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Everything posted by Luxy312

  1. Because they're not solely responsible for stopping the run. Biggest flaw in the Bills defense last year was the linebackers. They couldn't stop anyone from running the football. Dareus is a big reason why despite a very very slow start that Mario Williams ended the season with 11.5 sacks. Williams and Dareus are clearly not at the level of under perform that we've seen at other positions.
  2. We beat the Patriots in the opening game of the season in 2003 (provided you're not talking about the home opener) and went on to a 6-10 season. The longest regular season win streak is by the Colts in 2008-2009 and is only 23 games. Not sure what you're thinking of, but just thought I would give you heads up. I actually don't recall a significant run like that. Last two home openers I remember with the Pats was 94 and 96 and neither went very long before taking a loss.
  3. Basic statistics. Can't really beat that. Don't disagree at all. I'm optimistic, just not "I'm with stupid" optimistic.
  4. I don't see any greater evidence that Kolb is ready. He got benched in favor of a 5th round draft pick. Your argument goes in circles all by itself. LOL.
  5. Really? If you can't provide the name of the program and it's just hypothetical, please let me know who on the NFL payroll helped get the Mars Rover into space and performing tasks on the planet surface. I'm waiting...
  6. So on any given Sunday over the last 10 years, the Bills are 10/90 if you're doing math. Definitely not 50/50, and certainly not 50/50 for the opener by any reasonable man's standard.
  7. So who at NASA exactly is working for the NFL and why would that be more important? Sorry, but you're dumbing it down more and more with every comment bud. As Codemonkey said, there's only one way to make it fair. No bye weeks and no Thursday, Monday football. I'm sure the fans would go for that. Until then, the schedule harpies can just continue to cry in their cheerios.
  8. Exactly on point and exactly what I've been saying. Now you're speculating even more on what's possible. Nice thought, but doesn't pass the smell test.
  9. Very good point and a very good add to the list. We go out and pay this guy to be a multi-functional asset and then he mostly just rides the pine. That definitely doesn't make any sense to me. I hereby change my vote to Brad Smith. LOL.
  10. I do understand. I just asked him for the name of the program (which he said exists) that would allow the NFL to factor all of the things that they need to into scheduling. It's a fair question and a simple one. What's the name of the software package that can do this? I'm guessing that the NFL looks at a lot more than any program he could possibly be talking about. Simple question that has a simple answer. Wow. You seriously need to look at the economics of the NFL. It's not just about "making money" but maximizing the opportunity to do so. As I said before, you don't take two teams that were 2-14 the year before and put them against each other on MNF. Extremely idiotic business decision to do so. The NFL (and appropriately so I might add) schedules to maximize revenue and at the same time meet the terms and conditions of the agreement with the NFLPA.
  11. Go back and read it again. Not saying it's a conspiracy, but just the opposite. I'm saying live with the schedule and stop whining about it as fans before the season even starts. You (among others) are the ones moping in the thread yelling "it's not fair...it's not fair". I'm saying it is and for many reasons.
  12. That wasn't the point. The point is that teams get more or less favorable schedules for a number of reasons. The goal of the NFL is NOT to make the schedules equal. It's impossible and stupid to argue about. Open to ANYONE that wants to answer, how do you equalize strength of schedule differences, which can be massive? You can't. Too many factors, just like the NFL scheduling team games.
  13. Believe what you want. Done trying to convince you that it's not some conspiracy theory against just one team. There's plenty of reasons why and it's not going to change because fans or one writer gets their panties in a bunch over it. Speaking of conspiracy theories, are you still looking for Jimmy Hoffa too? Time to put it to rest.
  14. I'll laugh my way all the way home tonight on this comment. The Patriots are a 7.5 point favorite right now. That is FAR from a 50-50 shot. As another poster said as well, they've won 2 games in 10 years against this team. It sucks, but it's true. I hope they win ALA the Drew Bledsoe debut way back when, but I wouldn't bet on it. If anyone truly believes that it's a 50-50 shot, then you should be taking the Bills straight up in Vegas with some coin on it. Not me.
  15. What's the name of the program? As far as I've read, the NFL does take into account revenue, viewership expectations, advertising revenue, etc., when making these considerations. It is not simply a "how fair of a schedule can we make" question. Nor should it be. Business is business. The Bills put a **** product on the field for the last 13 years. Why shouldn't they be relegated to less attractive play times? They need to earn their way out of it.
  16. IMO, it's EJ's job to lose and not Kolb's job to win. I think if EJ shows that he understands the playbook and gets some of his footwork issues worked out, that he will be the week 1 guy. If he doesn't or stumbles through camp and the preseason, then I think Kolb will clearly be the starter in week 1. Now this question doesn't speak to down the road of course. Let's say Kolb wins the first 4/5 games of the season. Would the coaching staff make a switch? Doubtful. EJ at that point could be holding the clip board until at least the end of the year, ala that "decent" QB in Green Bay. LOL.
  17. I'm just glad Travis Henry isn't still with us. He would never see the locker room, much less the field.
  18. Exactly. Are you old enough to remember all the late bye's the 90's superbowl teams had? They were dinged up and got an extra week to heal and make a playoff push. How can that not be good for a Buffalo team that sends half their guys to the emergency room every season? LOL. Not the same thing. There is NO SUCH THING as an equal schedule in the NFL. It doesn't and will never exist. So whining about your schedule and trying to equate it to racial rights is pretty ridiculous. PS - the 90's Bills teams had multiple MNF games when they were winning football games and generally a TV friendly schedule.
  19. Tough to answer. For any over/under rated question, you have to start with the question of where they're rated. Otherwise, you're just throwing one opinion out there without a point of reference. I'll do a couple below: Jerry Hughes. OK, we traded for this guy and are paying him, so I assume that he's penciled in as the starter. 40 tackles and 4 sacks doesn't sound like starting material to me, so I think he's over rated. Even if he has the 70 tackle totals of his first two seasons in the NFL, that doesn't measure to a starter for me. Manny Lawson. Just like Hughes, his numbers were underwhelming last season. He was even less productive than Hughes due to injury, and now is supposed to be our weak side starter. Our linebackers have been laughable at best for a long long time. Given the fact that these guys are supposed to represent an improvement over Nick Barnett and Kelvin Sheppard, I would say they're both significantly over rated. If anything, it looks like (but for the potential of Alonso), that we're in for more of the same at linebacker this year. That's a failure in my mind. In terms of Mario Williams, he put up 11.5 sacks last year with a bum arm. Do we so easily forget that Bruce Smith only had 12-14 a season during most of his best years? Mario had the quietest 11.5 sack season that I can ever remember. I'm also not sure why Easley would even be an option. What's the expectation or rating of a guy that hasn't taken the field in his career? None for me.
  20. This is almost pure unadulterated whining. Let's start with some simple facts and work from there. Fact #1 - The NFL is in business to make a profit. If I'm in business to actually make money and I have to schedule teams on Sunday or Monday night, I'm picking teams right now that I expect to be contenders down the road, and that have a decent draw from a fan perspective. Do fans want to see playoff teams from last year or watch the Bills take on Cleveland? Pretty simple there. Some aspect of scheduling is about money, no doubt. Fact #2 - Every teams' schedule in terms of who they're playing at home and on the road is known before they decide who is playing and in what week. Making an NFL schedule that now accommodates more games being played that are not on Sunday than ever is extremely complicated. To make it work, some teams are going to get a little schedule advantage over others. It's not any different than evaluating strength of schedule and crying about that too. Fact #3 - The article completely ignores the late bye week advantage. Early BYE weeks are hardly an advantage when teams have barely suffered injuries of note. A week 12 BYE is a good spot. The Jets and Patriots are week 10, which is also decent, but the fish have theirs in week 6. None the less, the writer suggests an intentional "slight" that really can't be proven at all. Fact #4 - The Bills essentially gave themselves and EXTRA road game in having one in Toronto every year. That was by choice. How much does that come into play? See our record there so far for the answer. The simple conclusion I come to as a fan is that we need to get over it. If this team starts winning, we're not going to care all that much. It's almost as if we're looking for excuses as fans of why this season won't provide us with any excitement or won't be fun to watch. Hey, has anyone looked at the weather forecast for December? It's not going to be good news for football, and we should probably consider canceling the season right now before it's too late. LOL.
  21. Simply put, she doesn't have the authority to put him in jail for the tap or courtroom disruption. She had the authority to put him in jail for violating probation and could have done so to the tune of a year. He got a month. End of story. Should have gotten time for the original crime anyway (domestic violence). You're assuming that one thing is 100% related to the other. Media tells you that's what he got time for, and you just eat it up like candy. I've seen a judge add time to a sentence after an initial sentence is given for someone flipping them off. Stupidity is not an excuse and part of that I would put on his attorney. A courtroom is not a playground. Once a sentence is passed down, there's nothing else a judge usually says, so I'm not really surprised from a procedural perspective.
  22. It's not a lot of money folks. I filed a claim and it turned out to be about $8 at the end of the day. Almost not even worth filing the claim.
  23. While it's true that the plea bargain was worked out between the attorneys, it always needs to be approved by the judge. That's the point here. Attorneys are merely advocates and nothing more. The judge takes into account statements from both sides and enters a judgement. He plead no contest to domestic violence previously, which carries a sentence of up to a year. This plea bargain sought to keep him out of prison. He originally plead no contest to domestic battery. He took a deal to avoid jail time then and got 12 months probation instead of jail (which he should have gotten then IMO). Maybe it's just my opinion, but I think if you do the crime that you should be guaranteed doing the time. In this case, he ultimately ends up with a little slap on the wrist for hitting a woman. Pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.
  24. As I said before, I significantly disagree. He could have gotten up to a 1 year sentence and he got 30 days when CJ's attorney was asking for 0. She didn't split the difference or give him the maximum. People have gotten 30 days in jail for flipping off a police officer. That's over reaching. His penalty was NOT because of the butt slap, but for probation violation on a domestic violence case involving his then wife. Like many, you're just not understanding what the penalty was for and trying to attribute one to the other.
  25. And he could have politely said "yes". Instead he butt slaps his attorney. Not appropriate behavior for the courtroom. It doesn't matter what the judge asks you. You don't treat it like a game. His fault.
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