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Everything posted by MRW

  1. Seems like an odd stat to get hyperfocused on.
  2. I suppose, but it really sounded like a more measured tone to me, and a recognition of the reality that nothing is guaranteed. He'll probably never be buds with Whaley but he may be over the immediate anger he felt.
  3. Nah, it would be another heartbreaking loss.
  4. A lot of people are brushing this off as just preseason, but it's important for us as fans to get into regular season form. If you can't get on board for complaining about an unjust outcome now, do you really think you can just turn that on when things count for real?
  5. That's an interesting point, but is any of that responsibility on Whaley? Or is this a situation where the marketing people screwed up and want to point the finger back at Whaley? If you, as an outsider, can identify players to avoid centering a campaign around, shouldn't they as well? Edit: And if the leak/complaint is coming from these marketing/PR people, I'd say that that's an indication that maybe we shouldn't be trusting them with information about moves the team's going to be making, until it's official.
  6. That is just a god-awful analogy.
  7. You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me.
  8. He was not drag racing, he was racing to get into drag.
  9. You gloss over the question of intent, but it's critical. Cheating is intentionally doing something against the rules of the game to gain an advantage or perceived advantage. Holding, jumping across the line early, pass interference, those aren't cheating - although in some cases, like when Seattle dares the officials to call them for contact, you might be able to make a case. But you're lumping together ordinary in-game infractions with extraordinary, largely out-of-game violations, and it's not clear why.
  10. You can't just say "to review" and then make up a bunch of positions and attribute them to the team's management.
  11. If the bolded were true, I'd agree with you. But I think you're significantly overestimating the chances of hitting on a mid-round qb pick.
  12. It helps that we didn't have a first round pick this year, but I guess it may not be enough to offset the general talent level. Maybe time to get rid of some guys?
  13. The bar for second rounders is being set pretty high.
  14. From what I see online he's 2 inches shorter and 15 pounds lighter than Darby, so I'm not sure how comparable they are.
  15. No fair peeking at the answers.
  16. I dunno, that's a lot of mileage on a thread. We might get a better return if we find a thread that is a bit older but hasn't been posted in as much.
  17. I'm not sure if you know just how funny this statement is to a Bills fan.
  18. Actually Jauron's pretty different, he got work as a DC but retired to take care of his wife. I think you're doing a disservice by comparing him to Marrone.
  19. What they do after the shorts come off is their private business.
  20. I think "dictating code" would be more along the lines of Pegula ordering that Jackson be played. I don't think stepping in to prevent him being cut in March is anywhere near that level of micromanagement.
  21. I'm a fan and I'd be perfectly happy leaving it up to the players if they want to participate in media sessions or not. You're not going to convince me that the FANS give a crap about a guy standing up there and spouting off a bunch of cliches.
  22. Yeah, a genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.
  23. I hear lots of things.
  24. If this is really an issue (which it isn't), a better solution is switching to 8-team divisions, with 4 wild cards per conference. On the other hand, your solution is unnecessarily complicated, so I could see why the NFL might go for it.
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