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Posts posted by MRW

  1. That defense was amazing. It's hilarious how some people tried to put it down to boost up Rex.


    I hate coaches losing jobs because it means your team failed. But Rex was given as good of pieces as any recent Bills coach.


    I'm really interested in seeing who Whaley gets. I think he is a very good young GM. Now, he needs to prove it by making a great hire. What's up David Shaw?


    I'd be excited to see Shaw but everything I've read from him indicates that he has no desire to leave the college ranks.

  2. After the 2009 season, someone in the Bills FO (cough, cough) let slip that Ralph Wilson would pay up to 10 mill per for the right head coach. After hearing that Mike Shanahan (who was already committed to the Redskins) Interviewed for the Job. It also got Bill Cowher to give a stealth interview in which he stated he would hire Chan Gailey as his OC, among other coaches. No way would RW pay that much but it gave an insight into the assistants Cowher would hire and Gailey ended up as the Bills head coach.


    This little snippet has no apparent connection to the rest of your comment, but just to set the record straight, Cowher declined interviewing for the HC spot (and therefore never said he would hire Gailey as OC), but recommended that the Bills consider Gailey for HC.

  3. I dont know why I bother.


    I appreciated it and thought you had some very good points.


    Item #2 in your disappointments section is weighing heavier and heavier for me and why I would rather see the Bills move on from Ryan. The continuity argument only works for me if there is some sign of improvement, and the defense is not any better in year 2 under Ryan. If they had even taken a step up to, say, #10-12, I could see it.


    So while I don't think 9-7 would be a crushing disappointment, I hope that management will make a realistic assessment of where the team stands, and ask if they have actually improved in any respect from a year ago, or are they just spinning their wheels. I think if you look at it in that way, the case for making a change is pretty strong.

  4. Coughlin's Giants teams were a mixed bag. The D lost a ton of talent during his last few years there, but those teams were also plagued by a lack of preparation, focus, and effort on Sundays. They flat out stopped listening to him during his last two seasons and it was apparent that the game had passed him by. As many have said, an advisory role would be fine but it would be very troubling if he were named HC, unless he assembles a young, lights-out staff.


    I remember seeing a lot of glaring clock and game management errors from him in his last couple of seasons as well.

  5. So.... honest question. At what point do we say that his unavailability (!) is a problem for the team ? Perhaps he plays against the Raiders in some limited capacity. But if he continues for the rest of the season by being partly available or not available at full health, what does the team do ? We had heard about the trainers and doctors in last offseason and yet here we are.

    Note that I am not accusing him of slacking off or being soft. All I am saying is that if his injuries are unlikely to have him at full strength for a season, is it worth keeping him in the hope he plays at some point of the season ? Or does the team take a long hard look at trading him in the offseason ? He is an immense talent but only when he is on the field and playing even at 80-90% strength. Not on the bench or on IR.


    Pretty drastic overreaction at this stage. He did not miss many games in his first two seasons.

  6. Does anyone think that if things continue to not got well for Mario this season, that his football career is done? He didn't get a ton of action from other teams when he was let go by Buffalo and there were rumors of him slacking and now this?


    I know it probably a huge stretch but he'd be getting very low offers money-wise, would he take them knowing how much he's already made?

    Would not surprise me one bit. It's not that he wouldn't attract any interest, but I don't think anyone is going to offer him a big enough payday to entice him. I don't see him playing somewhere for $4-5 mill (and even that would be a ridiculous overpayment for his production the last 2 years).


    Hmmmmm...so because I am a fan, that the erases the continuous mistakes our Trainers and Medical staff have made? Thanks for the input.


    Its hilarious how this board completely over exaggerates the most stupid things like Rex's joke on Edelman and tires to spin that as if we are somehow now under prepared for the game because of it. But when an entire department has been continuously inept you guys just ignore them because you don't know their names and they don't speak at a podium or play on gameday.


    How this board just completely ignores the utter incompetence of our medical and training staff is beyond me. Not to mention the more stupid posts where they assign Whaley the blame for their mistakes. Like how Whaley gets crap for drafting Shaq yet they completely ignore the facts that both the medical staff and Whaley both confirmed that our medical staff said nothing was concerning about the shoulder and he wouldn't miss time. Whaley based his decision on their opinion...They were wrong again, but Whaley gets the blame and the medical staff gets yet another complete pass on being wrong, inept, and a problem for this team.


    Its time to clean house in regards to the medical and training staff.


    Is Whaley completely powerless in this scenario? If he keeps getting bad information, isn't it his job to get better staff reporting to him? And if he doesn't, isn't he ultimately responsible for these failures?

  8. I have reservations about this "faster pace", whatever that means.


    In his 18 games (under Roman, anyway), TT has really struggled in two-minute offenses. Now I'm not saying the fast pace will be of the hurry-up variety, but if one of TT's complaints has been not getting plays in fast enough and thus not having enough time to survey the defense pre-snap, I'm not sure the faster pace best serves him. He seems to need more time pre snap. This concerns me because in order to compensate for that lack of time, TT is going to have to go to his first reads even more than he does now because I don't think he'll be good at post snap recognition given what I've seen of his pre snap management to date.


    Hope I'm wrong.

    That's a good point. However - with the way this season has gone so far - if TT is unable to handle the faster pace, I'd just as soon see it revealed as plainly as possible in the remaining games. Because I would consider that a fundamental skill that any QB the team is going to commit to long term will need to have. It may well be a fiasco but I'd rather see that than pay him like a star at the position only to find out that he isn't up to the task.

  9. I don't think the national media is looking to make up stories about the Bills. I think the stuff about the pressure on the front office and Rex has been reported by too many to be entirely inaccurate.


    I don't believe there's an ultimatum. That doesn't mean the Pegulas have made an open-ended promise to keep Rex and Whaley on board no matter what the results are. If the wheels really come off I'd expect them to come under serious scrutiny. But "don't go 3-13, or else" isn't much of an ultimatum.

  10. I don't know if Gilmore would or would not get us a first round pick in a trade. That said, I for one would rather see the Bills get a first for Gilmore than see him signed to a huge guaranteed contract that would hurt us badly in terms of cap space. This of course is jmo.


    At this point, it may be in the Bills interest to concentrate on offense. They need blockers and another receiver, but there IS talent there. The defense will probably suck under any conditions as long as Rex is running it, and he probably has little say on the offensive side, so their best hope to win might be as an offensive juggernaut.


    The above is surely not my favorite brand of football but with Rex as coach, options and chances are surely limited.


    If they don't shell out money for Gilmore they're just going to use another top pick to replace him. So which is worse in your view?

  11. This thread is as predictable as the Michael Sam threads. There are basically four responses: those expressing great pride and satisfaction in this perceived monumental moment, those taking the positive side of the "all that matters to me is if she can do the job" bit, it's negative counterpoint "I don't give a **** unless she can do the job (I think those calling it a publicity stunt fall loosely under here), and then the sanctimonious white nights decrying all the "misogyny" in the thread.


    I think the guy who gets uncomfortable with ovulation jokes may be the one who needs to reevaluate his maturity level.


    Interesting. I see you've chosen to completely ignore one type of response in your analysis although it's made up a sizable number of the replies.

  12. Wade Phillips is a heckuva D-coordinator. I remember one week when he was here (must have been the 90s), we lost a bunch of LBs. In one week he switched the team from 3-4 to 4-3 and we won the game - and dominated. Impressive as hell.


    Hard to believe that he was out of the NFL for a year when he was actively looking for a job.

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