many years. Why did it take him so long to get an OC gig? Was it wrong place wrong time? Was it that he didn't show an aptitude for it? Was it something else? We can't answer those questions. What each of us can answer is whether one season as the SD OC is enough for the Bills to gamble on. For me the answer is no.

    Reich has 6 seasons coaching prior to becoming an OC. That doesn't strike me as a particularly lengthy amount of time working his way up the ranks. I'm not sold on him as a real candidate given the results this year and the lack of coordinator experience so far, but his 6 years as a positional coach don't scare me.

  8. 10. I will always wonder whether Marrone played Orton in the last game to try to get his win total higher. Maybe his interests were aligned with what was good for the Bills overall, but you do need to question his motivations about this and maybe other things as well.

    Just about any coach would've played the guy they thought would get the win in that scenario. I don't think you need to assume anything nefarious. Further, I think this idea that trotting Manuel out there after not playing most of the season would be in the best interest of the Bills or of Manuel himself is just wrong-headed.

  9. Not a major commitment, but Id have been willing to figure out a way to do so, as long as some of my demands were met as well. Again, I know that assumes Marrone would be willing to make those concessions. But I also would have been willing to make it worth it to him.


    I dunno. Guess we gotta see what Pegula has in store. Right now, jury is out here. Is this a new direction? Or another Ralph in the making?


    They better come up with something much better than what we had.

    I'll be curious to see if any more info comes out about this whole thing, but it wouldn't surprise me if Hackett and the OL coach were major sticking points - either Marrone wanting extensions for them, or management demanding he replace them. Either way, if that's the case then I would back the Pegulas,


    As you say, it will all come down to the replacement. I think we can certainly do worse than Marrone, but there is also the possibility of doing far better.

  10. The only thing Im having a hard time understanding is how so many fans are behind this move, and the Pegulas, as if they just did something great.


    To me, it looks like a "Ralph is Cheap. Same Ol Bills" move where we couldnt figure out a way to keep the first coach to get us to a winning record in over a decade. I guess it takes two to tango, but we couldnt sway him with an offer like: "Replace OC and OL coach, and everyone on staff gets a new 3 year contract"?


    I hope Pegula has a plan that isnt just taking an easy road of bringing in retreads like Polian/Reich (read:LaFontaine/Nolan, Levy/Jauron).


    I dunno. If Marrone is *obviously* such a quitter than Im glad he is gone, but I dont like the way this is playing out so far.


    I cant think of anything that would be an *obvious* upgrade to Marrone outside of prying Gruden out of ESPN. And even that is shaky at best.

    A winning record is great, but does it really justify contract extensions across the board? The idea of a major commitment after a limited success just brings to mind Fitzpatrick and Jauron.


    And I was on board with keeping Marrone around and evaluating him at the end of his contract, but if this what he wants to do then fine by me. I hope he does go to the Jets.

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