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Everything posted by WVUFootball29

  1. Wrong, Jamestown is outside the 35 mile FCC blackout range, we will get the Erie feed of the game. Unfortunately for myfriends in Fredonia and Silver Creek, you guys aren't so lucky. You're too close to Buffalo and fall under the blackout.
  2. -10...I don't typically bet against double digits in the NFL
  3. Maybe I should have bet Dallas this week
  4. The only problem here is that the CBS feed from Erie will NOT be in HD as TW has CBS Sportsnet in place of WIVB on the HD line. I hope there is a way around this and they can switch to the Erie HD feed, but I don't know if the techs have the time or bandwidth to make the switch before tomorrow
  5. Hey to all you Jamestowners, Just talked to my mom who works for TWC here in town and she said that TWC lawyers have found a way for Jamestown to use WSEE's CBS feed for the game this weekend since WIVB is no longer available to use thanks to LIN TV. Unfortunately, at the moment we don't have an HD feed for this CBS affiliate and I don't know if we'll have one by Sunday. But atleast we'll get to see the game.
  6. Confident enough to flush without a plunger?
  7. Well at least he didn't start the office on fire
  8. Well, I've been shopping on Columbia House looking at Blu-Ray releases and I keep finding all these movies that I have on DVD that I would prefer to have on Blu-Ray now. Does anyone know of any trade in programs or persons looking for DVD movies? Eventually I want my collection to be mainly of Blu-Ray, but I can't justify spending money on movies I already have unless I can find a way to unload some of them to cover costs.
  9. Bills and the Eagles in the Super Bowl...interesting pick to say the least. I was thinking Manning vs. Manning, but that doesn't look like a possibility this year the way the colts are playing
  10. Outside of Jerry Jones and George Steinbrenner how many owners are viewed as big spenders by their current fans?
  11. Sad thing is an ACL tear has much more profound impact on a LB than a broken arm. Hopefully this doesnt slow him down too much as the kid has a tremendous amount of talent. I would have loved to see Connor and Poz in Buffalo together, but it wasn't in the cards
  12. Was that necessary? anytime someone posts one of those threads I get stuck laughing for half an hour and forget what i was working on
  13. Maybe Kif wants out since Al apparently wants him gone anyways. Seriously though, it really didn't make any sense. I'm wondering if they were arrogant enough to think Lindell would miss again?
  14. Meg, who let you back in the house?
  15. Forecast today: Partly cloudy with a chance of golden showers
  16. Agreed. Solid player, maybe not a starter in most other systems, but seems to fit Fewell's version of the cover 2 nicely. I think he'll do just fine
  17. the smoke almost looks photoshopped to me. Still awe-inspiring, just not in a good way.
  18. Good pick on Embassy, nice hotel there too...forgot about that one. Hope you have a blast when you come in
  19. I'm glad Marcus isn't going to get fined....considering it was Bernard to hit him
  20. Still, his poor performances in the cold, or the rain, or the snow are concerning when your team lives in the weather twilight zone that is Western NY
  21. Yeah drugs will do that to a man
  22. I meant the one on the American side. If you do stay in Canada, I'll suggest the Hilton or Marriott, both are great hotels and probably the cleanest in the area
  23. the canadian side has more to do, especially for the kids....but the rooms are a lot more expensive when you add in all the taxes compared to the american side. The seneca niagara has really nice rooms for a decent price, but everything is a little bit more of a walk. Like mentioned earlier, the hampton and the crowne plaza are both really nice as well.
  24. I was kinda hoping that Gaddis would make a return to the practice squad...I thought he was an improvement over Preston. Oh well, I wish him well with the Browns
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